Lynn Agency Inc.

Family Care - Easier Than Ever Before



Shabana Amin

Shabana Amin

alexandra bricault

alexandra bricault

Gabriella Bordenca

Gabriella Bordenca


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities

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A Medicaid recipient who is elderly, or who has a chronic illness or disability is entitled to receive home care services. The patient can choose from two types of services: getting a certified home health aide or joining the CDPAP program, which allows them to appoint their own caregiver. This program helps to achieve three sustainable development goals. The first goal is to ensure healthy lives and to promote well-being of individuals. The second goal is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all. The third goal this program helps to achieve is reducing inequalities within and among countries.


Lynn Agency has a wide-range of certified Home Health Aides who provide home care services to patients in need. The Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP) enables Medicaid recipients with chronic illnesses or disabilities to have greater flexibility and freedom over their home care services while giving them the ability to manage their own health care needs with comfort. A patient can choose a family member, neighbor, or friend to care for them who will get paid, with no needed license or certification, as well as no added expense to the patient (legal spouses and people under 21 years of age are disqualified). CDPAP employees are able to act similar to nurses in that they are able to administer oxygen as well as injections. Traditional home health aides are typically limited to what medications they can administer, but this is not the case under the new program.

Family Care - Easier Than Ever Before


The inspiration for this innovation came from people's health deteriorating due to refusing to have a stranger in their home taking care of them. During the interview, Bobby said, "We saw a problem with health care and came up with a solution. People's health was deteriorating due to unnecessary reasons. With the CDPAP, people are more engaged in their health care as well as feel more in charge as to what decisions they can make. It gives them a sense of empowerment." They are much more comfortable in the hands of someone they know, as it provides a sense of security as well as the availability to abide by their own schedule. The most common problem seniors may face is depression. But with this program, they are happier. In time, they develop a bond with the person that cares for them, whether it be their daughter, son, grandchild, or even a neighbor. All of these components together help to promote a healthier lifestyle. It decreases their chances of falling into a depressive state and they are less likely to end up back in a hospital or nursing home. According to a 2014 report conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, "the nation's 65 and older population is projected to reach 83.7 million in the year 2050, almost double in size from the 2012 level of 43.1 million." Based on these numbers, Lynn Agency understands the need for growing amounts of patients wanting family members/familiar faces to be their caretakers.

Overall impact

The short-term goals of the program are to get as many patients enrolled and as many workers employed as possible, so that they can receive the help they need. Patients find that the CDPAP makes home health care more enjoyable, which may result in more positive outcomes for the patient. The long-term goals of the CDPAP are to reduce Medicaid costs. This includes significantly reducing the cost by letting people get care in their own home versus being institutionalized. By having someone care for them, this will allow for early detection of health issues that may result in less frequent hospital visits.

Business benefit

Ever since the CDPAP was introduced, the business has skyrocketed. When people see an ad that says they can get paid to care for a loved one, they are automatically attracted to it. Lynn Agency has added many patients to their agency as well as employees. The company's revenue has continued to increase since the beginning of the program as the number of employees and patients increased. The office staff has developed relationships with representatives from insurance companies they are contracted with, as well as the patients and their family members. This works as a great marketing tool and helps to further expand their business and lead to further growth opportunities.

Social and environmental benefit

The introduction of the CDPAP helps to benefit society in many different ways. The most beneficial effect was the cutting of Medicaid costs. With people getting services in the home by a loved one versus not getting services at all, it decreased the number of patients admitted into institutions. Caretakers are able to better assist the client with such things as reminding them to take their medications, helping them bathe, and cooking for them, while supporting and nurturing them. When someone is present in the home, this decreases the possibility of the client falling, which is a major cause of institutionalization. All of these components help to drastically cut Medicaid costs.

Another way the CDPAP benefits society is by employing people, especially those that might have a hard time securing a job, or may be in financial trouble. This type of financial trouble usually arises due to them having to quit their previous job in order to stay home and care for their family member. Employing people also helps contribute to the economy.


Bobby Ramlall, Administrator

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Lynn Agency Inc.

Lynn Agency Inc.

Forest Hills, ZA
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1944
Number of Employees: 201 to 500

Lynn Agency, Inc. and its staff strive to provide high-quality patient care by providing their patients with qualified personnel or family members to meet their home care needs. Lynn Agency takes into account the patient's rights, psychological and spiritual needs, and their perception of care in the delivery of service. The agency is committed to the provision of home health care services that will assist the patients in their ability to make choices and to optimize positive health outcomes. The CDPAP (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program) has introduced phenomenal opportunities for many people.