Paprici Segar Barokah

Fixing The Social Problem Through Good Food



karlina destianti

karlina destianti


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

2. Zero Hunger 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

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By providing healthy vegetables with less pesticide, Paprici actively support the “Zero Hunger” of SDG. By empowering the local farmer, it also supports the “Decent Work and Economic Growth” of SDG.


Farming Paprika in the traditional way, has the high risk of being attacked by pests. Farmers use a lot of pesticide to cope with the problem. But, by an innovative new way, using hydroponic technique, Paprici can produce healthier crops that no longer need to use pesticide. As one of a key process in their business, research in farming Paprika is frequently done. The result shows that paprika can now be diversified not only as additional ingredients for cooking, but also as juice and chips.

In addition to facilitating the sales of paprika farmers, Rici also develop partners by providing education, training and practice related to the latest innovations to improve their productivity. By forming farmer groups, paprika farm development process becomes more structured. Education to the farmers is done by establishing cooperation with academicians and practitioners who are experts in agriculture.

Fixing The Social Problem Through Good Food


The difficulties faced by the paprika farmer in his hometown, Pasirlangu village, inspires Rici to develop the farmers in the area that produces 70% of the national paprika needs. The selling price is very much different from the farmers' level to the consumers' level, making the living standards of farmers in this area relatively low. As a form of Rici's concern to his hometown, he started a business selling paprika since he was in college, which began just as a side job. Currently Rici already has 600m2 land with total turnover 5 tons of paprika per year. Low knowledge in paprika planting, became one of the causes that hampers the farmer from producing the maximum production and quality of paprika. From this condition, Rici is trying to solve the problem by empowering the local farmer and do innovation of paprika farming. His quotes for Paprici is “KEBAIKAN PANGAN INDONESIA” (good food of Indonesia)

Overall impact

The innovation that Paprici has already done is having impact to almost all the stakeholder, from the farmer as suppliers, the academician as partners and also the customer itself. For farmers, they will gain more revenue by collaborating with Paprici. The academician can do the research to prove their hypothesis. Meanwhile for the customers, they can have the sustainable supply. In the future, Paprici will introduce several diversification product of paprika, so that all stakeholder will get more benefits from it.

Business benefit

The local farmer get the most impact for this innovation. The high demand of paprika will increase the revenue of local farmer market. Since Paprici established in 2012, there is only small amount of “tengkulak” (middle trader) the surroundings. In Desa Pasirlangu, already known as the first paprika field in Indonesia, the farmer fulfill almost 70% of national demand.

By having the new technology, the more supply and the better quality of paprika can be produced. In a long term, by diversification of the paprika product, the demand will be increased, so that the revenue of the farmer is getting higher.

Social and environmental benefit

For Indonesian people, paprika is known as one of the vegetables to add flavor in the main course. But actually, paprika can be also be consumed directly as a juice or can be diversified as a chip. By this diversification, the demand of paprika will increase and the farmer will get a good income from it. With this condition, Rici inspired to educate people to consume paprika more. Paprika actually has a lot of vitamins and minerals that can be new alternatives to fulfill the needs.

By using the hydroponic technique, the usage of land water can be minimize compared to the traditional technique. This also can preserve the land water for continuous supply. Besides, the land that is needed to farm paprika is not really large. So the farmer does not need a lot of land capital for it.


Rici Solihin, Mr. Rici Solihin, S.E, M.Sc

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Business information

Paprici Segar Barokah

Paprici Segar Barokah

Bandung City, West Java, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2012
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Paprici farm, developing their key supplier through sustainable program to achieve maximum result. By collaborating with other partners and helping the distribution channel, Paprici has been able to increase the local farmer revenue. Besides expanding their business, they also increase the quality of life for the local farmer.