
Implementing Sustainability as a Business Strategy

Dd45 Ba67


Paula Marchis

Paula Marchis

Mahafarid Jamatipour

Mahafarid Jamatipour


Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping International Business School


Guenola Nonet

Guenola Nonet

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Almi supports entrepreneurs' innovative start ups. They finance SMEs and help them have better environmental and or societal impact by creating a sustainability plan that will contribute to a better sustainable world. Their plans emphasize:

  • Sustainability
  • Triple bottom line
  • Innovation


Entrepreneurs may have brilliant business ideas but no assets and little guidance to begin or to make their vision a reality. This is where Almi comes in. Whether through guidance or loans, Almi exists to help customers grow and innovations blossom.

The company helps their customers make their ideas reality and potentially contribute to a better society.

Implementing Sustainability as a Business Strategy


CEO, Carl Nyström, shared with us some of his sources of inspiration. One of them was a former leader. What he liked about her is that she was good at providing feedback and seeing which positive sides of things that others overlooked. It had a big impact on him.

Carl also was inspired a many of his colleagues at Almi. In his career, he has gone on to inspire others as he was once inspired. "I like to self reflect a lot over my actions and my own thoughts, to assess what is required from me. An active dialogue with oneself is important."

Overall impact

The overall impact that this company is that they facilitate their clients development and spreading innovative business ideas. Through their advising of different companies they contribute to those companies growth and positive impact in society. A focus on sustainability is Almis' leverage; by establishing sustainability thinking in their client’s companies in early stages, they make it such that these companies can spread sustainability in their own way.

Almi is contributing to a successful future for both its clients and the world. It is helping businesses with different resources flourish by embracing sustainable business practices, thereby helping the global community flourish as well.

Business benefit

"At Almi we help our employees to have a better and much more improved workplace. This can affect the motivation in a positive way and also get more engaged employees, which benefits the business in the company. By having a new and more creative working place, the employees can develop a positive attitude and a better culture."

Social and environmental benefit

The social and environmental benefits of this company are huge. Almi supports entrepreneurs' innovation towards sustainability. By financing and advising different SMEs, they can make an impact by together creating a sustainability plan that will contribute to a better sustainable world.

There are several environmental benefits that Almi can contribute to. All employees at the company engage in sustainability thinking. This contributes to a higher level of understanding and awareness that helps in achieving small and large positive impacts.

The employees are becoming more interested in using more eco-friendly transportation; some are walking to work and so on. Be the change you want to see in the world.


Carl Nyström, CEO

Photo of interviewee


Jönköping, SE
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1994
Number of Employees: 501 to 1000

Businesses are contributing to society by embedding sustainability as a part into their business strategy. It all begins with innovation and the willingness to make a change. The organization Almi thrives to help innovating companies grow and expand through loans, counseling, and helping to craft their business model.