Nuralforqan Consultancy

Fostering Growth: A Journey with Zahra and Nuralforqan Consultancy


hana ahmed

hana ahmed

Tasneem Hassan

Tasneem Hassan

hafize bodur

hafize bodur


Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University

Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University


Semih Ceyhan

Semih Ceyhan

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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Nuralforqan Danışmanlık has developed an innovative digital platform that connects experienced consultants with small businesses seeking guidance. By leveraging technology in the digital world, this platform democratizes access to high-quality consultancy services, enabling sustainable business growth. Notably, it aligns with UN Sustainable Development Goals, including Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) by promoting entrepreneurship and Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) through technology-driven inclusive economic development.


Nuralforqan Danışmanlık's innovative solution revolves around the development and implementation of a digital platform designed to bridge the gap between experienced consultants and small businesses in need of guidance. This platform serves as a virtual marketplace where businesses can access a pool of seasoned professionals offering expertise in various fields, ranging from management and finance to marketing and technology. Through the platform, businesses can connect with consultants, engage in one-on-one consultations, and access resources tailored to their specific needs.The innovation addresses several key challenges faced by small businesses, including limited access to affordable consultancy services and expertise. By leveraging technology, Nuralforqan Danışmanlık is breaking down geographical barriers and making consultancy services more accessible to businesses, regardless of their location or resources. This not only empowers businesses to make informed decisions and overcome challenges, but also fosters entrepreneurship and economic growth in underserved communities.

Moreover, the innovation aligns closely with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and Goal 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure). By providing businesses with the tools and support they need to thrive, Nuralforqan Danışmanlık contributes to the creation of decent work opportunities and the promotion of inclusive economic growth. Additionally, by leveraging technology as a means of delivery, the company promotes innovation and advances infrastructure development, paving the way for a more sustainable and prosperous future for businesses and communities alike.

Fostering Growth: A Journey with Zahra and Nuralforqan Consultancy


Zahra Ahmed, the visionary leader and CEO of Nuralforqan Danışmanlık, draws inspiration from her deep-rooted commitment to empowering local communities and fostering sustainable development. Reflecting on her journey, Zahra shared, "My inspiration stems from a desire to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. I grew up witnessing the challenges faced by small businesses in my community, and I knew I wanted to be part of the solution." Zahra's personal experiences and observations fuel her passion for driving positive change through business. She emphasized, "Seeing the resilience and determination of entrepreneurs in underserved communities inspired me to create a platform where their voices could be heard and their potential unlocked."

Zahra's dedication to supporting small businesses and promoting inclusive economic growth is evident in every aspect of Nuralforqan Danışmanlık's operations. Furthermore, Zahra is driven by a strong sense of purpose and a belief in the transformative power of consultancy services. Zahra states, "I firmly believe that every business, regardless of size or location, deserves access to expert guidance and support." She continues by saying, "By providing businesses with the tools and resources they need to succeed, we can create lasting impact and drive positive change in the world."

Overall, Zahra's leadership is characterized by a profound commitment to empowering others and making a difference. Her unwavering dedication to her mission serves as a guiding light for Nuralforqan Danışmanlık, inspiring her team to work tirelessly towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

Overall impact

Since the introduction of Nuralforqan Danışmanlık's digital platform, the impact has been remarkable, both in the short and long term. Initially, small businesses gained unprecedented access to expertise and resources. By connecting with seasoned consultants through the platform, businesses received tailored guidance, helping them overcome immediate challenges and seize growth opportunities. This hands-on support translated into tangible improvements such as increased revenues, streamlined operations, and a stronger market presence. Looking ahead, the innovation's influence extends beyond individual businesses, shaping entire economies and fostering sustainable development. As businesses flourish with consultancy support, they become vital drivers of economic growth and job creation within their communities. This ripple effect sparks growth in local economies, uplifts livelihoods, and enhances community resilience over time. To gauge the innovation's impact, we've closely monitored various indicators, including business performance metrics and community-level socio-economic data. Quantitative measures, like rising revenues and expanding workforces, paint a clear picture of economic growth. Furthermore, qualitative feedback from businesses and community members underscores the innovation's lasting effects, highlighting improved livelihoods and strengthened community bonds. Overall, Nuralforqan Danışmanlık's digital platform stands as a beacon of change, empowering businesses and communities to thrive in today's dynamic world.

Business benefit

Investing in its digital platform has proven to be a catalyst for Nuralforqan Danışmanlık, yielding a host of benefits across its operations. Firstly, the platform has significantly boosted revenue streams by widening its reach and accessibility. This has attracted a broader client base, fueling a consistent rise in demand for consultancy services. Not only has this bolstered the company's financial stability, but it has also furnished resources for further expansion and innovation. Additionally, the rollout of the digital platform has facilitated the recruitment of new employees. As the business scales up to accommodate more clients, it has created opportunities for skilled professionals to join its ranks. This not only amplifies the company's ability to serve its clientele but also contributes to local job creation and economic prosperity.

Moreover, the digital platform's impact extends to enhancing employee retention and well-being. With smoother processes and upgraded collaboration tools, consultants are now able to operate with greater efficiency and effectiveness. This has translated into heightened job satisfaction and engagement. Furthermore, the platform's flexibility empowers employees to strike a better work-life balance, nurturing higher levels of overall well-being and morale. Consequently, Nuralforqan Danışmanlık has fostered a positive and dynamic workplace environment, magnetizing and retaining top talent in the industry.

Social and environmental benefit

Nuralforqan Danışmanlık's innovative digital platform extends its benefits beyond the realm of business, positively impacting society and the environment. By democratizing access to consultancy services, the platform plays a pivotal role in fostering inclusive economic growth and social empowerment. Small businesses, particularly those in underserved communities, gain invaluable support and guidance, enabling them to thrive and contribute to local economies. This translates into job creation, poverty alleviation, and enhanced resilience within communities, ultimately leading to a more equitable and prosperous society. Also, the digital platform's reliance on technology represents a step towards environmental sustainability. By digitizing consultancy services, Nuralforqan Danışmanlık reduces the need for physical infrastructure and minimizes its environmental footprint. This shift towards digitalization not only streamlines operations but also reduces resource consumption and carbon emissions associated with traditional consultancy practices. Additionally, by empowering small businesses to adopt sustainable business practices and drive economic growth, the platform contributes to broader environmental objectives, such as mitigating climate change and promoting responsible consumption and production.

Overall, Nuralforqan Danışmanlık's digital platform serves as a catalyst for positive societal and environmental change. By leveling the playing field for small businesses and embracing digital innovation, the company drives economic empowerment, social inclusion, and environmental sustainability, paving the way for a brighter and more sustainable future for all.


Zahra Heibe Abdi Ahmed, CEO

Business information

Nuralforqan Consultancy

Nuralforqan Consultancy

ankara, ankara, TR
Business Website: https://no website
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Nuralforqan Danışmanlık is a small private consultancy firm dedicated to empowering local communities and businesses. They provide expert consultancy services to small businesses, helping them grow and thrive through personalized guidance and innovative solutions. Their mission is to democratize access to high-quality consultancy, leveraging technology to reach those who need their expertise the most. Through their work, we aim to foster sustainable development and drive positive change in the communities we serve.