
Fashion and Fair Trade

World Finds


Epiphany Hill

Epiphany Hill

George Kontogianis

George Kontogianis




St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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WorldFinds is a woman-powered business founded in 2001, dedicated to ethical practices and expressive styles in jewelry and accessories. Rooted in fair trade principles, WorldFinds empowers over 700 artisan partners across India, Nepal, and Bangladesh, contributing significantly to several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The business addresses several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals including SDG 1 (No Poverty) by providing fair wages, SDG 4 (Quality Education) through the Girls Education Fund, SDG 5 (Gender Equality) by empowering women, SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) through sustainable employment, and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) by repurposing materials and promoting ethical manufacturing.


WorldFinds' innovative solution is rooted in sustainable and fair trade practices, effectively transforming traditional crafts into contemporary, ethically handmade accessories. The adoption of a circular economy model stands out as a key element, where discarded wood scraps and sari textiles find new life in the vibrant Kantha jewelry collection. This collection serves as a prime example of WorldFinds' commitment to minimizing environmental impact. By repurposing materials that would otherwise contribute to landfill waste, the business actively engages in reducing its ecological footprint. This aligns with SDG 12's objectives of sustainable resource utilization and waste reduction.

Moreover, WorldFinds demonstrates its dedication to transparency and sustainability throughout its supply chain, from the initial design phase to the final delivery of products. The use of compostable and recycled materials for packaging and the offsetting of carbon emissions through EcoCart further extend the commitment to SDG 12 and environmental responsibility.

Finally, initiatives like the Cause Connection Collection showcase the multifaceted impact of WorldFinds on UN SDGs. By actively engaging in social justice causes, the business contributes to broader goals, highlighting the interconnectedness of various sustainable development objectives.

Fashion and Fair Trade


The inception of WorldFinds can be traced back to a pivotal moment during a backpacking trip in 1999. The founder's encounter with fair trade principles at a women's cooperative became the catalyst for a profound commitment to creating a business that empowers artisans globally.

The founder's quote on the company’s website, “Fair trade seemed to hold so many solutions," encapsulates the deep inspiration behind WorldFinds. It reflects a desire to address social and economic challenges through sustainable and ethical practices, particularly within the context of fair trade. The newfound awareness of the potential impact of fair trade principles became a driving force for the founder, leading to the establishment of a business model that not only produces nice and ethically handmade goods but also actively contributes to positive social change.

Overall impact

In 1999, the founder of WorldFinds embarked on a transformative backpack trip around the world, ultimately leading to the establishment of the fair trade company. The short-term effects of this innovation were immediately evident in the creation of sustainable job opportunities for marginalized communities, particularly women. During the founder's travels, a pivotal encounter with a fellow traveler in Nepal inspired the initiation of a women's cooperative, laying the foundation for WorldFinds. The short-term impact materialized in the shift from traditional artisan practices to the production of unique, handmade jewelry, providing women with an alternative and sustainable source of income. Evidence of this impact lies in the organic growth of artisan groups, such as one in India, which evolved from a modest start to now employing over 300 artisans, showcasing the immediate positive effects on livelihoods.

Over the long term, WorldFinds became a beacon of ethical business practices and fair trade, marking a shift in consumer consciousness towards socially responsible shopping. The evidence for this enduring impact is reflected in the company's over 20 years of existence and its presence in over 1,000 stores across North America and Europe. The commitment to fair trade principles and sustainable practices is seen not only in the diverse and vibrant product line but also in the partnerships with artisan groups that have thrived for more than two decades. The founder's dedication to fostering meaningful relationships with artisans has contributed to breaking the cycle of poverty, providing stability, education, and a better future for families. The long-term success of WorldFinds stands as a testament to the transformative power of ethical business models and the profound impact they can have on both local and global communities.

Business benefit

Because the business did what it set out to achieve, a series of positive outcomes have ensued. WorldFinds, since its inception, has not only fostered a thriving fair trade enterprise but has also significantly impacted communities and economies. By establishing partnerships with artisan groups, the business has generated sustainable income streams for women in marginalized communities. The result has been the creation of over 300 jobs in one particular group in India, contributing not only to financial stability but also breaking the cycle of poverty. This tangible outcome is indicative of the transformative power of fair trade practices, as evidenced by the sustained employment opportunities and enhanced well-being of the artisans.

Furthermore, WorldFinds' commitment to ethical business practices has resonated with consumers, leading to the company's growth and expansion into over thousands stores across North America and Europe. The revenue generated from these retail partnerships has not only fueled the sustainability of the business itself but has also translated into increased orders for artisan groups. The business's success in opening up new markets is a testament to the effectiveness of its model, promoting fair trade and sustainable products. As the company continues to grow, it has maintained a focus on employee well-being, evident in the establishment of healthcare clinics and childcare centers within artisan groups, reinforcing the positive impact of ethical business practices on both the economic and social dimensions of the communities it serves.

Social and environmental benefit

Economically, WorldFinds plays a pivotal role in providing fair wages and sustainable employment opportunities, particularly for women.

The Girls Education Fund initiative further contributes to societal advancement by offering financial support for education, aligning with the global goal of ensuring quality education for all.

The Tailoring & Stitching Training Center, funded through the Fair Trade Month Initiative, demonstrates a commitment to skill development, providing women with the tools they need for fair-wage employment and personal independence. This multi-pronged approach supports UN SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth) and SDG 4 (Quality Education), fostering a positive cycle of empowerment and growth within communities.

Environmental benefits are intricately woven into WorldFinds' innovative practices. The use of compostable and recycled materials for packaging emphasizes the commitment to sustainable practices, extending from product design to delivery. Carbon emissions are further offset through initiatives like EcoCart, contributing to climate action (SDG 13).


Kelly Weinberger, Founder

Watch video on YouTube

Business information



Westmont, IL, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2001
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

WorldFinds is a woman-owned business crafting ethically handmade jewelry and accessories. Collaborating with 700+ artisans globally, they blend traditional craftsmanship with modern design, emphasizing fair trade practices and environmental sustainability.