Perry Fogg Couture Concepts

Custom Tailored Suits

8878 48F3


Ashley Goorasammy

Ashley Goorasammy


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities

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  • Create tailored suits for both men and women.
  • Custom made, which allows customers to be personally involved with the process of making a one of a kind suit.
  • Animal friendly.
  • Donates to local schools, primarily elementary schools within the area.
  • Expansion to a larger office space. From there Mr. Jackson would like to hold workshops for younger minds, in which he hopes to create a foundation for them.


Tailored suits for men and women of all shapes and sizes. Everything is custom-made for the clients. Mr. Jackson was solely inspired by art; he renovated the idea of a custom suit by playing around with different fabrics and material. His partner, whose name he did not disclose, always loved fashion. However, he was never able to imply art into his pieces until he was able to meet Mr. Jackson, and they were able to brainstorm and ended up with an amazing product. They are currently focused more on the expansion of men's clothing and hoping that women's clothing would soon follow behind. Ultimately Mr. Jackson is hoping to expand his office space and create a freestanding store and start an online base for his clients to navigate through.

Custom Tailored Suits


"Art is a key factor," according to the co-owner. The founders are inspired by art, which they implement with their clothing. They look not only to be inspired, but to inspire others as well.

Overall impact

Perry Fogg is all about giving back to the community. To begin with, Mr. Jackson would visit local schools in the area and leave the schools with leftover material from the season before. He hopes that young minds will be able to have a feel for fashion and art through his small generosity, even though he would love to do so much more. Mr. Jackson hopes to hold a class or two every week at these local schools and show them the basics of incorporating art into fashion. He tries to create small bags and giveaways for these students, so they can gain the "excitement for fashion." Along with that, he wants to make it a statement that all of his material is "Animal Friendly." This aspect is very important to their company and what differentiates his company from other custom tailored suits.

Business benefit

  • Create new pieces of "art" through their clothing.
  • The company provides customized suits created to fulfill their customers' needs.
  • Available to the public by appointments.

Social and environmental benefit

Mr. Jackson strives to help the community and environment in many aspects. Something I found most interesting is that he uses all "faux leather and fur." Most designers usually incorporate the idea of real fur and leather because they would receive more money. However, Mr. Jackson wants to help the environment, not help destroy it. He wants to have a moral company and not do it for the money specifically. It's all about a slow, steady growth and a successful expansion. With almost three years in the business, he has already created a steady clientele that appreciates what he has to offer in his merchandise.


Brett Jackson, Co-Owner & Head Illustrator

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Perry Fogg Couture Concepts

West Hempstead, NY, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2013
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

This company creates custom suits for both men and women. Mr. Jackson looks to art for inspiration to create unique pieces that fulfill all of the customers' wants and needs.