Thibodaux Regional Medical Center: The Wellness Center

Health that comes from the Heart


Madison Herbert

Madison Herbert



Daysha Johnson

Daysha Johnson

Chandler LeJeune

Chandler LeJeune


Nicholls State University

Nicholls State University


Christopher Castille

Christopher Castille

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

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The Thibodaux Regional Wellness Center is a facility that offers a variety of services that focuses on the health and wellbeing of the patients and community. The center focuses on health and wellbeing but also the environment by being a LEED facility. The facility uses solar panels, water conservation plumping, and eco-friendly AVC systems.


The Wellness Center, the first of its kind in the region, was designed with the mission to improve the health and wellbeing of the community. The center embodies Thibodaux Regional’s core values “respect, integrity, innovation, excellence, accountability, and passion;” all of which are seen throughout the Wellness Center every day. The Wellness Center is a prime example of how continuing wellness with the overall environment in mind can have an everlasting impact.

The goal of this innovation is to assist in having an overall healthier community. When patients come into the hospital for a health concern they are treated by a doctor. Most hospitals treat the patient but don't help them continue to get better. The goal of the wellness center is to provide continuous treatment even after their concern is solved.

Health that comes from the Heart


Greg Stokes, the CEO of Thibodaux Regional Medical Center, wanted to better serve his patients by continuing to help them practice a healthy lifestyle. Chrisy Myhand said, “He came up with the idea of 'The Wellness Center', a place for patients to recover and then continue to improve themselves by practicing a healthy lifestyle.” Excellence and passion for the community of Thibodaux are what drove him along this journey. He wanted to continuously help the people that needed it the most and that is just what he did.

Overall impact

The Wellness Center has an everlasting impact on not just the community but also the environment. The center helps patients have a healthy lifestyle through the fitness center, the HEALTHe Café, and the rehabilitation services, but they also impact the environment in a positive way. The Wellness Center is a LEED facility which means that the building is a “resource-efficient, high-performing, healthy, cost-effective building” built with the environment in mind. This means that the Wellness Center is producing a minimal amount of waste by reusing.

Business benefit

The innovation of The Wellness Center has benefited in many different ways. Environmentally, it has had a large financial impact due to the efficiency of the building. The employees are top of the line and are treated as just that. They receive that same service and compassion as the patients and that satisfaction is relayed back into their work. The Wellness center hires employees with the “heart in mind”. They hire employees who possess all of the core values and have compassion at the forefront of their minds.

Social and environmental benefit

The Wellness Center was designed to be a place where patients can go and continue to work towards being the best version of themselves. They offer many different services such as; fitness center, HEALTHe Café, rehabilitation, vaccines, women's health, and education. These services are not only for the patients but also for the community. The center partners with schools and local sports teams to offer their facilities and educate the youth on why living a healthy lifestyle is so important.


Chrisy Myhand, Center Director

Business information

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center: The Wellness Center

Thibodaux Regional Medical Center: The Wellness Center

Thibodaux, Louisiana, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2016
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

The Wellness Center of Thibodaux Regional is a facility that offers a variety of services that focuses on health and wellness. There are many different facilities in Thibodaux that offer these types of services, but only the Wellness Center has them all in one place. The idea that patients can get the treatment that they need, a place to rehab, and then a fitness center so patients can continue to stay healthy was the driving force for Greg Stock, the CEO.