Desert control

From vision to reality: Desert control’s LNC and the Green Horizon


Shamma Alketbi

Shamma Alketbi


Zayed University

Zayed University


Jeremy B Williams

Jeremy B Williams

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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Desert Control's ground-breaking innovation uses Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) to address environmental issues such as deforestation and food security. LNC is made by turning natural clay into a liquid, which improves soil water and nutritional capacity. Desert Control, specifically associated with SDG 15: Life on Land, strives to combat desertification, rehabilitate degraded land, and promote sustainable land management. This effort helps to preserve ecosystems, promote biodiversity, and revitalize land, all of which are important for numerous species, including humans, and have an impact on aspects such as food security.


There is more to this innovation that we will shed light on in this writing; however, it is crucial to gain a deeper understanding of this innovation first. Desert Control innovated a technology known as Liquid Natural Clay (LNC), which is a liquid blend of clay and water designed to convert sandy soil into fertile land by binding with sand particles. The innovation lies in LNC's ability to create a stable soil structure, enhancing water and nutrient retention, and fostering plant growth. This transformative technology holds the potential to combat and reverse desertification and soil degradation. As stated by Desert Control's CEO, Ole Kristian Sivertsen, "The technology is not limited to agricultural lands but is also applicable for restoring ecosystems, afforestation projects, and urban green spaces, making it versatile in combating various forms of land degradation.

From vision to reality: Desert control’s LNC and the Green Horizon


Furthermore, LNC emerged from the vision and dedication of Kristian P. Olesen, the founder of Desert Control. According to our interview with the CEO, the journey began in 2005 when Kristian drew inspiration from the environmental challenges in Egypt, specifically the degradation and desertification of the Nile Delta intensified by the construction of the Aswan Dam. Recognizing the pressing need for effective solutions to restore degraded land and manage water resources sustainably, Kristian spent eight years in research and development before establishing Desert Control AS in 2017. This process reflects the founder's commitment to finding sustainable solutions to environmental challenges, with the ultimate goal of making the Earth green again.

Kristian's profound mission to combat degradation and desertification is evident in his eight years of dedicated research, emphasizing not just technological development but a mission- driven pursuit of environmental restoration. The establishment of Desert Control AS in 2017 embodies his commitment, with the overarching goal of “making the Earth green again,” reflecting a clear sense of purpose and contribution to a healthier, more sustainable planet.

Overall impact

The company Desert Control Intervention LNC made a big impact on the business; it helped the company stand out from other companies that use chemicals to promote plant growth, where the use of LNC provides a unique and effective solution to environmental challenges. The use of LNC's success not only ensures the company's profitability but also boots the desert control global reputation for a greener future. The advantages of LNCs go beyond business; they also strengthen links with communities, non-governmental organizations, and governments. Due

to LNC's success, Desert Control has developed a strong brand reputation and is well-known for its dedication to ecological duty and technology.

The use of LNC in desert control has had a significant impact on society. By resorting to damaged land and combating desertification, the use of LNC helps create a healthier environment, improves agricultural production, and strengthens food security, especially in places that face land and weather problems. The innovation supported sustainable land management, empowering local communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices.

The use of LNC brings back damaged land, helps to restore land, and promotes the living organisms to thrive by restoring loss habits that relate to SDG 15: life on land. By restoring damaged land and making sure that the earth becomes and stays green for the future.”. The short- term effects of the use of LNC in desert control are improving soil, boosting crop growth, preventing erosion from occurring, and reducing water use. On the other hand, the long-term effects of land restoration include increasing biodiversity, mitigating climate change, and enchanted carbon sequestration. The use of LNC ensures a positive effect on the environment and society.

To prove that LNC workers studied the soil, and the plan satellites were used to show how the landscape transformation over time increased agricultural production, reduced water use, measurable carbon sequestration, and the community, and the increase in biodiversity supported the impact on the ecosystem. Reports from governments and NGOs validate LNC's contributions to land restoration and sustainability. This diverse evidence collectively

underscores the effectiveness of LNC in creating meaningful and lasting change. According to the interview "Every time we implement LNC, we're not just improving soil; we're potentially changing lives by increasing agricultural productivity, conserving water, and helping communities sustainably manage their natural resources."

Business benefit

Desert control company is built up on this one innovation, as it is the main and only innovation the company has, However, this innovation has given the business huge benefits. In the case of the financial performance the company is getting a higher revenue each year, as in 2023 the Q3 revenue is 0.2 million NOK, compared to 2022 with 0.1 million NOK. We can see that the revenue has doubled and that the company is growing even more each year. The company has provided new work opportunities for different skills and majors, which is considered a benefit for the company.

Finally, a significant benefit we can see is the company is partnering with organizations from different regions to achieve the goal of fighting desertification, as one example is the strategic agreement with Mawarid Holding Investment. Mawarid Holding Investment is an organization located in the United Arab Emirates that aims to adopt the latest technologies and innovations to achieve sustainable solutions and creative methodologies in various industries. The company is planning to partner with many other organizations in the Middle East and North African regions, as those regions are already arid and are prone to desertification.

Social and environmental benefit

There are extensive benefits of Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) in the social and environmental aspects. In the social aspects, some examples are, increasing greenery in societies and cities, which enhances the life quality of people and drives them to have a suitable environment around them. Also, it promotes local agriculture, as locations with arid soil will manage to provide the soil with the nutrients needed to be able to grow various kinds of plants and crops with the highest quality. Additionally, the most significant benefit, is cost saving, as Liquid Natural Clay (LNC), is an easy and cost-effective way to promote greenery and enhance life in urban areas, which makes it applicable on large scales. In the environmental aspect, the Liquid Natural Clay (LNC) helps in reversing desertification, as it is the main and initial goal of the innovation. As climate change is having a huge effect on all regions around the world, many green and liveable areas with plants and greenery, started changing as the soil lost all its minerals and nutrients, and this innovation would be the restoration way to bring those materials back to the soil. Another benefit in the environmental aspect would be the ability of this innovation to make the land need less water, which means preserving and saving water sources. Finally, one benefit that is directly related to SDG 15, is Life on Land, this innovation will make it easy to restore many destroyed ecosystems and to nourish biodiversity in them.


Ole Kristian Sivertsen, CEO

Business information

Desert control

Desert control

Grenseveien 21, NO
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2017
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Desert Control is an organization that is interested in reversing desertification and bringing back vegetation, with its main field and focus being agriculture. The company has invented a new technology that helps in renourishing arid soil and bringing life to it. The company's main goal is to return every desertified place to a green field that can produce crops and grow vegetation. While also mitigating climate change.