Funky Fresh

Crafting a Sustainable Future, One Kombucha at a Time

Funky Fresh Kombucha Bottles


Jacob Vucinaj

Jacob Vucinaj

Ryan Furr

Ryan Furr

Emily Connor

Emily Connor

Emily Siler

Emily Siler


Saint Joseph's University

Saint Joseph's University


David Steingard

David Steingard

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Funky Fresh Ferments is a Philadelphia based food company that makes all organic fermented products specializing in Kombucha. Kombucha is a nutrient dense fermented tea that promotes a healthy lifestyle while improving and boosting probiotic health. Funky Fresh Ferments relates most to Good Health and Well Being (SDG 3) as it is a healthy and sustainable alternative to alcoholic beverages. Through the connection of in Responsible Consumption and Production (SDG 12) of making sure that the supply chain both up and down stream stay as sustainable as well as keeping the production of the kombucha as low impact as possible, Within Climate Action (SDG #13) Funky Fresh keeps climate initiatives at the forefront of the business actions and continuously looking for ways to reduce their impact on the environment.


Funky Fresh Ferments, a Philadelphia-based Kombucha Company, has revolutionized the beverage industry with its innovative approach to crafting probiotic-rich drinks. Founded by a team of passionate individuals in 2015, Funky Fresh Ferments recognized the growing demand for healthier alternatives to sugary sodas, artificially flavored drinks, and alcoholic beverages. By harnessing the ancient art of fermentation and infusing it with modern flavors and techniques, the company has created a diverse range of kombucha blends that tantalize the taste buds while promoting gut health and overall well-being.

What sets Funky Fresh Ferments apart is its commitment to sustainability and community engagement. Utilizing locally sourced, organic ingredients whenever possible, the company reduces its carbon footprint and supports local farmers and businesses. Furthermore, Funky Fresh Ferments actively promotes environmental stewardship by implementing eco-friendly packaging and waste reduction strategies throughout its production process. By prioritizing sustainability and community involvement, the company aligns its business practices with several United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and Climate Action (SDG 13)

Through its innovative blend of traditional fermentation methods, creative flavors, and dedication to sustainability, Funky Fresh Ferments not only satisfies consumers' cravings for delicious beverages but also contributes to a better world by promoting health, supporting local economies, and safeguarding the environment. By exemplifying the principles of social and environmental responsibility in its business model, Funky Fresh Ferments serves as a beacon of inspiration for companies seeking to make a positive impact on both people and the planet.

Crafting a Sustainable Future, One Kombucha at a Time



While talking with Seth about where the passion and desire to start this company came from, he claimed, “My initial interest in fermentation and probiotics stemmed from a desire to create something to help the gut health of myself, my family, my friends, and my neighbors. I wanted to blend my artistic background with science to create something that tasted great and make people feel good while being much healthier than other available ‘soft drinks’.” Seth has a huge passion to not only impact those around him like friends and family, but also to help change the community of Philadelphia and possibly others around the world. Offering a wholesome substitute for soft drinks or alcoholic beverages enables individuals to feel included in social settings where they may have previously felt excluded. Seth goes on to say, “By receiving feedback that the ferments I was creating were helping peoples digestion and other ailments, as well as creating a great alternative to alcohol, I was inspired to bring the product to the market. In 2015, kombucha was only available in specialty stores, so by bringing it to bars and cafes we made it much more accessible than it previously was. The community could finally go to their local bar and get this living beverage anytime they liked.” Seth’s creation of kombucha was more than just an impact on those he loved, it continues to impact those he doesn’t even know. Having the option of going out for drinks is now turning into an opportunity for people to socialize while promoting a healthy lifestyle.

Overall impact

There has been a widespread impact of Funky Fresh across the entire Philadelphia area. The production and distribution of Funky Fresh have heightened people's awareness of the health benefits associated with fermented foods, particularly when seamlessly integrated into beverages. Not only this but the connection to the local community and farmers has been able to spread a lot more knowledge about the idea. All of these are known short term effects which is proctoping a closer connection and trust within the community while continuing to strengthen the local food economy and promote sustainable agriculture practices.

Working with local farms offers so many outside benefits. Firstly, it supports the local economy by keeping money within the community and fostering economic resilience. Additionally, sourcing from local farms reduces the carbon footprint associated with transportation, promoting environmental sustainability which is a huge goal for Funky Fresh. Not only this but it allows for fresher, higher quality produce, as items can be harvested at peak ripeness and delivered more quickly to consumers. The collaboration of working with local farms yields economic, environmental, and social advantages for both businesses and communities.

Examining the enduring repercussions of Funky Fresh, three predominant facets emerge: the cultivation of healthier communities, transformative cultural shifts, and the promotion of positive environmental impacts. The impact that Funky Fresh has on communities becomes evident that its non-alcoholic, low-sugar beverage, known to promote gut health and sustain lasting benefits for overall well-being, serves to enhance community health initiatives. The realization of benefits and expansion into additional social settings, Funky Fresh will catalyze a broader cultural shift towards the enjoyment of diverse non-alcoholic beverages during social outings. This will also push for an overall healthier lifestyle for people. There is also the environmental impact. This can be seen all throughout Funky Fresh as every step is taken from the mindset of how this will impact the local community and greater community. From procuring the ingredients at local farms and taking a look into their supply chain to ensure sustainable practices are being enforced, to ensuring the smallest ecological footprint when it comes to deliveries. Every step that is taken will continue to show the care and dedication to the environment and the impacts that a business owner can make.

Business benefit

In Funky Fresh creating home brewed kombucha it has opened the market of Philadelphia to bring the healthy alternative to bars, breweries, and cafes. This opens up an entire new market within the Philadelphia area and as only kombucha is made within the area it creates more of a passion to be purchasing and consuming a local Philadelphia made product. The innovations within the company about switching into trying to provide kegs as much as possible is keeping the costs reduced as well as promoting the overall sustainability as the life for a keg barrel is significantly longer than single use bottles. There are also plans of expanding the company into a larger warehouse to increase production amounts as well as looking into opportunities to hire through the local community. In working with the local community its opens up more educational opportunities to spread the impact that the company can have on both the local Philadelphia area and the greater Pennsylvania area. One of the practices that Funky Fresh is looking into bringing in local people who have been previously incarcerated or are experiencing homelessness. Not only this but working with local community members in donating portions of the proceeds as well as some of the products to farmers markets to boost the brand further down the road. This is opening up new opportunities for more potential markets as well as business ventures helping expand the company in further directions.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation of kombucha has made a huge impact on individuals who are conscious about what they are consuming or putting into their bodies and also the environment. We can see the positive impacts Funky Fresh Ferments has created with the evolution of starting off as making kombucha to satisfy friends and family to flourishing into bars and restaurants. Seth’s company was focused and driven by personal fulfillment and later was able to be shared with many others as well as the environment. The environment is receiving a positive impact from this company due the the production of their kombucha and the way Funky Fresh Ferments consciously finds ways to grow their customer’s knowledge. Starting from the ground up, the ingredients used are purchased and promoted through local farms in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and urban farms. This helps lower the carbon footprint while also supporting positive jobs. While supporting local farmers is one of the many impacts Funky Fresh Ferments has on the environment, they also encourage and promote the use of Bottle Underground to recycle glass to eliminate waste from their production. During farmers markets, events, and classes Funky Fresh Furments also encourages the community to make their own ferments at home. Which includes, growing their own herbs, joining in on community gardens, and starting composting at home. With these ferments customers are able to purchase ‘Make you Own Kombucha kits’ to promote self-reliance and an interest in microbiology, which cycles through teaching others how to help the environment.


Seth Glassman, Founder

Business information

Funky Fresh

Funky Fresh

Philadelphia, PA, US
Year Founded: 2015
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Funky Fresh is a Philadelphia-based foods company specializing in raw living nutrient-dense kombucha. Kombucha is a nutrient-dense fermented tea that promotes a healthy lifestyle while improving and boosting probiotic health. Funky Fresh was created in 2015 by Seth Glassman with a passion and a vision for a healthy alternative to drink while also promoting probiotic health. Funky Fresh kombucha is made from high quality and organic ingredients that are sourced primarily from PA and NJ in an attempt to keep the process as local as possible.