
GLOW @ LCB Mexico


David Garza

David Garza

Icela Garcia

Icela Garcia

David Gutierrez

David Gutierrez


Universidad de Monterrey

Universidad de Monterrey


Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Consuelo Garcia-de-la-torre

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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To begin with a GLOW @ LCB Mexico initiative overview it is important to mention that this is an initiative playing a critical role as a platform to unleash the empowerment of women.

First of all, we try to understand main objectives of GLOW @ LCB Mexico initiative.

Related with that understanding and within the project that we ran with Siemens it was pleasant to conclude that thesde objectives really have an impact on topics such as gender, education and alliances between the company, government and elementary schools and universities.

The initiative's main objectives:

• Support female talent in the Region developing key skills to succeed

• Strengthen women's contribution to business growth

• Pipeline of talented women for positions at Siemens

• Facilitate career growth and professional development

Focusing effort on these objectives has generated impact inside and outside of the company. According to our perspective GLOW @ LCB Mexico initiative is generating an impact in our country.


GLOW @ LCB Mexico had a Regional Launch on October 2017, actually there is a community of more than 170 Members. This community not only has a central organizational structure, GLOW @ LCB Mexico is working at 7 locations in our country. Siemens members participating in Guadalajara - Zapopan, Guadalajara - La Tijera, Queretaro - Balvanera, Queretaro - El Marquez, Guanajuato, CD de Mexico and Monterrey.

Moreover it's important to mention that across the Siemens organization GLOW @ LCB Mexico is working with people from all profiles. Technical and Commercial profiles such as Manufacture Engineering, Research and Development, Quality Management, Strategic Procurement, Finance areas, Sales and Human Resources. From our point of view the crux of the matter is that the Initiative is working in all organization levels, with a total Top Management engagement.

And eventually there is a collaboration and working plans with local Universities, elementary schools and government institutions like "IMSS (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social)" in each of the 7 locations included in the initiative . Furthermore some of the topics attended in the working plans are: gender, diversity, school dropout, women's empowerment, career plans, social responsibility, health and wellness improvement plans among others.

Perhaps we should also point out the fact that collaboration, actions and working plans in GLOW @ LCB Mexico are developed through a common framework divided in 4 primary pillars; Mentoring, Social Innovation, College Recruitment, Health and Wellness.

GLOW @ LCB Mexico


"In Mexico women represent more than 52% of the population of working age, only 42.5% currently are working but just 6% in a leadership positions. Our inspiration is being an inclusive company and count on with integral professionals, for that reason the women play a critical role, since women are more than 40% of our company."

GLOW @ LCB Mexico is looking for full talent integration; integration of women in the pipeline of leadership positions it is not just important it's completely critical. "Gender discrimination is unacceptable, which is why it is on our list of priorities and we are working on all issues where discrimination may exist, such as selection or development of personnel."

GLOW @ LCB Mexico is a critical initiative in Siemens

Overall impact

On account of work and assignment of resources in GLOW LCB Mexico the team had opportunity to share and review some of the main achievements and results of this initiative.

The following results may show us hard data or hard results however, there are a lot soft results that are impacting in a positive way in our society.

Trying to summarizing the initiative's achievements and results we would like to present them using 4 primary pillars:


This team's priority is development and implementation of a GLOW Mentoring program with the following results:

84 Mentees

51 Mentors

On the other hand the GLOW team has been working on the development of a GLOW Mentoring application to digitalize program monitoring. The GLOW Mentoring app is a tool that is facilitating follow-up involvement.

Breakthrough objective: Ensure effectiveness of GLOW Mentoring program ensuring results, monitoring those results through GLOW Mentoring app.

Social Innovation

This GLOW team has focused on an integral working plan in coordination with elementary school: 5 schools located in Queretaro, Monterrey y Guadalajara.

213 children Benefited around the Region

170 volunteers

123 labor hours

Breakthrough objective: Contribute to decreasing female school dropouts and creating the objective and/or necessity to finish their studies.

Scratch workshop is one of the best examples of actions carried out by the GLOW team. Elementary schools and Siemens members are focusing effort on the development of computer programming skills.

109 children Benefited around the Region

31 volunteers

139 labor hours

College Recruitment

The GLOW college recruitment pillar is focusing effort on a coordinated working plan with the principle Universities around the country, specifically in states with Siemens presence. Universities such as; Tec de Monterrey (different campus), UDEM, UANL and UVM

The initiative is achieving +4% annual increment of female staff

Breakthrough objective: Female presence in pipeline of any staff position and management or leadership positions

Health and Wellness

GLOW members are trying to obtain an impact on a health and wellness culture through campaigns on current critical female topics. Coordination of internal and external organizations is occurring.

Breakthrough objective: Support Siemens members and their families achieving an impact in our country.

Some examples of achievements, results and topics of the Health and Wellness pillar are:

- Cervical cancer prevention campaign (External expert support from IMSS).

434 female Co-workers informed about prevention, causes and treatments

72 labor hours

130 cervical cancer detection test

- Breast cancer prevention campaign (External expert support from IMSS).

450 female Coworkers informed about prevention, causes and treatments

32 labor hours

- “Trenzaton” donation campaign (Natural hair donation for wig making. Support in cancer treatment effects).

96 Donors

1 Impacted Organization (“Pelones Unidos”)

- Gender violence campaign (External expert support & internal participation).

351 female Co-workers informed about prevention, causes, signals and support.

36 labor hours

GLOW @ LCB Mexico is generating impact not only inside of the company but also in our country.

Business benefit

All in all, GLOW @ LCB Mexico pillars and structure is generating important benefits for Siemens and Mexico. Definitly Mentoring is a development tool that provides guidance to achieve female empowerment in the organization. Focusing effort and resources on the elementary education of our girls through social innovation pillar Siemens is supporting trainings and conferences to help them create a career path, so at the end they are creating our female future talent.

The College recruitment pillar is ensuring a working plan coordinated between the Siemens Organization and main Universities in the region, through which they are ensuring contribution to the business with technical exchange of experience. Siemens is an example regarding gender and diversity topics, and an excellent benchmark.

The development of institutional initiatives to enhance Health and Wellness awareness among female colleagues is representing a business case for the organization that is multiplying the effect in society through impact on Siemens member families. Comprehensive agreements to obtain benefits in Health and Wellness topics is also creating employee engagement.

Siemens organization is obtaining benefits through GLOW @ LCB Mexico Initiative as well Mexico in its Universities, Elementary schools and in general in its society is obtaining benefits.

Social and environmental benefit

The GLOW @ LCB Mexico Initiative is creating impacts and/or benefits in society and as a team we want to conclude by saying:

Through the Mentoring program Siemens is working to reduce the gap that exists in the search for gender equity in the professional world in our country.

Social innovation and Siemens efforts applied to girl’s education is working to improve their empowerment, and gender equity at schools will support equity in our society.

Enhancing visibility of women's expertise by choosing preferably female participation in Siemen's hiring process will generate female contributors to the progress of society. Siemens is working on that in the College Recruitment pillar of GLOW @ LCB Mexico initiative.

Development of institutional initiatives to enhance Health and Wellness awareness among female colleagues in Siemens organization will be generating a multiplied effect in the families of our country, consequently the GLOW @ LCB Mexico Initiative is supporting a better level of health and wellness of people in Mexico.


Pedro Martínez, Research and Development Manager and Leader of College Recruitment

Photo of interviewee

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Business information



Santa Catarina, Nuevo León, MX
Business Website: https://WWW.SIEMENS.COM
Year Founded: 1894
Number of Employees: 10000+
Siemens is a global pioneer company that has products and services in the areas of electrification, automation and digitalization.

Siemens has around 379,000 employees around the world.