Plusambiente S.A

How the mining industry is becoming more environmentally conscious

Unknown 22


Ty McFadden

Ty McFadden

Walker Stoddart

Walker Stoddart

Nicolas Ibor Larrañaga

Nicolas Ibor Larrañaga

Tomas Cabrera

Tomas Cabrera


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra


Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Global Goals

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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Since Plusambiente S.A. was founded in 2009, they have been working together to create a better environment. Recently, the mining industry has taken off in Ecuador, which has caused a lot of land to be contaminated by things such as acid, heavy metal levels, and mining tailings. Plusambiente S.A. saw this potential environmental hazard and came up with an innovation to reduce it. Pluambiente S.A.'s innovation is the development of a polymer. This polymer helps successfully reduce acid, heavy metal levels, and mining tailings from these mining sites. Following this treatment, the tailings can be properly disposed of or used as valuable raw materials again. This has allowed the contaminated land caused by the mining industry to be used again for other purposes rather than being unusable. Plusambiente S.A.'s innovation helps solve two critical SDGs; sustainable cities and communities and life on land. The polymer is helping reduce the environmental impact of the mining industry on land which is then helping Ecuadorian cities be able to reuse that land for other things. Plusambiente S.A. is doing a lot to help battle the effects on the mining industry.


When asked about their innovation, Plusambiente S.A. stated “We are working with strategic partners here to develop some polymers to reduce the impact of these heavy mining industries.” The mining industry in Ecuador is taking a toll on the land, making some places unlivable and unusable. This polymer that Plusambiente S.A. is currently developing is to be used to effectively reduce levels of heavy metals and acids that are present in these mining waste materials. This will help them repurpose treated tailings as valuable raw materials and ensure environmentally responsible disposal. This innovation will help take the contaminated land from the mining industry into land that can be used again for many purposes. Plusambiente S.A’s innovation responds to two SDGs. The first SDG that their innovation responds to is sustainable cities and communities. The polymer that Plusambiente S.A. is developing is keeping cities clean by reducing the heavy metals and ensuring that the contaminated land can be reused. This ensures that cities in Ecuador can stay clean and will be liveable for the long term. Plusambiente S.A.’s innovation is also responding to life on land. As stated above, the mining industry is taking a toll on the land in Ecuador and making it unusable. With this innovation, land affected by the mining industry can be used again for things such as; continued mining, housing, businesses, or whatever they choose to do with it. As we see Plusambiente S.A.’s innovation keep developing and growing we will see it respond to even more SDGs. Pluambiente S.A.’s innovation is going a long way to help our world.

That is just one of the many projects that Plusambiente S.A. has accomplished to fulfill its innovation. In our interview with Plusambiente S.A., they referred to this next project they had completed as a “High point” in their company history. Plusambiente S.A. was subcontracted by an international company to work for the Ecuadorian state. Their job was to recover a mining area where drilling cuttings had been disposed of in an anti-technical manner. Through their work, they were able to recover the area and minimize the impact that it had had on the land. This was a high point for Plusambiente S.A. because they were able to fully recover the contaminated land and they learned that, through this project, they were able to fully recover land anywhere they wanted. This was a big step for Plusambiente S.A. and they have taken strides to continue to fully recover any contaminated land caused by mining.

The members of Plusambiente also stated in our interview, “In our industry, environmental services, we have so many angles to go for and that is the beauty of our industry”. This shows they are always looking for innovations and have the world at their fingertips when it comes to that. Throughout all of these projects that Plusambiente S.A. takes on every day, they continue to fulfill their innovation to create a cleaner environment and have reusable, noncontaminated land. Through their innovation, Plusambiente S.A. is creating a sustainable future for all mining companies in the Ecuador area for years to come.

How the mining industry is becoming more environmentally conscious


The inspiration for Plusambiente S.A.’s innovation came from the need to find a solution to reduce the volume of tailings generated from the mining process. When asked about how the innovation emerged, Plusambiente S.A. said, “We realized it was a big field we can actually work on,” and “We see the need for this product.” Pluambiente S.A. had seen that the waste materials that were used in the mining process were being disposed of in large pools and could not have been reduced without prior treatment, Plusambiente S.A. wanted to change that. Plusambiente S.A. saw the negative effects of climate change in our world today as an opportunity to do better. They wanted to assess the environmental impacts of climate change and find ways that other companies/businesses can reduce their carbon footprint, which will lead to a better climate. Plusambiente S.A.’s whole business is around helping the environment, so this innovation is nothing new to them, and they continue to find ways to help environmentally improve our world.

In our interview process, Plusambiente S.A. mentioned that the Central University of Ecuador shared the same inspiration as them and they reached an agreement to work together to kickstart this innovation. This inspiration was never going to be easy or even doable with only one company working on it, which is why Plusambiente S.A. and the Central University of Ecuador came together for this innovation. The technical staff from Plusambiente S.A. leads the research team for the innovation, but they are working together with the students who are involved in the research and development of the polymer.

Plusambiente S.A. is constantly looking at the question “How can we make our world better today?” and using that question as inspiration for future innovations.

Overall impact

Plusambiente S.A. has had an enormous impact on the world around us today. Plusambiente S.A. is ensuring that land contaminated by the mining industry does not stay that way and can be used again. Plusambiente S.A.’s three main objectives of environmental conservation, pollution prevention, and sustainable resource management are also reducing CO2 emissions and our carbon footprint. By doing this, they are creating a better environment while also helping local businesses.

In our interview, they said “By putting those things together (Business and clients) we can create a good business and create a good impact on the local ecosystem,” which shows what they truly stand for as a business.

They have also had an impact in other ways besides the environment. Plusambiente S.A. has created a positive brand image for themselves with all of the work that they do. Plusambiente S.A. is not entirely focused on the revenue it brings in or cutting certain, costs, they are focused on helping the environment, which has led to such a positive brand image. Plusambiente S.A. has also impacted the students at the Central Univeristy of Ecuador with the work that they have offered them. These students are getting the opportunity to work closely with a company that is a leading activist in helping the environment, something that doesn’t happen too often.

When we asked Plusambiente S.A. why they decided to take on this innovation they simply said, “We want to create a better world,” and that is what makes them so special.

Business benefit

Plusambiente S.A. not only contributes to environmental sustainability but also accumulates several business benefits through its waste management and recycling of renewable natural resources.

Firstly, Plusambiente S.A. is a leader in the environmental services sector which allows them to have a positive brand image. In an era where companies focus most or all of their priority on profits and cutting costs, Plusambiente S.A.'s commitment to a responsible environmental footprint enhances its reputation greatly. Consumers and stakeholders are increasingly prioritizing environmental initiatives which also continue to help company branding. This positive perception attracts environmentally conscious clients, partners, and investors which can help to create new business opportunities and partnerships.

Secondly, Plusambiente S.A. has optimized operational efficiency through advanced technologies like incineration when reducing waste volume and hazardousness. Minimizing the volume of waste allows for the company to reduce disposal costs thus leading to improved financial performance. Additionally, the recycling of renewable and nonrenewable resources such as heavy metals and acid leachate can help to attract new clients who are seeking eco-friendly solutions in the mining industry. This attraction of new clients can help to expand Plusambiente S.A. and effectively achieve its vision of being the first option in environmental services at the national level.

In conclusion, the business benefits for Plusambiente S.A. include enhanced brand value, cost optimization through waste reduction, and the opportunity for new business opportunities and partnerships. The company's goals for global sustainability allow the potential for long-term success in a market that needs environmental awareness.

Social and environmental benefit

Plusambiente S.A.'s commitment to waste reduction and hazardous waste revaluation signifies both environmental and social benefits. Thus, creating a better and more sustainable community through improved environmental conditions.

Firstly, the environmental impact includes the reduction of waste volume and hazardousness through incineration and their new polymer to treat the tailings that are generated through mining. These tailings are residues that are left over after the extraction of minerals. With this new polymer innovation, these tailings that have heavy metals and acid leachate will be mitigated to ensure environmental health. This will help to reduce the contamination of water sources and soil from these hazardous tailings. Furthermore, if these tailings are not reusable Plusambiente S.A. ensures that the disposal of these products will be environmentally responsible and legal.

Secondly, the social benefit through actively working and creating this polymer to treat these mining tailings they are addressing a major social issue of clean water and soil. This follows the sustainable cities and communities as well as the life on land SDG. Plusambiente S.A. follows these SDGs as the continued success of this innovation will lead to improved environmental conditions for the communities that are near these mining sites. This can help safeguard the health of the local populations that are near these contaminated sites. Moreover, the reusing of these tails for valuable materials can create opportunities for economic growth through the reduction of waste.


Diego Cespedes, Managing Partner

Claudia Alarcon, Manager

Photo of interviewee

Watch video on Vimeo

Watch video on Vimeo

Business information

Plusambiente S.A

Plusambiente S.A

Quito, EC
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2009
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Plusambiente S.A. is a leader in innovation in the environmental services industry, meeting regulatory and ecological needs to promote social welfare and sustainable development. The company's main priorities are pollution prevention and control, environmental education, and environmental conservation. One noteworthy initiative entails working with a strategic partner to develop a novel polymer. With the help of this polymer, acid and heavy metal levels in mining tailings would be successfully reduced. Following treatment, the tailings can be properly disposed of or used as valuable raw materials again.