Kalamazoo Flower Group

Flowers With a Purpose


brett bigham

brett bigham

Sajjad Alsmail

Sajjad Alsmail


Western Michigan University

Western Michigan University


Timothy Palmer

Timothy Palmer

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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The primary innovation created by Kalamazoo Flower Group is the use of biodegradable pots. Furthermore, the company works to promote consumer recycling by installing recycling bins for traditional plastic pots at over 100 major retail stores in the Midwestern U.S.


The idea of biodegradable flower pots became an innovative idea because plastic flower pots are environmentally unfriendly. Kalamazoo Flower Group insisted that even though biodegradable pots are more expensive, it is worth it because of how much damage plastic can do to the environment. Also, biodegradable pots reduce the need for pesticides because the pots dissolve and therefore limit places for pests to thrive. Biodegradable pots also reduce water use because traditional plastic pots cause water runoff and therefore waste water.

For consumers who buy flowers from other vendors using plastic pots, the company offers the ability to bring those pots to major retailers in the Midwest for recycling. Kalamazoo Flower Group works with over a hundred stores for this recycling project. Five employees are dedicated to the recycling project that handles approximately 30 truckloads of carts that are filled with plastic that are delivered to the Kalamazoo Flower Group.

Flowers With a Purpose


Jack Schermerhorn at the Kalamazoo Flower Group's goal was to build a healthy business that made money and was good for the environment. Jack became passionate in sustainability right when he started as General Manager. Says Mr. Schermerhorn, "We see our initiatives as an investment on our end. We do it in good will." Kalamazoo Flower group isn't innovating simply to make profit, but to be good environmental stewards.

Overall impact

Not only does this innovation impact the environment, it also impacts consumers and other companies. By promoting recycling and proper agriculture methods such as biodegradable pots, they are influencing their consumers to be more environmentally aware. When consumers see what companies are doing to help the environment, they are influenced to be more sustainable as well.

Recycling and proper resource methods were never really mainstream until now. Increasingly, people are becoming more aware of their non-sustainable practices. More people recycle and cut back on plastic use, in part, because they are influenced by companies such as Kalamazoo Flower Group.

Business benefit

Even though the recycling from the major retail stores doesn't generate revenue, the company has built goodwill because of favorable publicity. When consumers see a company promoting sustainability and trying to help the environment, it influences people to buy more products from that company.

Kalamazoo Flower Group is also very passionate about employee safety and well-being. Hauling flowers long distance requires drivers traveling considerable distances. The company ensures their drivers get the proper amount of sleep while delivering products throughout the United States. "Be safe out there," and "Practicing good employment practices, that's a top priority for us," says General Manager, Jack Schermerhorn. Because Kalamazoo Flower Group promotes a healthy work environment, more employees are loyal to the company which reduces turnover. Also, since Kalamazoo Flower Group receives good publicity from consumers, other companies are encouraged to consider their own sustainable practices.

The benefit of this innovation is overwhelming. All the good publicity is increasing revenue and doing it in an extremely environmentally friendly way. Since workers are committed and satisfied, they are also motivated to do the best job they can do.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation used by Kalamazoo Flower Group not only benefits society, but it also benefits the environment. People are being influenced by Kalamazoo Flower Group to increase their personal sustainability habits. When more people are practicing good sustainability, it leads to a healthier society and environment.

When consumers limit their use of plastic, it limits the amount of trucks that Kalamazoo Flower Group needs to use to go pick up the recycling from the retail stores. By limiting the truck shipments, there is less of a carbon footprint that can hurt the environment. That is why the use of biodegradable pots can help out even more.


Jack Schermerhorn, General Manager

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Kalamazoo Flower Group

Kalamazoo Flower Group

Galesburg, MI, US
Year Founded: 1987
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Kalamazoo Flower Group specializes in supplying many different high-quality items such as bedding flats, potted annuals, hanging baskets, and decorative patio planters. The main customers include big companies such as Walmart and Costco. Kalamazoo Flower Group serves customers to ensure that their gardens not only look great, but also makes sure products are healthy for the environment.