MEBO International Group

Helping Humans and Conforming to the Laws of Life


Emily Dong

Emily Dong

Patrick Tracy

Patrick Tracy

William Blanco

William Blanco


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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MEBO International is an innovative company in the human body regeneration sciences field. It is a leading firm in providing new life science research benefiting the whole world. MEBO International is a mission-oriented enterprise fighting for human life as it employs its collection of life science technologies.


The founder, Dr. Rongxiang Xu, has made historic contributions to humanity in the related field of burn treatment and regenerative medicine throughout the world. The company conducted a study of 204 patients who used their innovative total nutritional therapy and MEBO regenerative substances for more than four months. They had a 100% survival rate with patients beginning at a relatively stabilized stage, and a 33.33 survival rate for those at an end-of-life stage.

Helping Humans and Conforming to the Laws of Life


Dr. Xu became inspired to pursue burn therapy during his time as a surgeon and general practice physician. He was assigned to treat severely burned patients during his residency where he witnessed the horrific pain and scarring of burn patients who were treated with conventional burn therapy. As a result, he became determined to discover a more effective and less painful therapy.

Overall impact

MEBO International Group has served a variety of different medical needs all over the globe with their burn ointment and regeneration research findings. MEBO also operates two nonprofit organizations lead by Kevin Xu named the National Rongxiang Xu Foundation bearing his father’s name and the Human Heritage Project which focuses on passing along intangible assets like family values and traditions from society to those who are disadvantaged. These foundations focus on helping sustain several of the U.N. goals. The leading scientific research done by the National Rongxiang Xu Foundation has saved countless lives with their organ regeneration research and moist exposed burn therapy (MEBT) which is prevalent in China. Not only does the foundation apply MEBT, but they also offer free clinical training on the therapy application methods. The company also offers grants and funding for organ research to other institutes, universities, and students. The nonprofit organizations based out of MEBO International have a significant impact on the Chinese and global community by providing quality education, industry development, life changing medical research, and giving back to disadvantaged people.

Business benefit

MEBO is a profitable business that develops and markets drug products for burn injuries and other wounds. MEBO has a number of different subsidiaries that focus on helping people, while also helping MEBO International. The company is successful in a large part due to their groundbreaking medical research discoveries throughout the company’s history. However, research is not free. MEBO makes money by creating useful drugs that people will buy. From there, they can put their profits back into research and development to create more drugs that can help more people. As long as they continue to develop new useful drugs that help people in need, and fulfill serious medical needs, the company will continue to be profitable.

Social and environmental benefit

The company’s dietary products use vegetarian soft-gel capsules instead of plastic and animal oil soft-gel to promote sustainable environmental growth and body health. Packaging materials of medical equipment are recyclable, such as temperature reducing plaster, as well as expandable and soluble chitosan sponge. Moreover, MEBO International has initiated an every woman/every child China partnership network life regenerative action program in Malaysia. MEBO International also provides free doctor training globally on wound education and medical process for developing countries or local societies.


Emily Dong, King Chien

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

MEBO International Group

MEBO International Group

Business Website:
Year Founded: 1987
Number of Employees: 5001 to 10000

MEBO International is a global company that focuses on developing life and organ regeneration science and burn ointment. The company makes MEBO/MEBT (moist exposed burn ointment/moist exposed burn therapy), dietary supplements, medical equipment, skin care, and food products. The company also operates two organizations: the National Rongxiang Xu Foundation and the Human Heritage Project. Moreover, the company also established the Rongxiang Xu College of Health and Human Services at California State University.