Fighting Fast-Fashion

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Universidad de Navarra

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Ruben Burga

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Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Mary Ragui

Mary Ragui

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land

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We found that Vazva’s innovation places an emphasis on the practice of sustainability across all operations. Notably, Vazva ensures the use of sustainably acquired organic materials, while maintaining economic, social, and ecological sustainability. This innovation helps solve the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12 of responsible consumption and production. Further, another innovation that they have embedded within their company is the active participation in protecting and maintaining nature. This is done through prioritising the protection and maintenance of coastal areas and nature through activism, aiding the SDG 14 of life on land and SDG 14 life below water.

Vazva practices responsible consumption and production by ensuring all their materials are 100% organic cotton. For instance, data in reference to 2021 can be seen as follows: 92% of water saved, 89% of total waste not generated, 77% of total CO2 emissions not emitted and 70% of total energy saved. To ensure their sustainable practices, the company only utilizes materials from Portugal, although resulting in higher unit costs, sustainability in the production process is ensured. Moreover, they also minimize their waste and consumption by using recycled denim and polyester, further ensuring that their operations are conducted responsibly in regard to consumption and production.

Additionally, Vazva frequently participates in environmental activism, by doing things such as weekly cleaning of beaches, rivers, coastal areas, and harbors across the Spanish coastline.


Vazva's core innovation is a rebranding and reconstitution of how clothes are made. From day 1 back in 2005 Vazva decided that they were going to be a sustainable company with low carbon emissions and being environmentally friendly. This idea began way back before everyone realized that their brand needed to be sustainable. What is being sustainable? For Oscar, being sustainable is using local materials, local manufacturing, and organic fair trade materials. This means paying higher costs for locally sourced materials and manufacturing processes which in turn are going to reduce costs. Instead of saving five euros per garment, because one is fabricating their product in a country tens of thousands of kilometers away, using locally sourced manufacturing. Reducing carbon emissions, footprint, and keeping the country and world clean.

As a company, you cannot be making a mess for yourself by being wasteful and then become recognized as sustainable for cleaning up a mess that you created. You need to be clean from the beginning, reduce emissions, use sustainable materials, and help out and clean the environment. It is not by making clothes from bottles that you are a sustainable brand, it is by making clothes from already used garments or other clothing. To be sustainable, you need to reduce reuse and recycle your own materials, not those of others.

Fighting Fast-Fashion

The Re-generation Generation, @wesustainability.


Founder Oscar Vales’ initial inspiration for this innovation was the lack of European clothing companies that embedded sustainability in their operations. Vales recognized that he had an opportunity to deliver sustainability made high quality clothing in the European market, and capitalised on it. Although quality and durable materials, which Oscar describes as “true sustainability”, was always a foundational element to Vajza, the concept of sustainability that we know today wasn’t always the primary focus. It was in 2009 when he initially began truly getting involved in these innovations.

In our interview, Oscar explained that “in 2009, we formed a synergy with Estrella Galicia, especially with José María de Ribera and Ignacio, to start with the concept of sustainability”. As sustainability wasn’t a common concept to businesses in the mid to early 2000s, it was through this action that fostered the importance of sustainability for Oscar’s company. Another large inspiration for these innovations is Oscar’s strong opinions against “fast fashion”. Vales disliked basically everything to do with how fast fashion is conducted, and so this served as motivation and innovation to create sustainable clothing. This is displayed in our interview where he said “the first and most important thing, especially against "fast fashion," is that the garments last, have quality, and are manufactured nearby. That is real sustainability”. This shows that although he wanted to make a successful apparel company, he did not want to sacrifice his principles and be associated with all of the negative effects resulting from “fast fashion”.

Overall impact

The overall impact of their innovation regarding sustainable production and consumption is quite large and spans across many factors. One of which is the impact they’ve had on minimising CO2 emissions. By utilising 100% organic sustainably acquired materials, the company has successfully produced 46% less CO2 emissions than if they used unsustainable materials. Furthermore, the use of such materials has also had a positive impact on their overall energy usage, seen as how their use minimized their energy utility by 61%.

Moreover on this topic, their use of sustainable materials has shown to decrease the amount of water needed in the production process by 91%! These impacts all play a key role for not only their local community, but equally on a global scale due to their advancements in reducing CO2 emissions. Another impact of their sustainable production and consumption is on all individuals involved in the operations of the company, whether it be internal or external. By this, I mean that since they’ve placed emphasis on sustainability across their entire company, they ensure quality work conditions for all those associated with the production process.

Regarding their impact associated with protecting life on land and underwater, it is notable that this also provides many positive results. A key impact from this is that the Spanish coastline and surrounding natural areas will be much cleaner and more natural. With the removal of garbage from these areas, they not only improve the natural areas, but equally the ecosystems and animals within. Evidence of this impact is displayed on their website and social media, where they show the positive impact the surrounding areas have from their environmental activism.

Business benefit

The innovation of the brand is a strong suit for differentiation. The company is able to attract customers due to their superior brand image. Being sustainable allows for a greater market as consumers want to support a brand that is doing good around the world. This allows company to have a positive impact on those purchasing. This also attracts more dedicated employees as they feel that they are doing something right with their work. When one works for a cause, you have increased motivation and increased drive to perform at your best. This is how Oscar and his fellow employees feel. Not only do they love what they are doing but they also love helping out the world each and every day.

Their early entry in sustainability is somewhat of a bragging point as it is in their DNA. This being said they did not have to make a great change from their roots as it is embedded in them to constantly do what they can to be sustainable. Also, being able to say that they have been sustainable since their start is a huge selling point. It does not necessarily help with costs, but everyone can feel good about their purchase and so can everyone that works there.

Social and environmental benefit

First of all, local economic development. Manufacturing in Guimarães and ensuring excellent work conditions for all employees contributes to local employment and economic development. Then, the supply chain transparency, certifications and regular visits to suppliers ensure transparency, allowing consumers to make informed choices and promoting trust in your brand.

In terms of environmental conservation, utilizing material innovation, such as substituting natural and recycled materials like potato starch, reduces reliance on traditional resources and promotes sustainable alternatives. Additionally, using sustainable dyeing processes, environmentally friendly dyes, and chemical-free treatments minimizes harm to ecosystems and water sources. Also, Vazva reduces their Carbon Footprint by being close to factories. It reduces transportation distances, effectively decreasing the overall effects.

Last but not least, we can talk about community engagement. Organizing regular beach cleanups demonstrates Vazva’s commitment to the local community and environmental stewardship, contributing to cleaner and healthier ecosystems.


Oscar Vales, Founder and CEO

Photo of interviewee

Watch video on YouTube

Business information



A Coruña, ES
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2005
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Vazva is a Spanish based apparel company that produces clothing linked to skating, art, surfing, and punk rock. They deliver high quality clothing fabricated with the utmost quality of sustainable materials produced 100% in Portugal. It is committed to sustainability across all operations as displayed through their “WE SUSTAINABILITY” awareness actions program through which they cover the three pillars of the Triple Bottom Line: economic, social, and ecological balance.