J&J Mechanical Contractors

Environmentally Friendly Chillers


Michael Peralta

Michael Peralta

Paul Azzer

Paul Azzer

Justin Percival

Justin Percival

Yunbo An

Yunbo An

Jessica Rosario

Jessica Rosario


Rutgers Business School

Rutgers Business School


Joe Markert

Joe Markert

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 7. Affordable and Clean Energy

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Other companies use the basic and common chillers (High efficient chillers) while completing the similar job tasks. However, J&J’s use unique chillers that perform the best and most efficiently. These chillers are called York and Trane. They bring the cleanest air to a great amount of people at hospitals all around the city. At the same time, these chillers are saving energy which benefits the company and the community overall.


These chillers are called York and Trane. They bring the cleanest air to a great amount of people at hospitals all around the city. At the same time, these chillers are saving energy which benefits the company and the community overall. It also, "Delivers the right temperature, humidity and ventilation for the space, but they also help minimize operating costs with superior energy efficiency levels, low sound levels and with minimal environmental impact," as it states in the Trane website.

Environmentally Friendly Chillers


To try to help as many people as they can. They value their happiness and at the same time build a good reputation. Jacob Youssef said, “We feel good about ourselves knowing we can make a difference in this world”, “The innovation began when the company first started in 2003”, “York and Trane chillers are the best when it comes to saving energy which is why we use them.”

Overall impact

The use of these chillers allowed J&J to "deliver the right temperature, humidity and ventilation for the space, but they also help minimize operating costs with superior energy efficiency levels, low sound levels and with minimal environmental impact," as it states in the Trane website. In addition, it helped the well-being of people as they provide air flow and water sanitation in buildings like hospitals. Therefore, they provide a health work environment for doctors and nurse and at the same time caring for the well-being of the patients. Plus, the evidence that suggest that this impact occurred is that J&J are obtaining projects that other companies are not simply because of there minimal environmental impact.

Business benefit

It benefits the business because it separates them from their competition as they are offering the most environmentally friendly chillers. In addition, it shows that J&J are here to help the environment. This, allows J&J to obtain potential projects that other companies would not get, as the environment becomes a bigger and bigger issue. It enters almost a niche market as some buildings look for environmental friendly products and services. Thus, the J&J company can expend and push there innovation further the just a few states and really make an impact. Therefore, J&J's growth would increase as well as its revenue and the amount of laborers needed. Furthermore, the employee's well-being would remain the same as the work atmosphere in J&J is overall positive in nature.

Social and environmental benefit

This innovation benefits society because they will help save energy at numerous hospitals around the state of NY. Thus, they provide these buildings better air filters and air flow through the hospitals. In addition, to air flow, it also purifies the water for the hospital to have. Poor water quality and inadequate sanitation negatively impact food security, livelihood choices and educational opportunities for poor families across the world. Ensuring healthy lives and promoting the well-being for all at all ages is essential to sustainable development. Furthermore, J&J benefit the environment (in the New York area) as they use the most environmentally friendly chillers creating less harm to the environment compared to their competitors. Last, it would be beneficial for both society and the environment if their innovation expended pass the NY area as it will make a positive impact everywhere.


Jacob Youssef, Project Manager Assistant

Jacob Youssef, Project Manager Assistant

Business information

J&J Mechanical Contractors

J&J Mechanical Contractors

Jersey City, NJ, US
Year Founded: 2001
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

J&J Mechanical Contractors create and maintain clean air for a lot of people in NYC hospitals by exchanging dirty water, pipes for clean water pipes. This company focuses on helping provide clean water in an efficient and energy-saving way. They do this through the use of special chillers, called York and Trane, which perform the best by producing clean air.