Sistema Biobolsa

Creating Value From Waste

8Ffd 2Af7


Alejandro Lopez

Alejandro Lopez

Marisol Huerta

Marisol Huerta




IESDE School of Management

IESDE School of Management


George Dionne

George Dionne

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 6. Clean Water and Sanitation 7. Affordable and Clean Energy 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 13. Climate Action

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Sistema Biobolsa is a process that transforms the manure of animals into biogas and a potent, natural fertilizer that nourishes the soil and increases crop yield on small farms while improving energy security and protecting the environment. Transforming animal manure into a natural resource improves the quality of life.


Manure from small and medium-sized farms is introduced on a daily basis into a tubular shaped container called the biodigester, where in a continuous flow it is mixed with water and fermented. The methane-rich gas that is produced is captured for use in stoves, water heaters or to activate electric motors. At the other end of the biodigester, the biol that remains is used as a rich organic fertilizer.

Creating Value From Waste


"The name of the company is 'El Buen Manejo del Campo' - Good Field Management began as a supplier to the government of the state of Puebla. We started 'Sistema Biobolsa,' which is the commercial name of the product, here in the state of Puebla, installing the first biodigesters about 9-10 years ago in San Felipe Tetlalcingo, San Martin Texmelucan and San Rafael Tlalnepantla." - Irene Sánchez

“As of today, where we are is still giving us great potential; the amount of small producers that are in the central region of Mexico was the most strategic place close to Morelos, Queretaro, Hidalgo, Edo. de Mexico, Tlaxcala, then it was like the most ideal point to be able to develop the business.

"Apart from that, they find me in this area. I am from Tlaxcala although I worked in the state of Puebla, and this is where many things came together. In 2011 ‘Iniciativa Mexico 2011’ offered us the opportunity to participate in the contest, being awarded Second Place and with our boss Camilo Pajes from among 58,000 projects. We appeared on TV, and the media made known what we do and the importance for more states to get to know us. Then from that point on we began to achieve more impact in important states like Querétaro, where I have many systems installed, and Tlaxcala, where I have more than 500 systems installed."

Irene believes in having everyone involved: "First of all I believe that every person involved is looking to leave a mark from day to day, and I consider myself fortunate to be here. This is where we can impact many families, and I have to be where I can leave a footprint; besides, that is part of what I like and that is part of what we are living and suffering, and at the end of the day is a great place to work and we all seek to be that, in the areas where we develop not only see it as something we do every day but that we put our spirit and desire to do things well, and in the end we have harvested many things and I have many people who know me.

"I finished working for the government and started working directly with the company, with the uncertainty of knowing if I was going to grow the company. I am the first person to be hired, and I have been part of the formation of the company because I started out installing and even though I had all the technical information, being in the field was completely different. And from the experience in installation the material that exists today was formed - derived from the practice, and that's how I started to work.

"In January 2011, my boss joins us on the reality show and by September the recordings started, and that's the way we began to get more into this business. Along the way, we learned because there was nothing of information. I have so much to sell and install and to convince people to install something that does not cause damage and we were wondering, since there were other brands, how they are sold. Then I learned sales techniques, and I mix passion and preparation because I know the story from its origin and that is part of my advantage since I have lived the entire development of this company."

What inspires Irene is "to invite all the people, because we are all in step in this life, and if in each of the places that we touch we each put a grain of sand, we would be doing a lot because I think it is a consciousness of the generations that motivates us in the workplace to give an extra something that impacts and is positive, and if we do all that in a few years the world will be different."

Overall impact

The small farmers can produce renewable energy, saving money used to purchase fossil fuels and chemical fertilizers. They use less wood for cooking and heating water.

Irene explained, “Sistema Biobolsa is fundamental because it is a project with many benefits. Using organic waste that, through the fermentation process, produces biogas, and using this biogas in cookstoves, generates savings for families and helps us all protecting the environment by reducing carbon emissions. Cooking with biogas in their homes instead of wood is better for their health, their economy and reduces poverty.

"The impact is favorable because many state governments see Biobolsa as an opportunity to support the small farmer to finally start forming a new culture that is the management of waste. The mission of this company is to be an alternative for small producers, as a complementary process."

Business benefit

In 10 years of work, Sistema Biobolsa has installed 3,200 biodigesters in Mexico and Latin America. The business has expanded to include five states in Mexico, Central America, and Africa.

Social and environmental benefit

• Transformation of methane gas and CO2 into renewable energy

• Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

• Harvests are increasingly productive and plants more vigorous

• Soil remediation

• Displacement of wood fuel in households

• Reduced risk of chronic respiratory sicknesses

• Forest protection


Irene Sanchez, Regional Manager

Photo of interviewee

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Business information

Sistema Biobolsa

Sistema Biobolsa

Puebla, Pue, MX
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2006
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Biobolsa is the most experienced biogas team in Latin America dedicated to working intensely every day for the wellbeing of small and medium-sized farmers, climate change mitigation, and the harmony of rural communities with our planet. Transforming your animals' manure into a renewable resource contributes to a better quality of life.