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groerio soto

groerio soto

Sergio Herrera

Sergio Herrera

Luis Rodríguez Berra

Luis Rodríguez Berra


Universidad Anáhuac Puebla

Universidad Anáhuac Puebla


Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action

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Autos Rodriguez: Driving towards a sustainable future

At Autos Rodriguez, we don't just sell pre-owned cars, we also drive towards a greener future.

We reduce our carbon footprint: By offering pre-owned cars, we give a second life to vehicles that still have a lot to offer, thus reducing the need to produce new cars and minimizing the environmental impact.

We promote sustainable mobility: We provide reliable and affordable transportation options to people looking for greener alternatives to public transportation or new cars.

We support the local economy: We recycle and reuse old car parts, generating jobs and contributing to the economic development of our community.

Autos Rodriguez: Committed to sustainable mobility and responsible development.

Contributing to the UN SDGs:

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: We promote the use of sustainable transportation and contribute to the reduction of pollution in cities.

SDG 12: Responsible production and consumption: We promote the reuse and recycling of materials, reducing resource consumption and waste generation.

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth: We create jobs and contribute to the economic development of our community.


Innovation in the business of buying and selling pre-owned cars of Autos Rodriguez in the city of Puebla.

Autos Rodriguez, a family business with more than 50 years of experience in buying and selling pre-owned cars in Puebla.

Implementation of an ecological reconditioning program for its pre-owned vehicles.

The program was launched in 2022 and has been growing ever since.

At the two Autos Rodriguez branches in Puebla:

1508 Reforma Ave.

Blvd. Capitán Carlos Camacho Espíritu 10

The program consists of a series of measures to reduce the environmental impact of the pre-owned cars sold by Autos Rodriguez. These measures include:

Use of recycled and remanufactured parts.- Autos Rodriguez uses recycled and remanufactured parts whenever possible in the reconditioning process of its vehicles. This helps reduce the amount of waste going to landfills and conserve natural resources.

Use of environmentally friendly cleaning products.- Autos Rodriguez uses environmentally friendly cleaning products to clean and detail its pre-owned vehicles. This helps protect the environment and the health of its employees and customers.

Targeted and innovative solution.- Autos Rodriguez's green reconditioning program is a specific and innovative solution for the UN SDGs and a better world because:

It helps reduce air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. This contributes to combating climate change and protecting public health.

Conserve natural resources. This helps ensure that we have sufficient resources for future generations.

In addition to the environmental benefits, Autos Rodriguez's green refurbishment program also offers benefits to customers, such as:

More fuel-efficient vehicles. This means customers save money on gasoline.

More reliable vehicles. The recycled and remanufactured parts used in the reconditioning process are designed to last, which means customers can be confident that their vehicle will perform well for many years.

In conclusion, Autos Rodriguez's green reconditioning program is an innovative initiative that is helping to create a more sustainable future for Puebla and the world.



The director found inspiration in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), specifically in two of them: "Sustainable Cities and Communities" and "Responsible Consumption and Production".

Observing the needs of his community and aware of the environmental impact of the automotive sector, the director set out to innovate his business to contribute to the achievement of these goals. He began by rethinking the entire process, from the acquisition to the sale of pre-owned vehicles, with a focus on sustainability and social responsibility.

First, it implemented responsible purchasing practices, prioritizing the acquisition of vehicles with a lower carbon footprint and encouraging the reuse and recycling of parts and materials. This not only reduced the environmental impact of its business, but also contributed to the circular economy.

In addition, he established alliances with local suppliers that shared his vision of sustainability, thus promoting economic development in the region and strengthening ties with the community.

In terms of vehicle sales, the director took steps to encourage more responsible consumption among his customers, offering affordable financing options for more efficient vehicles and educating about the environmental and economic benefits of choosing sustainable options.

The director's innovation not only transformed his business, but also inspired other players in the automotive sector to follow his example, demonstrating that it is possible to combine business success with care for the environment and the well-being of the community.

Overall impact

Innovation in the pre-owned car dealership has had a significant overall impact in both the short and long term. In the short term, there has been an increase in environmental and social awareness among customers, as well as an improvement in the company's reputation and image in the community. These effects are reflected in an immediate increase in sales and customer retention, as well as greater employee satisfaction and commitment.

As the innovation consolidates and expands over time, the long-term effects become even more evident. A sustained reduction in the environmental footprint of the business is observed, as well as a cultural shift towards more sustainable practices throughout the regional automotive industry. This shift is reflected in a continued decrease in pollution and waste, as well as an increase in the adoption of more efficient and environmentally friendly vehicles.

Evidence of this impact is found in multiple indicators, such as steady growth in business revenue and profitability, improved customer and employee satisfaction ratings, and data on emissions and waste reduction. The innovation has generated a generally positive and sustainable impact in both the short and long term, benefiting the company, the community and the environment.

Business benefit

Buying and selling used cars in Puebla is good for the planet and the people because of the agency's new ideas. The company is contributing to help the environment by buying eco-friendly cars and recycling their parts and materials. In this way, they reduce air pollution and waste, and make the air cleaner and healthier for everyone. They also teach their customers to be more careful about what they buy and offer them ways to pay for greener cars. This environmental awareness is not just for our customers, but also affects others in the automotive industry and society as a whole. Befriending local suppliers is good for society, because it helps the local economy and makes the region greener. When a car dealership is innovative, it is not only good for their business, but also helps the environment and society by being more sustainable and responsible.

Social and environmental benefit

Our agency innovation benefits both society and the environment in several ways. First, by prioritizing the purchase of vehicles with a lower carbon footprint and encouraging the reuse and recycling of parts and materials, the business contributes directly to the reduction of air pollution and waste generation, resulting in a cleaner and healthier environment for the community.

In addition, by promoting responsible consumption among its customers and offering financing options for more efficient vehicles, the company is educating and empowering society to make decisions that will benefit the environment in the long term. This environmental awareness extends beyond direct customers, influencing other stakeholders in the automotive sector and society in general.

The creation of alliances with local suppliers also has a positive impact on society, as it strengthens the regional economy and promotes sustainable development at the local level. This translates into job creation and the promotion of economic opportunities for the community's inhabitants, thus contributing to overall socioeconomic well-being.

Innovation in the pre-owned car dealership not only benefits the business in terms of profitability and reputation, but also has a positive impact on society by fostering more sustainable and responsible practices, and on the environment by reducing pollution and promoting resource conservation.


José Luis Rodríguez, CEO

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Year Founded: 1960
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Autos Rodriguez de Puebla was founded in the 1960s by Mr. Hugo Rodriguez Muñoz's father, who started with a small used car dealership in the heart of the city of Puebla. His passion for cars and his honesty in dealing with customers made him a benchmark in the industry, gaining the loyalty of a broad customer base that trusted his experience and good judgment.

As time went by, the company grew and evolved, adapting to new technologies and market trends. Mr. José Luis Rodríguez, inheriting the passion for the family business and with an innovative vision, took the reins of the company in the 1990s. Under his leadership, Autos Rodriguez de Puebla consolidated its position as a leading used car dealer in Puebla, expanding its inventory, opening new stores and modernizing its operations.

Currently, Autos Rodriguez de Puebla has a large inventory of used cars of various makes, models and years, carefully selected and reviewed by a team of expert mechanics to ensure their good condition and operation. In addition, the company has its own mechanical workshop where repairs and preventive maintenance of vehicles is performed, ensuring customer satisfaction and giving them the peace of mind of having a reliable car.