Svevia AB

Driving into the Future


Rebecca Larsson

Rebecca Larsson

Beata Edlund

Beata Edlund

hulia khoja

hulia khoja

Andreas Rydell

Andreas Rydell

Klara Käll

Klara Käll


Jönköping International Business School

Jönköping International Business School


Guenola Nonet

Guenola Nonet

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

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The hydrogen project is a sustainable fuel alternative instead of using gas and diesel. This will contribute to a cleaner environment, multiple job opportunities and a sustainable alternative for transportation.


This project started in 1997 merely as an idea and curiosity to use a more environmentally-friendly alternative to gas and diesel. Mr Granberg was studying construction engineering along with some individual courses in sustainability and environmental construction when the idea was formed. Mr Granberg got the idea of using hydrogen as a fuel and together with his friend, Mattias Persson, the idea was turned into a project. Together they started the project and are still to this day the main project leaders in charge.

The reason for choosing hydrogen was initially Mr Granberg’s major interest for hydrogen and the technology within that area. Svevia is the first one in the business to use hydrogen fuel-cell cars. They are still in the start-up phase of the project and at the moment they only have two test-cars which are to be used as service cars within the Umeå-region. The main reason for investing in hydrogen cars originates from one of Svevia sustainability goal for 2020, to reduce the amounts of harmful emissions which is considered to be a big challenge for the entire industry. “By switching to hydrogen we can get a world with growth without simultaneously destroying the environment”. The hydrogen cars are powered by fuel cells. They are refuelled with a mix of hydrogen and oxygen, transformed to power. The only emission from the car’s exhaust pipe is water vapour, making the cars an extraordinary alternative to gas-powered cars.

To be able to continue with the project, Svevia is cooperating with hydrogen suppliers who will install a demo station located in Umeå near Svevia’s operating area. When the project is completed, the two test-cars will be evaluated. If the project turns out to be successful, Mr Granberg wishes that: "Svevia and their customers support a continued development of the transport operations".

Driving into the Future


It was clear from the start that he was very passionate about his work. When asked about a specific event that truly inspired him, he answered that one of his first projects felt motivational and memorable. The project in 2002 was reconstructing a road in the area where he was born and raised. The road had to be renovated, but the surrounding birch trees were protected. Therefore the work had to follow certain guidelines to improve the road quality and yet keep the birch trees.”It truly meant a lot to me and I was passionate that the outcome would turn out well”. Furthermore, in the interview with Mats Granberg, it was clear that he had a true sense of passion and motivation from his work. Since one of his first projects was in his hometown, it provided him with a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to continue his work in Svevia.

Furthermore, our interviewee is very passionate about sustainability and when we asked about the “footprint” that the humans leave behind, he admitted that it previously has not been of priority but today it definitely is. “It is important for the following generations to not have a huge burden on us. We have to start somewhere.”

Overall impact

A major part of goal number 9 is to foster innovation which is exactly what Svevia does within their hydrogen project. Svevia was not the one who came up with the idea of using hydrogen as fuel. The technology already exists, but the development in Sweden is not as advanced compared to other countries. Mr Granberg gave the example of the hydrogen usage in the United States. He further explained that they have prototypes of trucks using hydrogen as fuel. These trucks can go around 90 km on one charge which is approximately 30 minutes. The admiration and inspiration were clearly shown in Mr Granberg as he explained this to us. His vision is that Svevia could be where the United States is in the future. It is a vision that truly keeps him motivated in his work as a project leader.

The impact of the innovation can be immense. Firstly, it would offer a sustainable way of transporting goods around the country without the guilt of polluting the environment. This would be beneficial for the environment as it would contribute to a long-term solution to the pollution problem.

Secondly, it would offer job opportunities around the world to build more re-charging stations so that the innovation can be used everywhere. Thirdly, it would have a positive impact on the economy as trade would be easier and the concern about pollution would be eliminated. This would also encourage more goods being transported and thus give a positive impact on trade and the economy.

This incredible innovation will create a sustainable way of transportation, plenty of new jobs around the world, it will contribute to a cleaner environment and a better economy for the trade business.

Business benefit

Because of Mr Granbergs' huge interest in developing this project together with Svevia, a lot of good things have emerged. Firstly, Svevia who is an infrastructure company that use a lot of fossil fuels in their organization which contribute to increased carbon dioxide emissions and global warming. In today's society being environmentally friendly is quite trendy and people tend to strive for being more sustainable. Therefore, Svevia's willingness to become more sustainable with using new innovations and techniques will create a better reputation for the company.

Secondly, since it is a very accurate project because of the situation with the environment this can open up for new investment opportunities from other companies who want to be a part of a sustainable future. This could help Svevia expand their work as well. By not being concerned about the environmental impact, more projects can be initiated using hydrogen in other fields besides transportation.

Thirdly, as previously mentioned, the hydrogen project when it is finished will create job opportunities in a new market that has not been available before. This could also pave way for a more international market. Despite that Mr Granberg pointed out that Svevia wants to stay in Sweden, the hydrogen innovation can be promoted to other countries as well. This will create a positive cycle and hopefully minimize the footprint on the earth, which is the overall aim of the project from the first place.

Social and environmental benefit

This hydrogen fuel innovation will benefit the society in the sense of creating job opportunities in a new and innovative market who promotes a cleaner work environment. Another benefit for the society is that it will enable a more sustainable transport system for trade and other goods. This will result in an improved economic because we can now transport goods without impacting the environment. Another advantage of using hydrogen fuel vehicles is that the resource is unlimited which means it is not dependent on other fossil fuels which leads to a greater energy security. This means that hydrogen is a more efficient and environmentally friendly option then the usage of limited resources.

Furthermore, the hydrogen fuel will contribute to a cleaner environment with less carbon dioxide emissions and contribute to a solution to the global warming.


Mats Granberg, Construction Engineer

Peter Rydell, Regional Manager

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Svevia AB

Svevia AB

Umeå, SE
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2009
Number of Employees: 1001 to 5000

Svevia AB is an independent, government-owned company with the main responsibility to build and maintain roads and infrastructure in Sweden. They operate activities on the behalf of the Swedish Transport Administration, municipalities, companies, associations, and individuals.