Promess Inc.

Helping Machines Become Quicker and Healthier for our Environment

A138 3A36


Cassie Porta

Cassie Porta


Western Michigan University

Western Michigan University


Timothy Palmer

Timothy Palmer

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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The innovation created by Promess was making a machine that can measure forces directly. This is a useful technique to identify a product's quality. This innovation can detect if a product is defective allowing a firm to retool the product, thereby reducing defective goods that would become waste. The innovation has a positive impact on the environment and is a significant improvement over previous devices that relied on hydraulic systems to detect quality.


The innovation of measuring machine forces directly has a net positive impact on the business because it helps a manufacturer have fewer defects which in turn means less product waste. Fewer defects helps make their product state of the art for their customers who buy their sensing and test systems, and this also helps the environment because their innovation of their products is fully electric which replace older, less energy efficient hydraulic technologies. Hydraulic technology is worse because it uses gas, electric energy does not which makes it better for the environment. Also, with the machine detecting issues from the start, there is less overall waste resulting in a reduced carbon footprint.

Helping Machines Become Quicker and Healthier for our Environment


The inspiration for Promess is being sustainable while being different. The innovation they came up with was from wanting to give machines “feeling”. They invented a way of measuring machine forces directly from the machine and this has never been done before in this type of business before. This invention back in the day had commercial value and the new technology helps the manufacturing industry improve its quality of mass produced components while cutting down costs. It also saved their equipment from damaging itself since it can detect when the operation starts manufacturing differently than normal.

This company wanted to operate at higher volume automated operations. Promess wanted to stand out. They were founded under the term “In Process monitoring”. In a nutshell, this means their innovation can detect when a part is being manufactured differently than what is typical. This kind of sustainability operation was expensive for them in the short run but in the long run, saved the company time and money. This also helped with their carbon footprint because the machine time for their operations was cut about 25% due to this innovation.

Overall impact

“The impact of this innovation has provided steady growth for the 33 years the company has been in existence.” The steady business is from customers who are loyal, love the products and also love their innovations.

Locally, Promess has provided employment for many people, but on a larger scale, “the Promess team has invented and supplied technology to the manufacturing industry across the globe that has improved the quality and lowered the cost of all kinds of different products in the automotive, aerospace, medical and energy industries.” The impact of Promess' innovation on the environment is that their products are fully electric. Fully electric has replaced older less energy efficient hydraulic technologies. Electric is cleaner and safer for our environment. This is also a global company so these products are helping city environments all over the world.

Business benefit

“Our Customers, Employee, Vendor centric philosophy is what has grown the business and allowed Promess to have a positive effect on our employees' lives.” Promess believes that they benefited greatly from this innovation. “The way profit is made is by providing a value for your customer. The value of providing others with the technology to produce better quality lower cost products reduces costs for customers.” The value of the innovation has provided a benefit to Promess because their customers see that they are making their products at a high volume-low cost spectrum while also reducing their environmental impact.

Social and environmental benefit

The social benefit of Promess is that they are an equal opportunity workplace. In the interview, Hope stated: “the motivation or purpose of Promess is to make sure we treat people beyond being fairly treated because it is the right thing to.” I believe this quote really shows with their business. They thrive on being an equal opportunity work place (shown in the picture below) as well as helping as many customers as they can with their sustainable products.


Hope Hirth, Human Resource Manager

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Promess Inc.

Promess Inc.

Brighton, MI, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1984
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
Promess Inc. is a company that specializes in force torque monitoring applications. They quickly developed a worldwide reputation for supplying state-of-the-art “turnkey” sensing and test systems. They are a manufacturing company and I wanted to interview them because I feel manufacturing companies have the most opportunity with being sustainable and looking at ways to keep their processes moving and find ways to be quicker and more efficient.