
Energy Efficiency Through Analytics


Michael Cardilicchia

Michael Cardilicchia

Anthony Brown

Anthony Brown

Marra Burke

Marra Burke


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Enertiv's AI (Asset Intelligence) system works to track the performance of all critical energy systems within a building. These systems include boilers, chillers, elevators, A/C, exhaust fans and etc. When one of these systems become deviated from optimal performance, and begins to work on wasted and overly emitted energy, Enertiv's AI system detects and immediately notifies the building operator. The detection saves money, and is resourceful acting proactively by eliminating energy waste and improve tenants living conditions.

The system learns the operational patterns of each piece of equipment and can even predict issues before they occur. This also helps owners extend the lifespan of their equipment.


The innovation primarily exists in New York benefitting the enormous population of real estate owners. From the boardroom to the mechanical room, Enertiv is present. Landlords are the primary users of the product, as it reduces operational expenses and maximizes tenant health and comfort. The product improves a tenants' experience by addressing any environmental issues before they arise and cause trouble. The sustainable goal of clean energy, making communities more sustainable, and responsible energy consumption is prevalent with Enertiv.

The driving of energy efficiency with real-time energy monitoring has propelled the company to gain transparency into the largest culprits of waste. Within the monitoring, forecasts are projected with algorithms, analyzing historical data to account for weather variations, and inform of efficient start and shutdown times.

Energy Efficiency Through Analytics


The CEO Connell McGill was inspired to start Enertiv after working as a lead consultant for green buildings. He was amazed that regardless of the most top of the line technology, sustainable buildings had no real time transparency and no way of monitoring or measuring the buildings performance. This inspired him and the co-founder, Pavel Khodorkovskiy, to enter a series of business competitions and to create a product focused on producing transparency in building operations.

Overall impact

Enertiv is made up of a number of technologies, which ultimately help communities and better energy usage/efficiency. The rapid growth of its product line can not only save building owner costs, but also maximize energy and the efficiency of equipment.

Below is a breakdown of each product within it's portfolio and why it's applicable as a solution within this space.

Enertiv AI (Asset Intelligence): analyzes hundreds of pieces of equipment per building to deliver intelligent notifications around malfunctions and inefficiencies in real time.

Enertiv ATB (Automated Tenant Billing): completely automates the tenant submetering and billing process for both electricity and water.

EnertivTwo Meter: is an IoT device capable of affordably turning any building into a smart building and performing on-site "edge computing" analyses.

Business benefit

Enertiv is a company aimed at providing transparency in energy usage and building operations. They focus on enhancing building operations for building owners and improving tenant living has allowed Enertiv to occupy a specific niche in the energy sector. By occupying a specific niche in the green building industry, Enertiv will be able to achieve optimal performance and later grow the business to provide real time data for hospitals, schools, and other businesses.

Social and environmental benefit

Enertiv makes buildings easier to operate, healthier to occupy, and more profitable to own. With it's real-time information and data/analytics, the company has made indoor environments work more healthy and comfortable. Through this, billions of dollars of asset value are unlocked through reduced operations expenses.

The innovation has provided valuable insights for the country's leading real estate portfolios.


Comly Wilson, Director of Digital Marketing at Enertiv

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Business information



New York, NY, US
Business Website: https://www.enertiv.com/
Year Founded: 2011
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Enertiv is an energy company which provides data driven energy efficiency solutions to real estate, energy services, and utilities markets worldwide. The company is an innovator for it’s research on energy data/analytics; this translates into solutions which maximize and monitor efficient energy consumption.