
Harnessing Human Power for Sustainable Water Solutions: The Ecoflo Innovation

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Rohit Raj Tata

Rohit Raj Tata

Nitya Agarwal

Nitya Agarwal

Twinkle .

Twinkle .

Naman Das

Naman Das

Nikhilesh Mishra

Nikhilesh Mishra


Goa Institute of Management

Goa Institute of Management


Abhishek Naresh

Abhishek Naresh

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Ecoflo aims at development through water conservation, support to farmers, and job creations. Their improved treadle pumps enhances the accessibility to water for irrigation purposes, increases food production to feed the population, and indirectly enhances livelihoods of many people, overall. This resonates with UN Sustainable Development Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth; and finally, SDG2: Zero Hunger.


Ecoflo India came up with a treadle pump solution to assist small scale farmers.  India has an abundance of water, but has inadequate infrastructure to distribute it to people in the right quantity.  Ecoflo's treadle pump is cheap, and can be operated manually. The device is used to irrigate the fields without individuals needing to use electricity or expensive diesel pumps. This technology enables the farmers to bring home better yields and aids in water conservation through efficient irrigation.

Originated in India, Ecoflo serves farms in rural settings, whereby farmers often face water deficits and few assets. Through the promotion of Ecoflo, this invention meets some of the UN SDGs such as clean water and sanitation- SDG 6, Decent work and economic Growth- SDG 8 and addressing food insecurity- SDG 2.

Ecoflo is unique since it offers not only a technical standpoint on waste management but also produces training and employment to communities. In fact, their passion towards the general sustainable future and support of rural areas makes them a universal contributor towards making the world a better place.

Harnessing Human Power for Sustainable Water Solutions: The Ecoflo Innovation


The founder of Ecoflo was motivated by a problem affecting the farmers’ livelihood in India; the lack of affordable irrigation supplies. Watching these communities wrestle with this issue, the vision of the product was created to offer a long-term solution to handle both the water-related problems and increase yields in agriculture. When asked in an interview, the leader said "it was the organization's mission, to provide farmers with easy-to-use, sustainable tools for agriculture and sustainable resource management. This is not just a business; it’s an opportunity for the farmer, the community and future generations.”

Overall impact

The use of the treadle pump in Ecoflo succeeded in both the short and long terms to extend a solution to other rural farming communities. Short term benefits included provision of an inexpensive and manual form of irrigation that cut out reliance on expensive or unavailable sources of power; resulting in better yields and more farmer income. In addition to that, water availability also improved the daily farming activities and food production in the immediate future.

Over time, Ecoflo's innovation helped in enhanced agricultural practices and promoted stability economically among the communities. The existence of impact is considered through increased take-up of the pumps, farmers’ accounts, and analyses of enhanced production and revenues. This success shows that the solution meets the UN SDG goals mainly in water conservation, poverty treatment, and rural development goals.

Business benefit

Through developing inexpensive treadle pumps, Ecoflo realized high sales revenues through the penetration of the rural market which has a high demand for efficient irrigation technology. This innovation helped the company extend operations and employ many local talents, while providing competitive benefits through such engagement in community activities. This is evident from the social nature of their job and emphasis that the organization had placed on development of rural areas; a key factor for high job satisfaction .

Ecoflo created opportunities for entering to new markets in areas not covered before and expanded investment for increasing manufacturing capacity. They used reinvested profits to expand to related services, including training services to farmers, thus expanding he beneficial reach.

Social and environmental benefit

Ecoflo’s innovation contributes to society by equipping small farmers with inexpensive irrigation technology that raises agricultural yield and improves their income. Through integrating water efficiency in the provision of water it tackles food insecurity challenges and helps development of rural economy. Farmers get to cultivate crops all year round, thereby reducing poverty and also increasing community standby.

Ecologically, the treadle pump increases use of water sparing and does not require much wastage or over-use of water systems. Its manual operation reduces carbon emission to the environment playing a vital role in climate change mitigation, and promotes farming techniques that conserve the future generation’s resources.


Rohan Bhinge, Director

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Business information



Nashik, Maharashtra, IN
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1991
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

EcofloIndia is one of the best drip irrigation system manufacturing companies in India and the world. The company is also has one of the best micro irrigation systems on the market.