Seeing many fresh high schools or college graduates having trouble in getting a job in the agro-industry, Andre Dani Mawardhi started Risbuntara (The abbreviation of the company's name) to help both the company and the graduates meet their expectation by training these fresh graduates and prepare them for the industry. Risbuntara gives a quality education by having workshops or seminars delivered by many seasoned speakers who are experts in plantation and agro-industry. They also give career consultation/coaching for these students and help them to secure a job.
Andre Dani Mawardhi, the CEO of Risbuntara, has worked professionally as a trainer for one of the plantation company and he realized that many fresh graduates are not really qualified to support the work for the company needs. Andre built his business to help close the gap of supply and demand between the fresh graduates and the company. Risbuntara started in 2018 as a medium to share information about palm oil, but as it did not get any market, it started to give broader information about plantations and job openings. From these job openings, fresh graduates started to ask about the tips to get adequate knowledge and skill to be employed in the company. Risbuntara started opening workshops and offering seminars by experts in the agro-industry. To keep track of the participants of the workshops and seminars, Risbuntara gave a career consultation/coaching to help them secured a job. Even though Risbuntara is head-quartered in Bogor, West Java, the participants came from all over Indonesia.

Andre Dani Mawardhi started this business from his personal experience, in which he had trouble obtaining a job in the planting industry, and when he worked as a trainer and saw many fresh graduates for the company were not really ready for the industry. From these experiences, Andre tried to help the company to train especially a lot of fresh graduates to be really qualified and ready for the industry.
Overall impact
Many of the fresh graduates who participate in the workshops, seminars, and career consultation had landed a job in the agro-industry. From the feedbacks, it was discovered that Risbuntara helped a lot in the process by giving tips and tricks to prepare for the job in the industry.
Business benefit
Not many businesses give broad information about the industry, so it came up as a competitive advantage for Risbuntara. By keeping track of the participants who landed a job in the planting industry, helps to get more people to know about Risbuntara and served as a trust factor for the prospective participants. Other than that, the feedback by the participants also helps with the potential partnership deal with companies.
Social and environmental benefit
Risbuntara has helped many fresh graduates, who wanted to work in the agro-industry, to land a job. Either by sharing the job openings or by offering career consultation and training.
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Andre Dani Mawardhi,
Miselia Asterixa,
Admin Media Sosial

Business information
Risbuntara or PT Riset Perkebunan Nusantara
West Java,
Year Founded:
Number of Employees:
2 to 10
Risbuntara started as a medium to share information about palm oil and now serves as a trainer and giving career consultation for millennials who are keen to support the agro-industry and plantation business especially to the fresh graduates who have an interest in the palm plantation.