Development and Innovation


Yueshan Wang

Yueshan Wang

Yingyu Lai

Yingyu Lai

Alejandro Ruiz

Alejandro Ruiz


Dalhousie University

Dalhousie University


deryk stec

deryk stec

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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Technological innovation is a major trend in the current international economic development. Technological innovation is the core material of innovation activities of enterprises, which brings the necessary support and guarantee for the implementation and process management of the organization, and more and more enterprises are recognizing its importance. At the same time technological innovation is the key to achieve sustainable economic development.


The company's approach to the fusion of technology and machines, along with human skill and experience-based judgment, is encapsulated in the phrase "Crafting Innovation." The firm at MBHA perfects the fusion of these two worlds.

One one hand, “Crafting" refers to their production method itself, which emphasizes a strong handcrafted human element and is built on more than 55 years of craftsmanship. On the other hand, innovation is a term that captures the company's creative and technological vision and serves as a fundamental metaphor for company’s R&D procedures, dedication to process automation that incorporates cutting-edge machinery, their commitment to the future, and the technological avant-garde with which the company shape their products every day. In a word, the phrase "Crafting Innovation" sums up who the company is: custom innovation mixed with craftsmanship.

“At first that a train has a lot of domes and we need to save a lot of weight. So in the past they used only steel. Then they move from steel to aluminum for some kind of vehicles. And right now we are trying to use more and more multi compounds that allows us to save a lot of energy. If we reduce the weight and also we use more sustainable materials, it will lead us to be more efficient, and it will lead us to use less energy and to limit less dangerous materials to the earth.” That is how Mr. Fragueiro talked about the emergence of innovation in the interview. The company's mission is to create a kind of path for people to connect with other people. This kind of transportation is really for the whole world. It solves the issue of how to transport materials from one part of the world to another. It is based on ships, tracks, and other ways of transporting goods and people.

Development and Innovation


The motivation for the innovation is based on the company’s value of “Excellency”. Good enough is insufficient. To achieve total customer satisfaction, the organization must aim for excellence in all it does, assuring the best possible product, ongoing process improvement, and paying meticulous attention to every little detail.

Overall impact

Through continuous technological innovation, the company has not only attracted more and more customers to cooperate with it, but also enhanced its own development capacity and competitiveness in the market. This enables it to constantly adapt to new environments and build and maintain its advantages in the industrial field. According to the interview, the company is improving its base technology using aluminum and is now investing heavily in their new technology using composite materials such as carbon fiber cables and many other systems. These improvements allow the company to be more sustainable in terms of products and materials and reducing the weight of many vehicles for these trucks and different industries such as the Segway market. Technological innovation is a key factor in the economic growth of society, and the MBHA team has been able to reduce production costs and increase labor productivity through continuous product development and technological innovation, resulting in higher profits. Technological advancement facilitates the introduction of new products, leading to the emergence of a new field, which helps to increase certain employment opportunities and alleviate employment pressure. By innovating technology, MBHA also improves the skills and abilities of skilled workers, thus contributing to the improvement of the workforce. The company's commitment to innovation and R&D enables the company to think long-term and shape its legacy to society, creating value for the community. The technological achievements of innovation are widely used in the construction of ecological civilization in order to truly promote ecological restoration, nature conservation and environmental improvement, and to achieve the sustainable use of environmental resources. Technological innovation is conducive to the realization of environmental protection. Technological innovation can also achieve energy and resource conservation and increase the value of resource utilization, thus maximizing economic benefits The company has reduced its dependence on the natural environment, as well as reduced material consumption and waste emissions, by continuously adhering to technological innovation. The interview talks about: The MBHA team is now trying to use more and more of these poly compounds, making it possible to save a lot of time and energy. If we can reduce weight, we will use more sustainable materials. This will make the business more efficient and allow it to use less energy and emit fewer hazardous substances globally.

In the short term, the company will be able to make a significant profit in the short term by investing in the development of new products and selling them. Not only that, but technological innovation can also change the trend of technology and the market demand of users, and thus reshape the competitive landscape of the industry. The interviews showed that innovation in the short term means that companies need to invest a lot of money to conduct these studies and to carry out these first rounds of development. Some of this is positive because the business is able to sell them to its customers and develop new products together. In the short term it can try to make it profitable. This would also lead to the business being profitable in the long-term relationship with its customers. It took MBHA between one and three and a half years to build the entire train with new materials and the opportunity to reduce the total weight of the vehicle by 25%, which would lead to the business being able to perform the entire fleet with some of its best customers in less than six years. In the long term time, technological innovation can lead to major technological breakthroughs, which can drive the technological progress of the company and further create new social values and benefits. Not only that, but long-term technological innovation can result in technological leaps that earn the business more sustainable growth opportunities. From the interview, we know that MBHA intends to create a more sustainable vehicle inside the city and guide people to use it. The business has the ability to increase the total fleet in its city and make it lighter and cheaper, because at the end of the day if it can save weight, the business will be able to make it cheaper. This will save energy as well as pollution. It can be said that MBHA is helping cities and the people in them to become greener, as they are striving to be. This contributes to the long-term growth of the business as well as the sustainability of the society.

Business benefit

Social responsibility and short-term business benefits may conflict, but they are consistent with long-term business benefit. To be a responsible company, MBHA let the technology develop with responsibility. This means that the fate of enterprises and social responsibility are integrated and inseparable. The company will ensure the long-term implementation of social responsibility by integrating sustainable development into business innovation.

Social and environmental benefit

By advancing technology and practicing environmental responsibility, the company aims to become the world leader in suspension solutions for the transportation sector, adding value for our clients, staff, the environment, and society at large. MBHA establishes an honest Corporate Social Responsibility policy that benefits the community. The organization supports a variety of sporting, sociocultural, and humanitarian endeavors with the purpose of empowering in the creation of a brighter future for everyone. In Spain, the company has over 500 employees.


Jesus Fragueiro, Director of investigation and Innovation for MBHA

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Business information



Valencia, ES
Business Website: http://mbha.com/en/home/
Year Founded: 1963
Number of Employees: 201 to 500

The company's goal is to develop, produce, and sell superior suspension components for motor vehicles using procedures that place a high value on quality, applied research and development, and a client-centered mindset. To lead the world in transportation suspension solutions by technical innovation and environmental stewardship, generating value for our clients, our staff, the environment, and society in general.