This business creates economic growth for people who can't always obtain a high end job. They accept people willing to work from a wide range of ages. There's always room to move up in the ranks within the company.
Anthony, the owner knew he wanted to start his own business, but he thought where would his employees come from? He used his connections with his family members to find employees around the Chicagoland area. Most of us who work for Anthony are in college or high school with the exception of the main workers who are full time employees.
He runs his business in Illinois from March to October then takes his business to Florida for the rest of the year. This is a great summer job for kids who are home in the summer and want to make money. Its a good first job too, most people return the next year after experiencing what the job is all about.

The main inspiration for the start up of his business was, "I like to be in control, and I don't like others telling me what to do." He tells everybody this who comes to see him for a job. Anthony wants everything to set up and go smoothly so his business can run properly. Sometimes this doesn't happen and he may lose money at some events.
The competition between other concession companies also inspired him to want more for his company. He wants Genoa Italian Concessions to be the number one option for consumers at each event. "I see families who can't choose what concessions choice to pick from, the option is a no-brainer that they should come to us."
Overall impact
The short term effects of creating Genoa Italian Concessions were crucial to the success of the business. Publicity for the business was the hard part as well as first year workers. When first created, no one knew who GIC was. They had to promote their company. Get approved to sell food in as many events as possible so by the end of the year everyone knew their name.
They also had to train every employee because everyone was new to the business all at once including Anthony in some areas. To avoid fines and the loss of their food license everyone needed to be taught proper protocols before working with consumers face to face.
Business benefit
This innovation benefits the business by providing a quality job for people in need. You do not need a college or high school degree to work for GIC like most jobs required. You choose what days you are available to work and he schedules you according to your availability. Every year that you decide to come back and work for GIC you are guaranteed a raise. This summer will be my 3rd year working for GIC, as well as my sisters second year. The flexibility and monetary raise allows them to retain a lot of their employees from the previous year. Employee retention and the hiring and quick training of new employees is what makes GIC successful.
Social and environmental benefit
The innovation of GIC benefits the entertainment sector of society. When families go to fun events they like the option of buying food and drinks also. The business caters to these individuals and groups of people. Why eat at home when you can have delicious food at the event you are going to.
At events now, you see numerous options of what consumers can choose to eat. To stand apart you have to assure that your creations will benefit society more than the other choices. This is determined by the quality of food you sell, the employers you choose to higher, the prices you've determined to sell your items at and your brand recognition at the event.
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Anthony Pizzo,
Business information
Genoa Italian Food Concessions
Year Founded:
Number of Employees:
51 to 200
Genoa Italian Food Concessions is a concessions service. They travel to different events around the Chicago land area including carnivals and race car events. They serve some of the best fast food and are known for their famous 10'' grilled italian sausage.