NAUT Limited

Electric Propulsion for a Cleaner, Sustainable Future


Miranda Chetham

Miranda Chetham


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 13. Climate Action 14. Life Below Water

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NAUT’s mission is to create zero-emission electric propulsion solutions for the boating world, targeting the six to twelve-meter boat range. The innovation aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), 13 (Climate Action) and indirectly to 14 (Life Below Water) (United Nations, 2015).


Based in Northland, New Zealand, CEO & Co-Founder Fiona Bycroft explained that NAUT’s innovative solution provides a zero-emissions alternative to traditional marine propulsion systems that rely on fossil fuels and emit harmful greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change.

NAUT's electric propulsion system aligns with multiple United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by reducing emissions and promoting sustainable industrial practices. In offering a zero-emissions option for marine transportation, their innovation directly contributes to SDG 7: Affordable and Clean Energy and SDG 13: Climate Action. Additionally, it aligns with the goals of SDG 14 to conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development, and SDG 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure by providing a viable option for marine transportation.

This innovative solution showcases the potential for sustainable solutions to promote economic growth and protect the environment. By reducing the impact of marine transportation on the environment, NAUT contributes to global efforts aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change, protecting marine ecosystems and fostering responsible industry practices for a more sustainable future. Additionally, in addressing the issue of boating emissions, NAUT is helping to pave the way for other industries to transition to more sustainable practices and technologies.

Electric Propulsion for a Cleaner, Sustainable Future


Fiona's electric propulsion journey began while working for McKay, an established electrotechnology company with two decades of marine industry experience. After successfully constructing a large-scale electric propulsion ferry in Wellington, a Whangarei-based boat builder approached McKay to provide an electric outboard for a smaller recreational boat. However, they found no suitable options locally or globally that fit the specifications. "There was just nothing in that size. So, we thought, we'll just do it," recalls Fiona. They embarked on the challenging task of designing and building a product from scratch. The outcome exceeded the customer's expectations, leading to the formation of NAUT, a company solely focused on developing electric propulsion systems for boats in the six to twelve-meter range.

Motivated by a desire to create something unique and not globally available, Fiona worked with talented engineers from the original McKay project to achieve this goal. Her passion for developing a product that would benefit the environment was grounded in her personal experience of living by the sea and being aware of the negative impact of marine transportation, which is not always visible. Fiona remarked, "Having a product that would benefit the environment was very exciting for me."

Fiona is passionate about creating diverse teams and fostering a positive culture which was significantly influenced by her experience working abroad within a culture quite different to her own. The experience inspired her to create a culture at NAUT that is beneficial for both individuals and the team as a whole. These motivations, combined with her passion for innovation, to create something unique and environmentally friendly, drove her to form NAUT and begin developing electric propulsion systems.

Overall impact

NAUT's electric propulsion system continues to gain interest in the marine industry for its potential to promote sustainability and reduce carbon emissions. Developing an alternative to fossil fuel-powered boats enables NAUT to help mitigate the negative impact of traditional marine transportation on the environment. Valuable knowledge and experience from the original outboard within McKay led to the establishment of NAUT as an independent company, and the subsequent recruitment of skilled employees has helped to advance the technology, as it is scaled and brought to market.

One of the biggest challenges in introducing new technologies is the higher cost compared to traditional fossil fuel alternatives. However, early adopters assist NAUT in making the technology more acceptable to society and will continue to reduce the cost over time, creating accessibility to a wider market. For instance, one early customer requested a feasibility study to transition 50% of their boats to electric, showcasing the viability of NAUT's technology to the wider public. As more customers transition to electric propulsion systems, the environmental impact of the marine industry will continue to trend downwards. Depending on the charging source, each boat could see a reduction in CO2 emissions between 1.7 and 15 tons per year, with the potential for an even greater impact when scaled.

The innovation has attracted an investor who recognizes the value of NAUT’s zero-emissions propulsion system and its potential to address environmental challenges in the marine industry. The investor brings a network of innovative companies, which provides additional support for NAUT's mission to promote sustainable marine transportation.

Business benefit

NAUT's electric propulsion technology has provided the business with a competitive edge in a market with increasing demand for sustainable solutions. As the market need for sustainable products continues to grow, NAUT's electric propulsion system is well-positioned to meet the needs of customers who prioritise sustainability over traditional fossil fuel alternatives.

Securing investment not only indicates strong validation of the innovation’s potential for success but also provides the necessary capital to advance its development, effectively market the product and drive revenue growth.

The innovation has created a number of benefits for NAUT, notably facilitating the expansion of their workforce as new job opportunities become available for skilled employees involved in product design and manufacturing. As the business continues to expand, it has the potential to influence its supply chain and source components from more sustainable sources, further enhancing the positive impact on the environment.

Social and environmental benefit

NAUT's innovation provides several benefits for both society and the environment, primarily by reducing the negative impacts of marine transportation on the climate. Boating has a much higher emissions rate than cars, and with limited options for sustainable marine propulsion in the 80hp size, this technology creates an opportunity for consumers to make an eco-friendlier choice. By reducing emissions, the technology contributes to a cleaner environment and helps combat climate change.

As NAUT grows and expands their operations, they aim to continue implementing sustainable practices and exploring ways to reduce the environmental impact of their components and operations. This includes exploring the full lifecycle of their components, from sourcing to disposal, as part of their longer-term strategy. NAUT's commitment to ethical sourcing of materials shows promise for reducing their environmental impact and contribution to a more sustainable future.

Additionally, by introducing electric marine propulsion technology and promoting its benefits, the innovation can help shift societal views towards electric transportation and encourage people to consider electric options in the future. This can have positive implications for the environment and society as a whole.

NAUT's innovation in electric propulsion technology is a step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future for both society and the environment. As a small player in the recreational marine market, their commitment to leaving clear air and water in their wake shows promise for continued growth and impact in the industry.


Fiona Bycroft, CEO & Co-Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

NAUT Limited

NAUT Limited

Northland, Northland, NZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2021
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

NAUT is an innovator in electric propulsion technology within the recreational marine market. They believe electric transport should be the norm and are committed to leaving clean air and water in their wake. Their talented engineers utilize a unique proprietary battery system to design and manufacture zero-emission electric propulsion systems, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable future.