Simply Sustainable

Design and Construction for a Sustainable World


John Mulberger

John Mulberger

Michael Sullivan

Michael Sullivan

Dimitris Papas

Dimitris Papas


Fairleigh Dickinson University at Florham

Fairleigh Dickinson University at Florham


Gerard Farias

Gerard Farias

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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The business innovation from Simply Sustainable is mostly building projects by helping out with choosing Green Products. Of the 17 Development Goals, the three that Simply Sustainable follow are affordable and clean energy (goal 7), sustainable cities and communities (goal 11), and responsible consumption and production (goal 12). Simply Sustainable follows these goals because they listen to what the people want for their project, and then pick out green products for that project. Not only do they help pick out the green products, but they also like to teach people why choosing green products are important for the earth. Some of the services that they provide are Green Product Consulting, Project Management, and Interior Design Consulting.

With Green Product Consulting, they help out the project owner, or architect, on what products they are going to select. Along with helping pick out green products, Simply Sustainable can also accommodate when picking out products especially if people have any allergies or health concerns. Another service that Simply Sustainable provides is Project Management. They will help people by managing the project that they would like completed. Simply Sustainable will help in the selection process and be in charge with sustainability and health as their primary goals. Lastly, Simply Sustainable can help with Interior Design Consulting. They can help with project layouts, color selection, lighting design, furnishing and finishes selection. Also, if anyone was interested in selling any products, Simply Sustainable can help in that aspect.

One of the main services that Simply Sustainable provides is the teaching about sustainability to other people. They are very eager to teach anyone about sustainability and what their company can do to help. Some of the manufacturers that they work with can be very large but also some are small. They will call Simply Sustainable for their advice for ways to market to different industries, and even to help with choosing different certifications. Simply Sustainable will go around and talk to different people, educating them on the sustainable topics. These talks can go to people in the industry, or even to normal people that don’t know much about the products. They people that they have talked to has ranged from architects in the industry, to fourth and fifth graders.


The innovation is helping people choose green products for the projects they are going to complete. The SDGs that align with this company are affordable and clean energy (goal 7), sustainable cities and communities (goal 11), and responsible consumption and production (goal 12). Some of the services that they provide are Green Product Consulting, Project Management, and Interior Design Consulting. Along with these services, SImply Sustainable loves to teach people about sustainability and why it is important. They have taught groups that range from architects in the sustainability field to fourth and fifth graders.

Design and Construction for a Sustainable World


The founding partner of Simply Sustainable, Lia Nielson, came from an extensive construction background. She attended Rinker School of Building Construction at the University of Florida. From a young age Lia had been fascinated with sustainability and that transcended into her adulthood. After losing her Job working for a contractor, Lia took her passion and education and created Green Building Center with her husband and noted green architect, Jason Kilwinski. From there she split Simply Sustainable off and brought on her mother, Mary Jane because of her mutual interest in sustainability and design. Lia is also a LEED Green Associate and a WELL accredited professional.

Overall impact

The overall impact that Simply Sustainable has is that they are very influential. They go around and perform many informational talks to all kinds of people no matter their age, background, or job history. Simply Sustainable would like to reach out to as many people as they can to inform everyone the importance of becoming a sustainable company and the positive factors it will have on their company. Along with being influential by giving informational talks, Simply Sustainable also has the power to help people choose what type of products they will use in the projects. Since they are not a representative for a company, Simply Sustainable has the influence to pick and choose what the makers and distributors of the products they want.

Business benefit

Simply Sustainable doesn’t manufacture any of their products, but they do like to work with recommended products which take cradle to cradle certification into account. Products which have cradle to cradle certification are preferred. Many manufactures which they work with, might not have such certification for their products, but they do have programs where they teach line end cycle of such products.

Simply sustainable makes a priority to constantly educate people about sustainability. They also inform about the multiple ways in which products can be part of the end line cycle. By conducting a variety of presentations in order to inform and educate realtors about green building and green materials as well as college students, is one of the ways they spend their time spreading sustainable awareness.

Sustainable eco-friendly products which are being sold at Simply Sustainable, can actually be found at regular showrooms. The main advantage that Simple Sustainable obtains over other regular showrooms is that they do not understand the green quality of sustainable materials. The difference and the benefits of buying products of Simply Sustainable, is that they actually obtain the background knowledge in the sustainable quality in order to answer sustainable based questions. Customers come to them looking for the knowledge that other competitors just do not obtain about green products and materials.

Many other organizations have tried to follow similar business practices but were not able to be as successful. It is not that they did not carry a similar collection of products and its not even necessarily that they did not obtain the knowledge and expertise, but it was that they did not supply the services, such as design services as well as installation services.

They have recently revised their business model that they are not going to be providing installation services anymore so much as providing owner rep services, which means that they will not hold the contract with the contractors unless they are doing it specifically as a legal agent of the owner. Such actions have been taken because they used to run into issues with smaller projects where people did not seem to understand what it was that they were doing.

Simply Sustainable is trying to expand their business in a variety of ways. They are trying to obtain their WBE certification, A Women's Business Enterprise, in order to be able to take on larger contracts such as state funded projects. This will result in more project supply.

Social and environmental benefit

Simply Sustainable does everything in their power to help as many buildings as possible go green as well as educate people about their importance. Green buildings also known as sustainable buildings are designed to meet certain objectives such as protecting occupant health and reducing the overall impact to the environment. By using energy, water, and other resources more efficiently they can reduce their environmental footprint as well as improve employee productivity. They are also many financial benefits of building green. Companies and organizations can save up to 70 percent in heating and cooling costs and it is the most effective way to meet the Model Energy Code which basically contains energy efficiency criteria for new residential and commercial buildings as well as additions to existing buildings.


Lia Nielsen, PRINCIPAL

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Simply Sustainable

Simply Sustainable

Lambertville, NJ, US
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Simply Sustainable primarily does sales and consulting of sustainable building materials. They can provide sustainable materials directly to end users or constructions contractors. They help business and buildings achieve green certifications. By having unique relationships with boutiques and distributors, Simply Sustainable provides its clients with a wide variety of sustainable products. Lia and her co-principle, Mary Jane, both share a passion for sustainability and design. Combing their experience and love of the earth has lead both of them to become leading experts in their respected fields.