
From Trash to Blankets: Sustainable Yarn

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Christian Flores M.

Christian Flores M.

Karina Huerta Valencia

Karina Huerta Valencia

Abraham Huerta

Abraham Huerta


Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla


Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Miguel Hernández Lechuga

Global Goals

6. Clean Water and Sanitation 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action

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To put in a short phrase what Morphoplast is all about, it is “Ethical and Sustainable Recycling”. Proudly and greenly made in México...


PET1 is Polyester, with the chemical name of Polyethylene Terephthalate.

Morphoplast is a proudly 100% Mexican company. It collects all the PET bottles (ownly and from 1,500 regular collectors), then selects them, shred, wash and finish. They process 1,700,000 kilograms (3,748,500 pounds approximately) monthly of PET. From this number, they finally obtain up to 1,300,000 kilograms (2,866,000 pounds approximately) of Short Fiber Sustainable Polyester Yarn (SFSPY). This amount is a real turnaround about making a serious change, redefining the ecofriendly environment concept.

They have more than 25 large customers, that they manufacture a wide quantity or items, such as: jeans, socks, shirts, Teddy Bears, pillows, home furniture, non-woven fabrics, and sort of similar products that are widely used.

Morphoplast innovation and business model are effectively contributing to achieve a lot of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG). For instance, the UNSDG 3 (Good health and Well Being) is reached by helping putting away all the PET trash from Mexican roads and landscape. The UNSDG 6 (Clear Water and Sanitation) is acquainted by using several times the water by developing a private Water Treatment Plant. The UNSDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) is in the DNA of the company, as can be seen in one of the industry’s lowest job rotation, the workers are really happy of being part of the Morphoplast family. The UNSDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) is reached by being the trendsetter and leader in this specific industrial branch in all Mexico. The UNSDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) is also a must for the company, by paying top prices to collectors of PET and also giving them school supplies, blankets and basic provisions. This is the point where business and kindness collide. The UNSDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) is starting by the company itself, to be sustainable by being the example itself, a benchmark in the industry. The UNSDG 13 (Climate Action) is brought to life in the form of the MorphoMovil, a company truck that goes to schools and universities with a live show of some parts of the company’s process, so the students can watch what the recycling process is really about. By learning and living it, the seed to act is implanted in their souls, so a call to action is now flourishing inside them. The UNSDG 17 (Partnership) is mainly between workers and the company, a living symbiosis. Alongside with students and the community, the strength of the social fabric is outstanding.

From Trash to Blankets: Sustainable Yarn

Learning the manufacture process with Petito, the company´s mascot.


Mexico is the world's largest consumer of soft drinks, according to Yale University.

At the year 2017, in Mexico 9 MILLIONS of PET bottles were thrown away DAILY, stated by Sol de México newspaper.

According to Noticieros Televisa, 1 bottle of PET takes from 100 up to 1,000 years to degrade.

"The pickup of PET is a way of living for Tlaxcala's people," mentioned Mr. Marroquín.

The Owner had a genuine concern to be different from all competitors and to leave a green legacy to the world. So, the original inspiration started with the objective of being the main supplier of SFSPY (Fiber Sustainable Polyester Yarn) a related factory that manufactures blankets, using polyester as the main input. While Morphoplast was growing, the market suddenly changed, so no longer was needed as a supplier for the related factory. Then, they have to switch to find another customers with different usage of the SFSPY. Now Morphoplast is the flagship of the industry.

"Our raw material is everyone's trash," stated Mr. Marroquín.

Overall impact

Can you imagine the green impact of recycling 20,400,000 kilos (44,974,000 pounds) of PET per year?... That is the impact of the love of Morphoplast for the planet. For example, a Boeing 747 airplane weights 180,000 kilos (397,000 pounds). So, it is like a fleet of 113 airplanes of PET.

Yes, unbelievable. Not all heroes wear capes, but at least here they use SFSPY capes.

Dear reader, as a consumer you have an outstanding power to really make a change for the planet. If you decide to buy products made from SPSPY, you help enormously to achieve a huge reduction on Carbon emissions, use of water, and energy. So, the choice to make a radical difference is really yours.

Business benefit

Of course, the primary goal of Morphoplast is to make some profit, but sharing a part of it with the society and employees is also a part of the main objectives.

In a Win-Win mindset, they pay top prices to PET collectors and offer the best sustainable quality Yarn in the market just to please and surpass their customer’s requirements.

Social and environmental benefit

At Morphoplast more than 300 people (workers and family members) put their best efforts to change a meaningful part of the world.

The company have a no discriminatory policy for employees, and they include handicap people in the Morphoplast family. The company celebrate all kind of holidays for the amusement and joy of the workers, like Christmas, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Children's day, and so on, to achieve a position a desirable great place to work.

A major breakthrough for Mexico's industry standards, is that 60% of the electricity that Morphoplast consumes comes from Renewable energy sources. They have their own inhouse Water Treatment Plant.

Before Morphoplast, all nearby ravines and roads were full of trash, PET bottles mainly.

Right now, the ravines and roads are pristine, because all the people that now collects the bottles to resale as a way of living.

With 2030 in mind, the company´s goals are outstanding: the usage of 100% Renewable energy, to become 90% paperless, to reconfigure the company to be a 4.0 Industry and to immerse the company into the world sales arena by developing an exports area.

The future is bright and green for Morphoplast.


Lic. David Marroquín Calderón, General Manager

Photo of interviewee

Watch video on YouTube

Business information



Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2007
Number of Employees: 201 to 500


We are a leading plant in the transformation of post-consumer PET for the manufacture of high quality, sustainable Polyester Fiber.

With more than 10 years and cutting-edge technology that supports us.