Recyda GmbH

Enabling fast transition in circular economy of packaging

01 recyda sorting team full res 1


Vihang Dixit

Vihang Dixit

Roope Larmala

Roope Larmala

Melbin Thomas

Melbin Thomas

Johannes Hemberg

Johannes Hemberg


Hanken School of Economics

Hanken School of Economics


Martin Fougere

Martin Fougere

Eva Nilsson

Eva Nilsson

Global Goals

9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water 15. Life on Land

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Recyda developed a software management system that collects information related to packaging recyclability during the whole supply chain process (Recyda, 2022). Recyda’s business model is based on three aspects such as 1) recyclability (Rand D mass data) 2) EPR fees & plastic taxes 3) packaging data collection and management (Recyda, 2022). This innovative idea developed by Recyda helps companies to be more aware of the importance of package recycling and encourages them to make better decisions, which can help make the planet a better place.


Recyda’s innovative model has three dimensions. At first, the innovative web-based application helps to generate detailed modeling of a company’s packaging recyclability. The second stage helps to analyze the combination of technical recyclability. For instance, the country specific ruleset would support the companies to generate most accurate information related to packaging recyclability. The third stage is about making the right recyclability decisions by using the objective assessments and modeling (Recyda, 2022).

They are very particular about the data security of customers and the servers are purely based at Frankfurt (Recyda, 2022). The biggest advantage of this innovative model is to help companies to collect and manage the packaging portfolios from a single platform based on accurate and reliable data management platform (Recyda, 2022).

In the year 2015, United Nations (UN) members agreed on a proposal of 17 Sustainable development goals (SDG) as an immediate action plan for the 2030 sustainable development agenda (SDGS, 2022). Recyda as a company is being part of this mission by following SDGs set by UN.

• Industry, innovation, and infrastructure

• Sustainable cities and communities

• Climate action

• Life below water

• Life on land

Recyda’s packaging recyclability management software enables companies to be more responsible, and thereby create more sustainable communities and cities. This innovation is going to make our planet a better place to live.

Enabling fast transition in circular economy of packaging


Initially a start-up, Recyda was founded in 2020 in Germany, as a result of an innovation program by 3 co-founders Vivian Loftin, Anna Zießow and Christian Knobloch (Recyda, 2022). Interestingly, none of the founders had any prior experience in the packaging sector before Recyda, but as they formed a team during the innovation program and combined their respective experiences from different backgrounds, they quickly noticed how many opportunities lies within this sector (Recyda, 2022).

All of the co-founders had a sustainability-oriented mindset, they share an ambitious vision of reducing waste (Recyda, 2022; Ferreira, 2021), and take part in shaping a sustainable future together, which is also embedded in Recyda’s vision today (Recyda, 2022). Through their inspiration and passion, the idea for this innovative software was created and funded with Futury Capital (Ferreira, 2021). With the help of Futury Capital’s knowledgeable team and resources, the first prototypes of the software were tested, and Recyda’s business accelerated from there on (Ferreira, 2021). With this advanced software, the team can fulfill their aspiration and fight against the flood of packaging waste (Ferreira, 2021). The shared goal is to become the digital packaging expert on a global level (Recyda, 2022). Moreover, the leaders also wanted to build a positive and inspiring working environment that appreciates its employees and enables them to fully flourish at their work (Recyda, 2022).

Overall impact

Recyda’s innovation impacts companies across the whole packaging value chain through centralizing packaging recyclability information into an easy-to-use software solution combining country-specific research (Ferreira, 2021). It provides a large database, that is easy to access and visually clear (Ferreira, 2021). Verifying and addressing different packaging recyclability regulations in various countries can be very time consuming and hard, so the innovation helps companies who are faced with increased pressure from stakeholders to design packages in a more recyclable manner, while also having to comply with various legal barriers, to adapt faster (Recyda, 2022).

The short-term effects of Recyda’s innovation include cost savings due to reduction of extended producer responsibility fees, eco-modulation, as well as better internal and external sustainability reporting that helps to improve public commitment on sustainability goals. Furthermore, providing guidance for companies on regulations, country-specific compliances and infrastructure on packaging recyclability. In addition, Recyda has already successfully been able to change some of their customers packaging, which have made it to the markets as well (Recyda, 2022).

The long-term effects are likely to yield a positive impact too. Regulation is getting increasingly strict. Using Recyda’s platform can help companies navigate and keep track of the ever-changing landscape of compliances as well as minimizing potential adversity, as users are progressively staying up to date with new packaging recyclability standards and specifications in various countries (Recyda, 2022). Additionally, the innovation promotes faster transition towards circular economy (Recyda, 2022), which will have a positive long-term impact on the environment.

Business benefit

As a result of the launching of their innovative recyclability assessment software in 2020, Recyda is able to raise capital from investors to grow the business further. In 2021, Futury Capital became the first institutional investor to invest in Recyda (Ferreira, 2021). By having access to capital and the know-how from a credible corporate partner, Recyda has an opportunity to accelerate growth by acquiring new customers and expanding into new markets.

In addition to their team of three co-founders, Recyda currently employs seven full-time employees, and several students as part-time employees (Recyda, 2022). Accelerating business growth and capital raised from investors has permitted the company to hire employees to continue their research on packaging solutions and improve their software further. While Recyda’s recyclability innovation continues, a larger workforce will accelerate business growth by increasing the company’s ability to serve customers in various markets.

Recyda’s software offers businesses a chance to assess their packaging portfolios based on recyclability standards, requirements and guidelines in their desired markets, and to forecast fees and taxes based on packaging choices. By providing valuable data, Recyda assists companies in optimizing their packaging solutions, and helps them gain a competitive edge.

Social and environmental benefit

The recyclability of packaging materials is increasingly important to societies due to continuous increase in the volumes of global trade. Due to increase in the popularity of online shopping and the use of delivery services, the volumes of traveling packages and thus packaging materials have increased heavily in the last years. In Finland, for example, an estimated 60 million packages were delivered in 2015, whereas the number reached nearly 120 million in 2021 (Traficom, 2021). While the use of packaging materials continues to increase, Recyda’s recyclability assessment software innovation will continue to grow in importance.

By being able to re-utilize packaging materials, societies can reduce their waste treatment needs, and create cleaner city environments. Instead of dumping waste in landfills or be incinerated, materials can be collected and reused. According to the World Bank, only 13.5% of collected solid waste is recycled globally, whereas over 60% is disposed in landfills (World Bank). According to the World Bank’s estimation, two billion tons of waste was produced globally, and estimations suggest that number to reach 3.6 billion tons by 2050 (World Bank). Recyda’s innovation benefits societies by providing solutions to increase recyclability, and thus reduce the amount of waste that must be dealt with in other ways.

Recyda’s recyclability assessment software provides clear environmental benefits, as it has potential to reduce the need for raw materials, as well as the amount of waste that is disposed of in an environmentally hazardous way. Packaging materials including plastics, cardboard, paper, and wood consume natural resources, while improper waste management threatens ecosystems.


Vivian Loftin, Co-Founder

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Business information

Recyda GmbH

Recyda GmbH

Freiburg, DE
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Recyda is a startup founded in the year 2020, based in Germany. Currently, they have ten full-time and several part-time employees. Recyda is an independent company that developed a software solution to enable companies to manage their packaging recyclability needs under one umbrella. The customers of Recyda vary from packaging producers to brand owners and retailers (Recyda, 2022).