Healthsource Chiropractic Inc.

Conservative Physical Treatment and Health and Wellness


Zack Tomshack

Zack Tomshack


Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management

Case Western Reserve University - Weatherhead School of Management


Chris Laszlo

Chris Laszlo

Gabriela Cuconato

Gabriela Cuconato

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 10. Reduced Inequalities

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Healthsource exemplifies the idea of a positive impact company due primarily to their leadership’s commitment to enhancing health and well-being through non invasive, conservative treatment methods. Attempting to remedy peoples’ pain before they get to a stage that requires surgery or more invasive solutions is a complex troubleshooting process that demands talented minds at the helm, and Healthsource succeeds in this arena. This approach aligns with SDG 3 (good health and well being) as they seek to provide effective pain management and rehabilitation services as a means to avoid invasive procedures and the risk of developing a reliance on pain medications. Healthsource has continued to receive recognition for their conservative treatment methods, and it is this reputation that underscores their dedication to benefiting society at large.


Healthsource has emerged as an icon of innovation specifically targeting the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being. Founded in Vermilion, Ohio, by Dr. Chris Tomshack, Healthsource is dedicated to revolutionizing pain management and rehabilitation services. This is achieved through a commitment to non-invasive, conservative treatment methods, distinguishing itself from traditional healthcare practices that often rely on surgical interventions and long-term medication use.

Dr. Tomshack's vision for Healthsource was to create a healthcare model that not only addresses the symptoms of pain but also dives into the underlying causes to offer lasting solutions: "Our approach is grounded in the belief that the body has an incredible capacity for self-healing, and by providing the right support and treatments, we can unlock this potential and guide our patients toward a healthier, pain-free life," he explained. This innovative solution provided by Healthsource involves a complex strategy incorporating physical therapy, chiropractic care, and other holistic practices tailored to each patient's unique needs. By prioritizing patient education and empowerment, Healthsource fosters a collaborative environment where patients are active participants in their healing process.

The impact of this approach extends beyond individual patient care, as Healthsource's model promotes a broader shift towards sustainable healthcare practices. By reducing the need for invasive procedures and medication, Healthsource not only enhances the well-being of its patients but also contributes to the reduction of healthcare costs and the environmental footprint associated with pharmaceutical waste. This alignment with SDG 3 highlights Healthsource's role not just as a healthcare provider but as a pioneering force for a healthier world.

Conservative Physical Treatment and Health and Wellness


When I asked Dr. Chris Tomshack about the motivation that drove the creation of Healthsource, he began to speak from what would best be described as a deeply personal journey: "It all started with a profound realization about the essence of healing and well-being," he shared. Dr. Tomshack recounted his own experiences with traditional healthcare practices, noting a disconcerting emphasis on symptom management over genuine healing. This observation, coupled with his personal and professional encounters with individuals struggling with chronic pain, set him on a path to innovate and redefine healthcare. "The turning point for me was witnessing a close family member's battle with chronic pain and the limitations of conventional treatment options. It was heartbreaking and eye-opening." This pivotal moment spurred a desire to create a healthcare solution that disrupts the status quo, focusing instead on holistic recovery and empowerment. "I envisioned a place where individuals could find not just relief but restoration; I thought of a place where the root causes of pain are addressed and patients are equipped with the tools for long-term well-being."

Dr. Tomshack's mission for Healthsource is rooted in a belief that healthcare should be a partnership between the provider and the patient, where treatment plans are customized, and a holistic approach is paramount. "Our goal at Healthsource is to usher in a new era of healthcare where every treatment is a step toward lasting health rather than a temporary fix. We're not just treating conditions; we're changing lives." This ethos, deeply ingrained in the mission of Healthsource, continues to inspire Dr. Tomshack and his team to push the boundaries of what's possible in healthcare.

Overall impact

Dr. Chris Tomshack detailed the tangible impact that Healthsource's innovative approach to healthcare has had since its inception: "From the get-go, we've seen remarkable outcomes that extend far beyond the immediate relief from pain," highlighting both the short-term and long-term effects of their holistic model. Patients report significant improvements in their pain levels, mobility, and overall quality of life, underscoring the effectiveness of Healthsource's non-invasive, conservative treatment methods. "In the short term, seeing a patient walk out of our clinics with a smile, free from the pain that shadowed their lives, is our immediate reward." He emphasized the direct benefits of their care.

However, it's the long-term effects that underscore the innovation's profound impact: "Over time, we've observed a reduction in the reliance on pain medications among our patients, a decrease in the need for invasive surgeries, and a notable improvement in mental health." This holistic success is supported by an ongoing collection of patient data and testimonials that attest to the sustained benefits of their approach. "We measure our success not just by the pain we alleviate, but by the lives we change." He also spoke on the broader societal implications of Healthsource's work. "By prioritizing preventive care and education, we're contributing to a healthier, more resilient community. Our approach aligns with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals by promoting well-being for all." The evidence of Healthsource's impact is found not only in the health outcomes of their patients but also in the shift they're pushing within the healthcare industry towards sustainable, patient-centered care.

Business benefit

Dr. Chris Tomshack proudly shared the successes Healthsource has experienced as a direct result of their innovative healthcare approach. He shared that "when we began integrating our unique model, we saw not only an increase in patient satisfaction but also substantial growth in our business metrics."

In terms of financial growth, Dr. Tomshack noted, "Since adopting our innovative approach, we've seen our revenue climb year over year. This growth has enabled us to reinvest in our clinics, staff, and the technology that supports our mission." The increase in revenue has been instrumental in expanding the number of clinics across the country and broadening the reach and impact of their services. He added that "because we focused on a model that truly serves the patient's best interests, we've opened new markets that were previously underserved." The innovative approach has also led to significant internal growth. "We've been able to create a multitude of new jobs within our communities. From medical professionals to support staff, our team has grown in size and in skill. Our employees are proud to work here. They know they're making a difference."

Additionally, Healthsource's success has sparked interest from investors and opened new investment opportunities that promise to accelerate and strengthen their mission. "We've attracted attention from those who see the value in what we're doing; this attention stems not just in terms of financial return, but in the social impact we're having." Dr. Tomshack concluded this response in saying that "we dared to think differently about healthcare, and we've not only improved the lives of our patients but also created a sustainable business that continues to innovate."

Social and environmental benefit

Dr. Chris Tomshack's journey with Healthsource is a testament to the power of visionary leadership in the healthcare sector. During our interview, he outlined the approach that Healthsource has taken to revolutionize conservative treatment methods. "Our mission goes beyond the immediate treatment of physical ailments. We are committed to the overall well-being of our patients."

He shared insights into the planning and execution that went into launching and scaling Healthsource’s services. "We began with a clear vision in Vermilion, Ohio, but we always had the intent to extend our reach. The journey from our first clinic to now over three hundred locations internationally reflects our dedication to accessible and effective healthcare." This expansion was not just a business achievement but a significant stride towards making non-invasive healthcare available to a broader demographic.

Healthsource's innovation lies in its integrated care model combining chiropractic care with rehabilitative therapy and wellness coaching. "By treating the patient as a whole, we've seen remarkable outcomes that go beyond what traditional healthcare offers. This is our contribution to a healthier world." The evidence of impact is clear not just in patient recovery rates and satisfaction but also in the broader acceptance of conservative treatment methods within the medical community. Dr. Tomshack also highlighted the ongoing efforts to innovate within the field. "We're constantly exploring new technologies and methodologies that can enhance our care delivery. From AI-driven diagnostic tools to patient-centric service design, we are at the forefront of healthcare innovation." This forward-thinking approach has cemented Healthsource’s position as a leader in the industry.

When I asked about the future, Dr. Tomshack was optimistic. "The journey so far has been rewarding, but we're just getting started. Our goal is to continue pushing the boundaries of what's possible in healthcare, making a lasting impact on the lives of those we serve." His vision for Healthsource is not just about expansion but about leading a change in how healthcare is delivered with patient well-being at the core of every decision.


Dr Chris Tomshack, Founder/CEO

Business information

Healthsource Chiropractic Inc.

Healthsource Chiropractic Inc.

Avon, OH, US
Year Founded: 2006
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

HealthSource is your trusted, local provider of chiropractic care, delivering quality chiropractic, rehab, and wellness services backed by one of the industry’s largest clinical systems. Healthsource focuses on relieving your pain and improving your overall health so you can focus on doing what you love.