Nebulark Projects

Iluminación Para Todos - Lighting For All



Hugo Astorga

Hugo Astorga



Iván Carlo Aguirre

Iván Carlo Aguirre


Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla


Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 13. Climate Action

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NEBULARK is a family business founded in 2005, specialized in interior and exterior lighting design. Later, in 2008, they included the automation and security service to create a company that has integration and lighting systems for greater comfort, security and energy savings.

Currently, they are working on a business line specifically dedicated to developing a technology that helps the client to save energy consumption and, at the same time, have a pleasant space through a custom lighting design, also integrating automation and engineering. This technology is developed by the company and engineering students from the Universidad Veracruzana, allocating part of the patent’s profits to scholarships for developer engineers and the faculties where they come from.

The company has offices in the city of Xalapa and in Veracruz City, with a presence in the city of Puebla, Mexico City, Cancun and Cuernavaca. The company has a 35 employee headcount, with two Strategic Partners and a plan to hire one Sales Agent for each city where Nebulark is located.

The business has grown due to the high demand of customers who require automated spaces that facilitate interaction with their environment and want to give added value to their homes or businesses, since through the implementation of these services, the price of a property can go up, or the businesses become more attractive for their customers perspective, achieved by technology developed by students, so clients feel satisfied to promote Mexican talent.


The lighting design of spaces is a service that the company provides, and to this day, they have developed projects for private houses, hotels, shopping centers and public spaces.

Among the types of lighting that the company uses, there are eight options: natural light (goes hand in hand with architectural design), environmental light, decorative light, general light, functional light, focused light, showroom light and kinetic light. Each of them contributes a determining factor in interior and exterior lighting.

The partners realized that lighting is the most essential element in the decoration of homes, public and private spaces both inside and outside. Thanks to lighting, different spaces can be created and transformed.

NEBULARK, thinking on these needs, developed an energy storage source that allows the user to occupy half a KW per hour, providing a perfect environment and saving electricity.

Iluminación Para Todos - Lighting For All


It all started with an idea from one of the partners when he realized that a more pleasant environment was needed in the spaces he visited, so he began to generate ideas with the help of lighting. This innovation was developed by students who later on presented the project to national conferences and international companies, besides of the economic benefits obtained by the technology they innovated. “Little by little, we develop techniques with the help of courses and specialization with experts to be able to use light as part of visual comfort,” says Luis Eduardo Domínguez.

Nowadays, the requests for lighting and automation of spaces are generating a trend in the country, so for NEBULARK it is an opportunity for its expansion throughout the Mexican Republic, which is a strategic objective that the company has.

Likewise, automation services are becoming more frequent in people's lives, and if we add to this that NEBULARK offers both personalized services for the needs of each client, and work with the highest quality standards supervised by experts, it becomes in a unique and highly profitable company in Mexico.

In actuality, there is no formal company dedicated to the design of lighting spaces and automation in the country, so NEBULARK has a very high competitive advantage in this area; likewise, the recommendations of satisfied customers have made the company a huge success in the 15 years it has been in operation.

Overall impact

NEBULARK clients have at their disposal advanced technology at reasonable prices that allow them to save electricity consumption. At the same time, the company is seeking to patent its technology to use the profits obtained for more scholarships for Mexican engineers.

Why is energy saving innovation important?

Saving electrical energy is a fundamental element for the use of energy resources; saving means fuel consumption decrease during electric power generation, avoiding the emission of polluting gases into the atmosphere.

Mexico has a large number of energy sources. Here, most of the electricity generation is carried out through oil, coal and natural gas, with a significant impact on the environment by depending on non-renewable resources, such as fossil fuels.

NEBULARK saw this problem and made available to Mexicans an alternative of moderate use of electricity in homes, businesses and public spaces, without neglecting the incredible design of highly stylized environments using lighting.

Although many see it differently, saving electrical energy is a fundamental element for the use of energy resources, this allows to the use of electrical appliances to be optimized and increase their useful life. By saving energy, the large consumption of fuel required to generate electricity is reduced; and NEBULARK is avoiding the emission of gases that pollute the atmosphere.

Business benefit

When NEBULARK commercialized its new electricity-saving technology, they began to have higher income, experiencing an income growth between 2020 and 2019 of 9.5 million Mexican pesos, with a gross monthly profit margin of circa 44% of income. Which makes the company highly profitable and attractive to potential investors.

The company has a staff of 35 employees and 2 Strategic Partners, the latter who are in charge of searching for new clients, quotations, project closing, and supervising marketing, design, and so on.

Additionally, the innovation team opens spaces to hardworking students, allowing the company to promote their talent to its clients.

As the technology helps the client and provides a comfortable and stylish space at a good price, the company quickly applies to be a leader in the lighting sector, having as a competitive advantage that only two companies in Mexico make themselves available.

The short-term effect of the innovation of NEBULARK is to attract new customers who want to save energy within their homes or businesses, which is beneficial for the environment and the pocket of buyers, as well as for students who constantly develop improvements in this technology.

The long-term effect of this innovation for the company is that they will be pioneers in being socially responsible by implementing technology that helps reduce consumption while seeking lighting design that is attractive to the eye.

Social and environmental benefit

"The main challenge for Nebulark is to become an organization, which has perfectly defined the tasks, as well as responsibilities, of each person within the company; only in this way can we achieve the objectives we set," says Luis Eduardo Domínguez. "The idea is to continue opening the market in major cities in the country. But to make this work, it is necessary to be organized and for everyone to be very clear about their role within the company, making the employees see that they are fundamental in the business."

Another important aspect of the current innovation at NEBULARK, in addition to saving energy, is that it is caring for Mexican talent, and, in the words of the CEO, he is convinced that the young people must be retained in the country so that there won’t be leakage of talent in the future.

NEBULARK's technology makes customers' businesses more attractive since today it is essential to think about sustainability, because it not only helps their budget, but also the environment gets benefited while still looking like a well-lit space that can be different from competitors.

Finally, the CEO believes that as there will be future competition in the lighting sector, NEBULARK will have to innovate again to continue to have a competitive advantage in the market and will be forced to develop better lighting and savings technologies that exceed the current ones. That is why once again, the importance of young students staying in their country innovating for the whole world is a big deal.


Luis Eduardo Domínguez, Ing.

Business information

Nebulark Projects

Nebulark Projects

Puebla, Puebla, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2018
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Nebulark provides sustainable solutions regarding lighting, to architectural projects, interior and exterior design by implementing a fair, well-paid work scheme and supporting Mexican talent.