
Exploring the Intersection of Business and Social Impact



Raunaq Walia

Raunaq Walia


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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The business journey started for Tim with a realisation about the dark truth of the medical device industry, where he once worked. Witnessing unethical practices like quick product launches that occasionally harmed patients led him to question the core purpose of business.

Following his personal life changes, Tim began exploring alternative business models. He found himself attracted to the B Corp movement, supporting for businesses to prioritize social and environmental responsibility within a variety of industries, alongside financial gains. This newfound interest was a start to a journey towards building a business model that aligned with his values and beliefs.


In late 2015, Tim founded the company with a focus on helping businesses achieve B Corp certification. The services included coaching, workshops, and assistance with documentation to streamline and accelerate the certification process. The primary objective was to enable companies to express their impact narratives effectively and attain certification.

While their core focus was on B Corp certification, they also offered additional services such as sales training and purpose coaching. Despite facing increasing competition in the market, the company provided extensive experience, having been in the industry the longest. They were committed to advancing the B Corp movement and encouraging the adoption of responsible business practices.

Exploring the Intersection of Business and Social Impact


Tim's journey into entrepreneurship was sparked from his experiences in the medical device industry and the major shifts in personal life. For years, he operated within a system war with corruption and ethical compromises, a system that prioritized profit over people's well-being. It was only after witnessing the devastating earthquakes in Christchurch, New Zealand and becoming a parent that he experienced what some might call a "subconscious awakening." Suddenly, the purpose of his work came into sharp focus, and he questioned the true role of business in society.

Driven by a desire to align his work with values, Tim understood the broader impacts of business – socially, environmentally, and ethically which led him to the B Corp movement, a shining light in a world where making money is usually the main goal.

While the journey hasn't been without its challenges, including the emergence of competition, Tim remained firm in his commitment to grow the movement. With only a handful of consultants globally offering similar services, the path he chose remained niche but impactful.

As he continues his mission, the inspiration from the growing community of like-minded individuals and organizations dedicated to using business as a force for good. He noted "Together, we strive to create a world where profitability is not the sole measure of success, but rather a vehicle for positive change and lasting impact."

Overall impact

GrowGood focuses most directly on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 8 and 12 and contribution towards 9.

GrowGood aligns closely with UN Sustainable Development Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals. Collaboration is at the core of the mission as the company strives to assist other companies in becoming better, whether environmentally, socially, or economically.

The innovation emerged from a personal realization of the ethical compromises within industries like medical devices and construction. Tim added "We sought to create a business model that prioritized purpose and positive impact over profit maximization."

The primary focus lies in assisting companies in obtaining B Corp certification, which aligns with goal 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth, as the company aims to create opportunities for meaningful employment while fostering economic development.

Tim interviewed a ski company for a podcast. Traditionally, ski production involves the use of plastics and petrochemicals, which can be harmful to the environment. However, this particular company has innovated by creating skis using bio-algae, a more sustainable material that generates less waste and reduces environmental impact.

By highlighting this example, Tim mentioned their interest in supporting businesses that not only create economic opportunities but also prioritize sustainability, he believes that companies like these can have a positive impact by providing jobs while also minimizing harm to the environment. This aligns with their goal of promoting partnerships that contribute to sustainable economic growth and social progress. Additionally, the work contributes to Goal 9 – Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure, by promoting innovative, sustainable solutions within various industries.

In the short term, the impact is evident in the companies that were helped obtain B Corp certification. However, GrowGood is now setting up a strong system to measure the long-term impact of their work which includes assessing whether companies have increased their social and environmental impact, raised awareness of sustainability issues, improved team engagement, and enhanced resilience.

Evidence suggests that the company's efforts have encouraged growth within sustainability, especially shown by the increase in messages and partnerships since COVID-19 started. This marks a significant shift, with companies actively seeking their assistance in their sustainability journeys, reflecting the increasing relevance and impact of their work.

Business benefit

One significant benefit for businesses pursuing B Corp certification is the positive impact on employee engagement and recruitment. By involving the entire team in the certification process through interactive workshops and kickoff sessions, companies create a sense of excitement and ownership among employees. This engagement not only enhances team morale but also promotes a deeper understanding of the company's purpose and values.

Companies that have achieved B Corp certification report receiving inquiries from job seekers who are drawn to their commitment to social and environmental responsibility. This is supported by feedback from recruitment firms, such as Kin Recruitment in Wellington, which observes that B Corp-certified companies tend to attract higher-quality candidates compared to non-certified counterparts. Tim quoted "Wendy, the CEO and founder said companies we represent that are B Corp attract superior candidates compared to non-B Corps."

Overall, investing in B Corp certification not only strengthens a company's reputation as a socially and environmentally conscious employer but also enhances its ability to attract and retain top talent, ultimately contributing to long-term success and sustainability.

Social and environmental benefit

Tim said "Through our work, we are not just helping companies achieve B Corp certification but we are also identifying areas where they can improve their social and environmental practices. Many businesses lack insight into critical areas such as supply chain sustainability and employee engagement. We bridge this gap by offering solutions, either through developing our own products and services or by forming strategic partnerships with companies that specialize in specific areas."

For example, GrowGood has collaborated with companies to create tech solutions and consultancy services to address sustainability challenges. By providing access to these resources, they help businesses enhance their environmental and social impact. Additionally, their referral partnerships ensure that companies receive the support they need to implement sustainable practices effectively.

The impact of their efforts extends beyond individual businesses. By raising awareness and creating a culture of purpose and sustainability, they contribute to a broader societal shift towards greater consciousness and action. Tim related to Gus Smith's quote "The most significant environmental challenges stem from selfishness, greed, and apathy". GrowGood's aim is to spark a spiritual and cultural transformation that inspires people to think and act differently.

Another example is their collaboration with Jeuneura, where the entire team participated in the B Corp certification process. This inclusive approach not only enhances employee engagement but also ignites a shared commitment to impact and purpose. We make sure everyone on the team, whether they are part-time workers or senior managers, understands and supports sustainable practices. This creates a strong foundation for sustainability in the company, spreading its impact far and wide. Tim's message - " You can engage even your lowest part-time employee in this process, and you've already succeeded, as they'll carry the torch of impact, purpose, and doing good. Once you ignite that individual, the recipe becomes straightforward."


Tim Jones, Founder, CEO

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Business information



Christchuch, NZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Founded in late 2015 by Tim Jones, GrowGood offers a range of services including sales training and purpose coaching. The company's focus shifted towards B Corp certification assistance, becoming pioneers in New Zealand's market, specializing in simplifying and expediting the B Corp certification process for businesses through coaching, workshops, and documentation support. Despite the increasing competition, the experience and three-time certification makes GrowGood the leaders in the field. With approximately 200 global competitors, the niche expertise highlights their commitment to advancing the B Corp movement and promoting responsible business practices worldwide.