Liquid Death

Death to Plastic

Death To Plastic


Makenzie Ashton-Borrego

Makenzie Ashton-Borrego

Leah Hoidn

Leah Hoidn

Daijah Peters

Daijah Peters

Bella Husary

Bella Husary

Kendall Floyd

Kendall Floyd


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Jeff Thies

Jeff Thies

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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With a background in advertising, the Founder and CEO of Liquid Death, Mike Cessario, sought to change the way healthy brands were marketed, with the goal of “entertainment over marketing and making people laugh”.


Their innovation of 100% mountain water in recyclable aluminum cans was the first of its kind and its purpose was to reduce the impact of single-use plastic on the environment. With a rise in recycling costs plastic is no longer profitable to recycle meaning most is sent to landfills, however, Liquid Death explains that “all the aluminum produced since 1888, over 75% of it is still in current use.”

Andy Pearson, the VP of Creative at Liquid Death, defined the company as “A brand that was healthy and fun but also one that was educating and pushing people to think more critically about their choices when it comes to sustainability”. With this goal in mind, Liquid Death set out to find a new audience for canned water, and they did so through comedy. Through taglines such as “Murder your Thirst” and “Death to Plastic” Liquid Death prioritizes a company that uses fun and current marketing to make something healthy for consumers and the environment without acting like it.

In doing so they have created a community surrounding their brand through partnerships and collaborations they have successfully made sustainability an easy solution for consumers. They state “Our evil mission is to make people laugh and get more of them to drink more healthy beverages more often, all while helping to kill plastic pollution”.

Death to Plastic


Cessario set out to encapsulate the exciting and edgy marketing of an energy drink or alcohol company and apply it to otherwise boring water. From there, Liquid Death grew into a wildly successful company, known as “water in a beer can.”

Liquid Death began as a desire to reinvent something healthy by making it fun and enjoyable to consume. The idea was to give a healthy product a new perspective by marketing it as something “that was good for you but didn’t act like it.” Over time, comedy became the vice that connected Liquid Death to their audience. Pearson explained that for many people, Liquid Death is “more than water” because it is actually a source of entertainment. People resonate with Liquid Death because they view it as a comedic outlet rather than a company that is trying to sell a product. “Reaching people where they are, is the humanity of what we are doing” says Pearson. They value entertainment over traditional marketing methods because their goal is not to advertise, but rather to make people laugh.

Overall impact

The impact of Liquid Death’s innovation on the business itself is a lighthearted company culture centered around comedy, fun, and laughter. There is a certain degree of connectivity created between the firm and its consumers. Furthermore, the impact on society is people connecting Liquid Death with a funny and more entertaining way to be healthier and drink water. CEO Mike Cessario mentioned in a Forbes interview with Jeff Fromm in 2020, “We're seeing more people sharing photos of our cans and stuff during quarantine because they want to put something funny and entertaining in the feed for their friends and family because they don't want to share more depressing stuff… So I think coupled with the fact that water is something that people want right now, bottled water, and the fact that ours is actually fun and exciting, we got lucky, really, that right now is a really good time for our brand.” During the pandemic, when people needed more laughter on their social media feeds, Liquid Death was able to contribute to an entertainment aspect whilst still promoting health and sustainability. Liquid Death has encouraged its consumer base to be more eco-conscious in purchasing from the brand because aluminum is much easier to recycle than plastic bottles or boxed water. They are reducing the amount of plastic that ends up in landfills which in turn is reducing our carbon footprint.

A short-term effect is the immediate reduction of the amount of waste produced by consumers buying water simply by purchasing Liquid Death. Some of the long-term effects include a growing environmentally conscious consumer base. People are gravitating towards Liquid Death because of the comedy aspect, the fact that it promotes healthy fun, and is much more beneficial for the environment. In our interview, Andy mentions how he had to make a social media post after a fan of Liquid Death passed from cancer and how much of an influx of love it received. He said, “I remember the outpouring of comments from people about how touching it was and what it meant to people. At the time it was one of the best things we had ever posted.” This goes to show the interconnection that has developed between Liquid Death and the consumer base it has created for itself.

Business benefit

The innovation of Liquid Death’s tallboy aluminum cans, which mimic the aesthetic of both energy drinks and beer cans, has helped the business to be unique and disruptive in an otherwise stagnant industry. Liquid Death’s appearance innovation benefits their business because it captures the attention of consumers with its distinct branding and packaging. This has contributed not only to increased visibility in stores but in public as well, in places where it is eye-catching to see someone drinking something that looks like an energy drink or beer.

Liquid Death’s innovation also benefits their business because it catches the attention of consumers who are seeking more environmentally friendly versions of on-the-go water, helping them to reach a whole new group of potential consumers. Many consumers who are adamant about using eco-friendly alternatives will have brand loyalty to Liquid Death, because of their aluminum design. This innovation will also reach a group of customers who would consider themselves to be more ‘edgy’, and want to carry a drink that they feel meshes with their personality and style. Lastly, Liquid Death’s innovation benefits their business because it serves as a non-alcoholic alternative that looks cool in a setting where people might not want to be questioned about why they aren’t drinking. This establishes Liquid Death as a trailblazer in the water industry, doing something that has never been done before on a marketing front, while simultaneously being environmentally friendly.

Social and environmental benefit

Liquid Death’s use of aluminum in place of plastic helps reduce consumers’ carbon footprint by switching to a brand that uses a material that is truly 100% recyclable. Liquid Death chose an industry that is heavily dominated by competitors that use plastic, as it is cheaper to produce. When you go into any store you are met with big-name brands that are known for using plastic water bottles as that has become the norm. However, Liquid Death alongside others have infiltrated the industry by providing options that allow environmentally conscious consumers an option that helps the planet by eliminating waste. Since every person drinks water, this industry is in dire need of reform and Liquid Death is one of the front runners in making that change.

Although Liquid Death is pricier than its plastic-based competitors, a growing environmentally conscious consumer base allows companies like Liquid Death to thrive. While changing the entire industry to more sustainable materials will take time, Liquid Death is paving the way for others to follow in their footsteps which will create a tremendous reduction in the carbon footprint of the beverage industry. The goal of the company is that “One day all beverages will become Liquid Death”.


Andy Pearson, VP of Creative

Business information

Liquid Death

Liquid Death

Santa Monica, CA, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2019
Number of Employees: 51 to 200

Liquid Death is a beverage company known for its innovative approach to bottled water. Unlike traditional plastic water bottles, Liquid Death packages their 100% mountain water in recyclable aluminum cans aiming to reduce the impact of single-use plastic. Embracing a mission-driven business model Liquid Death is committed to social and environmental well-being while reaching its consumers in a more sustainable and relatable format than traditional beverage companies. With a focus on comedic marketing, Liquid Death has created a community of individuals passionate about sustainability and more importantly “Death to Plastic”.