
Converting Food Industry Waste and By-Products to Gold Through Digital Marketing

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Brian Hernawan

Brian Hernawan


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action 15. Life on Land

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SapiBagus uses the Internet as a marketing tool to sell cattle products derived from waste, and provides web-based information resources for Indonesian cattle farmers. SapiBagus processes food industrial waste and by-products into a high nutrition cattle feed and processes the waste of cow manure to become a compost fertilizer. SapiBagus regularly conducts a training to share the knowledge, experience, and key success factor in cattle farming business.


Edy Wijayanto is a cattle farm entrepreneur who utilizes a website to promote SapiBagus as a marketing communication tool. This is unique, as Indonesia's three million cattle farmers trade their cattle in offline markets. SapiBagus is a pioneer in helping Indonesian cattle farmers to move to an online business. SapiBagus also publishes news about Indonesian cattle farming on their website's news portal. SapiBagus also conducts a regular training to share their knowledge and experience about the cattle farming business and converting food industry waste and by-products into cattle feed; a key success factor in cattle farming.

SapiBagus offers a variety of cattle products and services. Selling cattle is based on the weight of the cattle times the price per kilogram.

In the cattle fattening business, the key success factor is a sustainable and affordable cattle feed that has a high nutritional value. In the process, SapiBagus converts food industrial waste such as coffee grounds, palm or coconut oil cake, and other food industrial waste into a concentrated cattle feed.

Concentrated feed can be made from grains and wastes produced by industrial processes of foodstuffs such as corn flour, soy flour, groats, bran, rice bran, coconut cake, drops and tubers. The role of the concentrated feed is to increase the nutrient value to meet the normal needs of the animal to grow and develop in a healthy manner.

Converting Food Industry Waste and By-Products to Gold Through Digital Marketing


The main innovation that SapiBagus implemented in the business is digital communication through Internet marketing to promote the new methodology in the farming business by converting food industrial waste and by-products to become an affordable and high nutrition cattle feed, and process the waste of cow manure to become a compost fertilizer.

SapiBagus embedded a Corporate Social Responsibility program in their business by processing the food industrial waste and by-products to become a high nutrition cattle feed and process the waste of cow manure to become a compost fertilizer.

SapiBagus business activities creates job opportunities, minimizes food industrial waste and by-products, produces compost from cow manure, produces clean energy from cow manure, sustains beef production, and spreads their knowledge to the broader market through the Internet.

Overall impact

The overall impact of promoting the way of processing the food industrial waste and by-products to become a high nutrition cattle feed and process the waste of cow manure to become a compost fertilizer, is higher profit, opportunities for unemployed people, and less pollution from cattle farming industry. The Internet has successfully raised the visibility of the program to others in cattle farming business.

Business benefit

Processing food industrial waste and by-products to become high nutrition cattle feed is very cheap because the raw material is actually a waste that food industry has to throw away. The waste of cow manure can be processed to become a compost fertilizer that brings an additional revenue to the company.

Social and environmental benefit

Both the input and output of cattle farming brings profit and also aligns with the United Nation sustainability program. Promoting knowledge sharing is a good way to educate Indonesian cattle farmers to manage the input and the output in the cattle farming to become profitable. The Internet makes it very easy and inexpensive to spread the information.


Edy Wijayanto, Founder of

Photo of interviewee

Business information



Depok, West Java, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2010
Number of Employees: 2 to 10 is a news media information service about Indonesian cattle farming. Sapi Bagus was established in 2013 to inspire all stakeholders in Indonesian cattle industry. was expected to become a media communication and a news portal for all of the readers regarding cattle farming in Indonesia. Everyone has preferences and needs for different kinds of news and information about cattle farming in Indonesia. tries to understand the diverse needs of readers by presenting a news portal with useful, accurate, and reliable information. SapiBagus converts the food industrial waste and by-products to cattle food for their cattle fattening farm. The processed food industrial waste and by-products produce concentrated feed that contains very high nutritional value for cattle. In addition, SapiBagus regularly conducts training to share their knowledge with other cattle farmers.