Jabones Ecológicos de Colombia

Ecological Soaps with Minimal Environmental Impact

E3B4 1A60


Francisco Torres Romero

Francisco Torres Romero


Universidad Externado de Colombia

Universidad Externado de Colombia


Gustavo A Yepes López

Gustavo A Yepes López

Global Goals

6. Clean Water and Sanitation 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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  • Use of promising native species such as the soap tree (Sapindus saponaria)
  • Ecological soaps with minimal environmental impact
  • Take advantage of a sustainable natural resource that is in one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world, the tropical dry forest


  • Jabones Ecológicos de Colombia "is an innovative bet that arises from the recovery of ancestral customs that involve the use of promising native species such as the soap tree (Sapindus saponaria)" said Alejandro Sánchez. The fruits of this tree produce natural foam that serves as raw material of ecological alternative for the elaboration of diverse products. The innovation consists in the generation of knowledge that allows the incorporation of natural origin foamers in the formulation, manufacture, transformation and commercialization of products of both personal hygiene and agricultural use that do not imply harmful impact for human health and for the environment.

    The innovation arises from the curiosity and professional training of the entrepreneur in Forestry Engineering where he met the traditional use given to the soap tree, and through various investigations they learned the variables for the cultivation, harvest and transformation of the fruit, the formulation and obtaining of products that gave the possibility of specifying the business idea.

Ecological Soaps with Minimal Environmental Impact


  • Colombia is one of the mega diverse countries of the world but this enormous wealth is not easily translated into economic benefits for people living in rural areas, "therefore looking for new businesses that generate sources of income from the sustainable uses of promising species can contribute to the well-being of communities and the conservation of the most threatened ecosystems" says Alejandro Sanchez.

    Recovering the ancestral uses that were given to a native species allows it to resurface as an alternative of raw material for cleaning products in the daily needs of personal and household hygiene.

    Take advantage of a sustainable natural resource that is found in one of the most threatened ecosystems in the world such as the tropical dry forest, promoting its conservation, cultivation, management and use.

Overall impact

  • Through this innovation, the collective awareness of the massive use of products derived from the soap tree as a viable ecological alternative in cleaning works is being sought, considerably reducing the environmental impact of chemical pollutants on the water resource, generated by the indiscriminate use of detergents and cleaning products manufactured from poorly biodegradable compounds such as phosphates, nitrates, chlorides, dyes, and petroleum derivatives, among others.

    In Colombia in 2015 it was estimated that the consumption of detergents was 292,196 tons per year, with an approximate consumption of 6 kilograms per person. On the other hand, according tothemagazineDinero, the hair products market including shampoo grew in Colombia above 10% in the last five years.

    "It also favors the creation of jobs in rural communities, greater knowledge, conservation and sustainable use of promising native species, and It can contribute to the reduction of deforestation and degradation of the most threatened ecosystems such as the tropical dry forest by giving value to the non-timber use of the native species found there" Alejandro Sanchez thinks.

Business benefit

  • To present to the consumer for his election new alternatives in products of washer, shampoo and detergent more friendly with the environment, and with possibility of benefits for rural local communities.

    Commercialize 100% biodegradable products, Anti-bacterial, Allergic hypoallergic, Anti-fungal, without content of additives highly polluting conventional detergents, such as: phosphates, chlorine, nitrates, or petroleum derivatives, among others.

    Promote new forms of marketing more responsible and conscious with the appropriate use of natural resources.

Social and environmental benefit

Among the main pollutants of water are chemical products, including pesticides, various industrial products, and surfactants contained in detergents, reducing their consumption will be beneficial for the environment.

New opportunities for income generation for local rural communities that inhabit the ecosystems where the soap tree species (Sapindus saponaria) is found.

Contribute to the reduction of pressure due to deforestation and degradation of the most threatened ecosystems such as the tropical dry forest.

Greater ecological knowledge, management, cultivation and use of the promising native species of the soap tree (Sapindus saponaria).

In addition, this initiative contributes to the achievement of several of the SDGs, mainly the following:

6) Clean water and sanitation

8) Decent work and economic growth

12) Responsible production and consumption

13) Action for the climate

15) Life of terrestrial ecosystems


José Alejandro Sánchez, Entrepreneur, Forest Engineer, Msc. Genetics and Fito improvement, Manager Soaps Ecológicos De Colombia

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Business information

Jabones Ecológicos de Colombia

Jabones Ecológicos de Colombia

Bogotá, CO
Year Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 2 to 10
Jabones Ecológicos de Colombia, according to Alejandro Sánchez "was born as a project of entrepreneurship in the environmental sector, which like many others, arise from a dream, and ours, is to see the human being in harmonious coexistence with nature. This dream day after it becomes reality, as more and more people encourage us, when they join the group of convinced that consuming products of natural origin, is beneficial in a comprehensive way for the environment, both in our generation and in the future". "Through the diffusion of our products, we intend to contribute to the rescue of our water sources, to the reduction of the cutting of trees, and to the diversification of the economic income for the peasant community. In the peasants we have identified ancestral customs that are the main source of inspiration to minimize the impacts on the environment caused by current human behavior" Alejandro Sánchez manager Jabones Ecológicos De Colombia.