
Delivering Affordable Positive Energy Solutions

531E 6804


Steven Paulovich

Steven Paulovich


Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management

Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management


Chris Laszlo

Chris Laszlo

Global Goals

7. Affordable and Clean Energy 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Elithis is a consulting and engineering group that is dedicated to delivering energy efficiency solutions to all building sectors in regions across France. Most notably, Elithis has implemented positive energy and neutral carbon emissions in its own Elithis Tower, as well as the Elithis Danube Tower – the first positive energy residential building.


Positive energy buildings generate more energy than they consume. The Elithis Tower built in 2009 is an icon, and has become proof that it is possible to build a high energy, environmental building at standard cost. It is equipped with solar panels on the roof that provide all of the energy, while also utilizing a solar shield, which keeps the building from heating up. Used in tandem with environmentally friendly cellulose insulation, it does not need to use any air conditioning, further saving energy usage. The photovoltaic panels on the roof produce 82 kWh/sq. meter per year, while the building only uses 63 kWh/sq. meter per year.

Elithis was able to take these positive energy principles and use them in creating the Danube Tower for residential living. The tower has been in research and development (R&D) for one year and is planned to be completed in 2017. Elithis invests in all of this R&D as a way to generalize/standardize the energy innovations that are utilized. This will allow for future buildings to be made with much less emphasis on R&D, all while still bringing energy performance, comfort, and affordability to the end-user. The Danube Tower, when completed, will have 66 units - 17 one-bedroom, 33 two-bedroom, and 16 three-bedroom. It will be powered 100% by solar energy, producing 90.3 kWh/sq. meter per year while only using 88.5 kWh/sq. meter per year.

Delivering Affordable Positive Energy Solutions


"Elithis believes in focusing on two challenges that society is currently facing: climate change and the wealth gap," said Romain Maire. In their eyes, they believe that affordable, comfortable, and positive energy residences can tackle both of these problems by lowering carbon footprints and giving people the opportunity to raise their budget. With the ability to lower their energy bills to zero, people can focus their spending on other areas of their life, such as food or education. "We explore the future to make it happen now."

Overall impact

The innovation of positive energy has a beneficial effect on the people that live in the buildings as well as a positive effect on the environment. The affordable living and the reduction in energy bills has an immediate effect on the budgets of the residents. There are many people that are not willing to buy into this kind of housing without knowing more about the technology. That is why Elithis focuses on bringing this technology into a building that is both comfortable and understandable. The Danube Tower will become a way to deliver education on the possibilities of reducing energy usage, leading to a positive impact on the environment. Even people that only reside in the Danube Tower for its affordability will have their carbon footprint reduced whether they know it or not.

Business benefit

The Elithis Tower and the Elithis Danube Tower are examples of the quality of work that Elithis does in the realm of energy efficiency. The Elithis group had revenues of 21 million euros for the year of 2016. Elithis sells their brainpower and their ability to make energy efficient buildings using simple solutions, such as in the Danube Tower. They advise on these complex situations and deliver value by making it understandable to the end-user. Thinking of this in terms of positive energy solutions, Elithis is an attractive choice as a consulting firm because they are able to deliver these solutions into buildings at a standard cost. The partners that Elithis collaborates with can also learn how to use these solutions and spread the innovation throughout the industry.

Social and environmental benefit

Energy is owned by only a few major companies. "Elithis is creating a way for people to be empowered to take control of their own energy by making a more integrated way to look at our carbon footprint." The education that residents of the Danube Tower will receive in reducing and producing their own energy will increase the demand for positive energy innovations. It will be an icon and model for building sustainable cities that cost less and use fewer resources. The construction of these buildings alone is an example that these solutions are more affordable in every way, leading to the flourishing of the people and environment around them.

This innovation increases the population's access to clean fuel from the sun and educates them about energy efficiency and reducing their footprint, which meets UN Sustainable Development Goal number 7: Affordable and Clean Energy. This education will allow for people to have a more responsible pattern of energy consumption. Elithis' innovation will lead by example in creating sustainable cities and will contribute to low-carbon pathways for the future in combating climate change.


Romain Maire, Energy Efficiency Project Manager

Business information



Dijon, FR
Business Website: http://www.elithis.fr
Year Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 51 to 200
Elithis is a consultancy and engineering group in the building sector, among the French leaders in energy saving. The Elithis group has a long-established presence in fluids engineering, energy, and environmental efficiency markets.