Going Beyond in Human Resources

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Luis Arce

Luis Arce

Isabella Visconti Alvarez

Isabella Visconti Alvarez

Ana Karina Mayoral Rico

Ana Karina Mayoral Rico

J. Paola Del Pozo Sotomayor

J. Paola Del Pozo Sotomayor


Universidad Anáhuac Puebla

Universidad Anáhuac Puebla


Gabriela Lizbeth Mora Díaz

Gabriela Lizbeth Mora Díaz

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-Being 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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The innovation program established by TWB is a proposal with the idea of improving the health and environment conditions of their employees and is also extensive to this surrounding community by participating with external organizations dedicated to this aspect.


The innovative program of TWB has been implemented since august 2017 and is composed by four internal strategies and two focused outdoors. The internal strategies consist of:

1. Application of a step counter as a daily program for all employees which has the purpose of promoting in the form of a competitive activity actions directed to contribute to better health and motivation of their employees.

2. Nutrition & tips program through courses, workshops, nutritional indicators monitoring, healthy lunches contest, nutrition tips in and out of the work space, and challenges with the idea of creating a healthy feeding culture.

3. Health care program. Propose a preventive program against illnesses by applying health diagnostic through general analysis tracing chronic health problems and sharing health and security courses in order to prevent and reduces accidents inside and outside the plant.

4. Creation of spaces for exercise practice and recreational activities and contests to practice the developed skills as sports 5km / 10 km races, soccer contests, etc.

The external strategies developed are:

1. Participation with ONG'S and Food Banks at Puebla by providing food and volunteers participation in recollection and distribution campaigns

2. Community service

Going Beyond in Human Resources


TWB founder has a gold law that tried to apply and follow during all his life, it was that the main motor of a business is their people and the first of all people must be considered in an individual form, concerning about their needs and problems because if the main needs are satisfied people will be happy and in consequence useful to society.

By these reasons the innovation program is focused in improving the employees and their families conditions not only in the economic aspect but also taking care of their health emotions and wellness

Overall impact

Since the implementation of the programs it has been measured involved cualitative and cuantitative ways. It has been observed the motivation involvement and concern about others has increased, and this has been measured through the absence reduction, accidents minimizing and a considerable reduction in strokes.

Also the awareness for the surrounding community has increased which has been reflected with the increasing number of volunteers in outdoor campaigns.

Business benefit

Because of the application of the innovation program, productivity has increased, this has been measured through indicators as:

1. Production increased

2. Materials and time losses decreased

3. Accidents reduction

4. Improve in the working environment

5. A most collaborative environment

6. A higher commitment with the enterprises

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation will benefit society because the employees will improve their motivation they had spread this feeling to their families and also to the surrounding community. Besides they have been sharing their learnings about health, nutrition and good practices with other people.


Mariana Mayela Burguete, Human Resources

Photo of interviewee

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Business information



Business Website:
Year Founded: 1992
Number of Employees: 201 to 500
Founded in 1992, TWB company fusion as a joint venture between Worthington Steel & BAOWU. It has been fusioned as a Wuhan Iron and Steel Company in 2017. Actually TWB counts with 10 factories around North America and 5 of them are located in Mexico, connected globally and in strategical places in order to supply the weld sized blanks. TWB BAOWU & WISCO TB form the biggest and modern weld sized blank products around the world.