Rumah Budaya Nusantara Puspo Budoyo (Cultural Center of Puspo Budoyo)

Faith in Culture, Preserve Heritage & Transform CSR into Corporate Social & Cultural Responsibility

874C 5181


Haryoga Aditya Wardhana

Haryoga Aditya Wardhana


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

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RBN Puspo Budoyo is a place for preserving the art-tradition and heritage. RBN Puspo Budoyo is always trying to run a primary goal in the preservation of this culture. By carrying out several activities, their utilization can be felt by many parties, especially to the community of the artists, so that they feel a lot of benefits from these activities. RBN Puspo Budoyo runs some programs and helps active artists and senior artists who are not productive to get money. And also, any remaining funds collected from the performance event are given back to the artists through several programs. The profit also comes from the learning of the traditional music art and traditional dances. The revenue generated from this traditional music lessons are used to subsidized talented students who are less capable of paying. Every one that involved in the activity in this place are giving benefit to others.


The place of H. Luluk Sumiarso has become a cultural observation place who cares about the fate of Indonesian tradition. He established Rumah Budaya Nusantara Puspo Budoyo as a cultural center on August 6, 2003, which is located in Kampung Sawah, Ciputat, Banten as a place to preserve the cultural heritage of Indonesia. This is a place where activities and exercises around arts are being carried out. This is the place that directly used by the public to appreciate the archipelago's culture. Rumah Budaya Nusantara Puspo Budoyo is one of eco-tourism destination and becomes a tourist destination of South Tangerang city.

Through Rumah Budaya Nusantara, H. Luluk Sumiarso is working hard to revive the love for national culture through promoting the events to various government and private agencies.

H. Luluk Sumiarso through Rumah Budaya Nusantara Puspo Budoyo introduces the importance of maintaining traditions and respecting the artistic heritage of the country to the government agencies and the private sector. Through his effort in taking care of this tradition, H. Luluk Sumiarso also has established The Nusantara Institute as part of his efforts to preserve the traditions with a mission to promote the culture abroad.

Faith in Culture, Preserve Heritage & Transform CSR into Corporate Social & Cultural Responsibility


RBN Puspo Budoyo is involving prominent figures in the government as a guest star and collaborates with other artists. Effort to involve guest stars from the officials is a strategy to erode the image that folk art is an art that remains provincial which only involves the periphery. With the process of stylization of folk art, the value of the existing art undergoes refinement and rose on to a higher level. RBN Puspo Budoyo is also awarded by Muri (The Museum of World' Record) with most appearances categories involving public figures. RBN Puspo Budoyo is an endless example of total dedication.

Overall impact

Almost every day, RBN Puspo Budoyo is visited by students from the surrounding schools to conduct extra-curricular activities such as dancing, playing gamelan or painting. There are also art studios in this cultural venue as a place to do exercise and some groups of people are coming there to learn regularly. The formulation of this culture is open to the public, for anyone who wants to preserve the culture of the archipelago by taking dance lesson, playing traditional music or painting. In holiday time, H. Luluk Sumiarso always visits his cultural home and participates to train dances or play traditional musical instruments.

RBN Puspo Budoyo also fosters the next generation, and recorded nearly 150 students aged around 5-14 years old who learn the traditional music art, such as angklung, kolintang, gamelan, rampak gendang, traditional dances, and other Javanese arts. Art education in Rumah Budaya Nusantara uses cross-subsidy system, in which the ones who are able to pay dues help the ones who are less capable of paying. So that all persons who are directly involved in these activities can provide the means for the benefit of others.

Business benefit

Until now RBN Puspo Budoyo runs some programs and helps active artists and senior artists who are not productive to get money. RBN Puspo Budoyo cooperates with several companies through CSR funds provided by some companies and some individual funds as the sponsor for this event. This sponsorship funds are used to carry out art shows involving some artists. The rest of the performances funds are collected and given back to the artists through several programs.

Social and environmental benefit

RBN Puspo Budoyo is always trying to run a primary goal in the preservation of this culture. By carrying out these activities, their utilization can be felt by many parties, especially the community of artists so that they feel a lot of benefits from these activities. Some programs which are still running are:

  • Providing scholarship to sons/daughters of RBN Puspo Budoyo's artists as many as 28 people consisting of 16 people from Elementary Level, 8 people of Junior Level, 1 people of High School Level, and there are 3 people from University Level.
  • Providing a help to repair the traditional arts stage (Tobong) in remote areas such as Gunung Kidul, Kediri and Madiun in order to help the artists for getting money from their performance on the stage.
  • Giving awards to the senior artists who are no longer productive by giving certificates and money used as capital to open a new business.


Luluk Sumiarso & Lies Sumiarso, Founder

Photo of interviewee

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Rumah Budaya Nusantara Puspo Budoyo (Cultural Center of Puspo Budoyo)

Tangerang, Banten, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2003
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Rumah Budaya Nusantara Puspo Budoyo (RBN Puspo Budoyo) is one of the love manifestations toward the local culture as well as a reflection of concerns about the loss of society's interest for their own culture in the middle of the currents mainstream of modern art. In this place H. Luluk Sumiarso fosters artists and involved people who wants to preserve the culture and introduces it to foreign countries. RBN Puspo Budoyo is currently known as the place for traditional art's appreciation activities, including promoting the culture to the people abroad. RBN Puspo Budoyo presents a record collection and visualization of various music and dance from the main island in Indonesia as well as the Galeri Pustaka Nusantara which are open to public for the people to learn and conduct asset management on learning/ art heritage, especially the children in order to support the activities and provide direct benefits to the surrounding community.