PT United Tractors Tbk

Educate Young People to Improve Welfare

D0Fc C4A5


Cynthia Tjong

Cynthia Tjong


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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A noble vision of PT United Tractor Tbk company through their foundation named Yayasan Karya Bakti started in 2008, under their educational program called UT School, reaching more than 9,000 young people of the nation's children in the archipelago and mostly coming from underprivileged economies. This sustainable program helps the government to educate the youth generation and reduce poverty in Indonesia.


With a business background as a distributor of heavy equipment, mining and energy, PT United Tractors Tbk with UT School Program facilitates complete tools and machine curriculum and provides the best education from competent instructors who are experts in the heavy equipment industry. The goal is to educate and produce quality resources with high integrity, good manners and a courageous attitude. By upholding the responsibility, UT School supports an innovative business model in growth, in addition to contributing to the nation's life and improving human well-being.

PT United Tractors Tbk has worked closely with product principals from world brands such as Komatsu, Scania, Bomag, Tadano and others, and developed eco-friendly engines to improve environmental performance by improving product life cycle from material, operation, maintenance, re-manufacturing up to the disposal stage.

Eco-friendly engine is called hybrid engine product, which aims to save energy and fuel on the product used supported by best services and solutions. The quality of resources are also needed to improve efficiency and productivity in order to minimize social and environmental impacts.

Educate Young People to Improve Welfare


Competency and character are essential goals of UT School education programs. All of the students practice "INSANI" culture that covers integrity, courtesy, expertise, and courage. After the students are graduated from UT school, they are expected to be able to face high competitiveness, contribute to the challenge of using technology and also to achieve a sustainable society.

Due to the well-known reputation of the graduates UT School in the heavy equipment, mining and energy industry area, even before graduation UT School students have been recruited by large companies to be employees, mostly from domestic and international customers of PT United Tractors Tbk (large industries, such as forestry, construction, infrastructure, mining, energy, and many more).

Currently the government has the greatest concern in building infrastructure in Indonesia. When the building infrastructure is complete, it will create equity in the new economic area. Infrastructure development should be supported by the availability of heavy machine and professional workforce to achieve the nation's prosperity.

Overall impact

Now UT School has spread to 19 branches in strategic areas throughout Indonesia, dominated most by big regions in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Java, Sulawesi until Sorong. After recruitment and passing the selection, the young candidates will continue a one-year training with four main stages from attitudes and mental coaching, in classroom training, workshops and job training. After the graduation, the students receive a quality certificate, it allows them big opportunity to be recruited to work with companies in the infrastructure sector.

Educational programs are very challenging, after one year of training program, they do not only generate skills but they become highly competent resources in handling machines professionally, and ready to participate in the infrastructure of government programs.

The value of PT United Tractors Tbk is to achieve sustainability by giving value to society and the environment. The company executes a good corporate governance so that it can support the implementation of a noble vision to improve the welfare of society by providing education for the younger generation of the nation. This sustainability goal is embedded in the business model and could go beyond just providing products and services.

Business benefit

PT United Tractors Tbk supported by the experts in the heavy equipment industry continue research and development for more eco-friendly engines and more contribution in preparing young professional as mechanic and operators to fulfill the stakeholder's needs.

Social and environmental benefit

PT United Tractors Tbk continues to develop environmental friendly engines to reduce negative impact on the environment, it is to support environmental sustainability.

On the other hand, PT United Tractors Tbk also utilizes technology and innovative research & development to continue to strive and engage and participate in building better infrastructure in the country to support the government programs.

The UT School as the best education and training system in Indonesia focuses on heavy equipment. The school has 19 learning points throughout Indonesia. Every year, the recruitment team goes to the village, to get young prospective candidates from vocational schools with strong interest in machinery and electricity because this background will become their profession in the future. Annually there are around 400 to 1,000 young people joined the UT School and this contribution helps the nation's welfare by reducing poverty problem.

For further info on the business, please visit the website at


Mr. Muhyudi, Deputy Director of Student Affairs (UT School)

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Business information

PT United Tractors Tbk

PT United Tractors Tbk

Jakarta, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1972
Number of Employees: 10000+
PT United Tractors Tbk was established company since 1972 with main business as a heavy equipment distributor for domestic and international customers. The company has listed in Jakarta since1989 with majority shareholder PT Astra International Tbk (Astra). United Tractors has four main business of Construction Machinery, Mining Contractor, Mining and Construction Industry. The headquarters was in Jakarta, following with more network as 177 services, 20 branches, 22 site support, 10 representative offices and 14 mine offices in 22 provinces throughout Indonesia. Customer served coming from both domestic and international customers from infrastructure, mining, forestry, construction, transportation, energy, and many more. The companies aware of their business operations also will impacting the economy, social and environment to the local community.