DOM.RF initiatives


Gleb Lebedev

Gleb Lebedev

Galina Sidorova

Galina Sidorova

Nadezhda Galiullina

Nadezhda Galiullina

Mikhail Sutyagin

Mikhail Sutyagin

Ksenia Arshinova

Ksenia Arshinova

Alina Sharkova

Alina Sharkova


National Research University Higher School of Economics

National Research University Higher School of Economics


Ekaterina Ivanova

Ekaterina Ivanova

Аnita Nanda

Аnita Nanda

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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DOM.RF is a company working in the field of housing construction, and has become a leader in the field of sustainable development. New standards affect the quality of life and the environment, and the concept of green building is a key trend that not only improves the quality of life of people, but also actively cares about the environment


Transition to sustainable development has become not just a trend, but a necessity for the company. In the face of global challenges and changes in the market, DOM.RF is actively adapting best international practices and revising its standards. There is already an interest in their approaches from the CIS and BRICS countries, which testifies to the growing importance of the company in the international arena.

Green construction includes not only new standards but also a rethinking approach to existing requirements. The company is actively involved in projects to design residential complexes with the convenience of residents in mind, where cars do not occupy yard space, which contributes to the creation of a more comfortable and environmentally friendly urban environment. 

Moreover, the company has developed a ‘Green’ GOST for property developers, which covers a wide range of aspects: social and environmental factors, energy efficiency and resource conservation. This makes it possible to create better quality residential facilities that not only meet the needs of residents, but also contribute to improving the environment.

DOM.RF initiatives


The concept of DOM.RF began to take shape when the founders realised that outdated approaches to housing construction and property management were leading to inefficient use of resources and higher costs. As one of the interviewees noted, ‘When I came into the property sector, I saw that many companies continued to follow the same familiar schemes that did not take into account modern sustainability requirements. Switching to greener and more energy efficient technologies not only reduces costs, but also significantly reduces the negative impact on the environment.’

After gaining hands-on experience in the family business and delving into sustainability initiatives during their studies, the founders came to an important conclusion: construction and property management can do much more than just provide housing. They can serve as a powerful tool for preserving local traditions, enhancing the quality of life of communities and protecting natural landscapes.

At the beginning of the journey, supporting sustainable building initiatives proved to be quite a challenge. Convincing developers, management companies and residents to change their established habits required persistence and innovative strategies. However, through active interaction, meetings with like-minded people and studying successful international experience, the founders of DOM.RF began to find their way. They realized that introducing carefully designed incentives, open and honest dialogue, and presenting concrete examples of cost savings were key to engaging stakeholders. As one interviewee noted, ‘Adopting sustainable practices not only benefits the environment, but also leads to significant cost savings by reducing waste and energy consumption.’

Thus, DOM.RF has successfully transformed from a simple idea to a reality, striving to make responsible construction and property management an accepted norm in the industry. By demonstrating that sustainability and profitability can go hand in hand, DOM.RF has inspired companies to adopt greener practices without compromising their financial well-being, ensuring a positive impact on both the environment and the economic health of the business.

Overall impact

DOM.RF has initiated an important dialogue on sustainable development in the Russian real estate and construction industry. By creating platforms for sharing experience, such as conferences and forums, DOM.RF highlights successful examples of implementing sustainable practices and inspires companies of various sizes to follow suit. 

As a result of their efforts, there is a growing interest in environmentally friendly and socially oriented approaches in construction and property management. This leads not only to better local economies, but also to healthier ecosystems and the preservation of the regions' cultural identity. 

DOM.RF's work is also in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including:

SDG 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth - implementing sustainable practices creates new jobs and contributes to the development of local communities.

SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, aims to ensure inclusive, safe, resilient, sustainable urban and human settlements by providing inexpensive transit solutions, decreasing urban sprawl, enhancing urban governance involvement, improving the protection of cultural assets and addressing urban resilience and climate change issues.

SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production - a focus on energy efficiency and waste minimisation helps reduce negative environmental impacts.

SDG 17: Partnerships to Achieve Goals - co-operation with various stakeholders, including developers, management companies and local communities, enhances the overall effect of implementing sustainable solutions.

In this way, DOM.RF not only reduces waste and energy consumption, but also develops partnerships between sectors, increases economic sustainability and ensures mutually beneficial co-operation between local residents and tourists. Their work demonstrates that sustainable development in the real estate sector can be beneficial for both businesses and society as a whole, creating a positive impact on the environment and people's quality of life.

Business benefit

DOM.RF is actively working to implement sustainable practices in construction and property management. This not only helps reduce negative environmental impact, but also strengthens the company's image as a leader in environmentally friendly technologies. DOM.RF's active work to popularise sustainable practices contributes to the formation of an expert community that shares knowledge and experience in the field of sustainable development. This not only strengthens the company's position in the market, but also creates opportunities for joint innovation projects with other organisations. Participation in sustainability initiatives attracts the attention of new partners who are interested in co-operation and joint projects. This opens up additional opportunities for business growth and development.

Social and environmental benefit

DOM.RF also emphasises the importance of education and raising awareness among both clients and partners about the importance of sustainable development. This creates a culture of responsibility and contributes to a greater understanding of the value of preserving natural and cultural resources.


Artem Seleznev, Head of the Sustainable Development Division of DOM.RF.

Business information



Moscow, Moscow, RU
Business Website: https://https://дом.рф
Year Founded: 1997
Number of Employees: 5001 to 10000

DOM.RF is a key player in Russia’s construction sector as an exemplary organization implementing sustainable development practices. DOM.RF is a leader in advancing sustainability in housing construction and financial services. The company's efforts significantly contribute to achieving several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.