American Prison Data Systems

Changing Corrections for Good



Esabella Domingo

Esabella Domingo

Melonie Lopez

Melonie Lopez

Aisha Syed

Aisha Syed

Gavin Lau

Gavin Lau

Isaiah Simon

Isaiah Simon

Joseph Rosenbush

Joseph Rosenbush


City University of New York - College of Staten Island

City University of New York - College of Staten Island


Heidi Bertels

Heidi Bertels

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 10. Reduced Inequalities 16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

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The innovative APDS tablet was launched after analyzing the General Educational Development population, which comprises fifteen to twenty percent of the population that is behind bars. Because of its target audience, the APDS tablet supports the UN Global #16: Goal of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. APDS built a comprehensive solution, giving inmates a tool to make their own lives better, and thereby reinforcing UN Global Goal #3 of Good Health and Well-Being and Global Goal #8 of Decent Work and Economic Growth. Additionally, these tablets are now available in all 50 states, and are used in literacy programs which enforces Global Goal #4: Quality Education. Finally, the tablet can be used in addiction treatment programs, self-health and wellness programs, and also for entertainment purposes to enhance learning.


The first product was launched in Kansas City, Missouri, on June 23rd, 2014. The tablet includes computer-based applications that are solely educational. Some of the characteristics of these tablets, and their operating system, are as follows:

  • The main product, the Samsung tab 2, is a high quality product that is remotely supervised using aero watch. Aero watch is used by a correctional officer to lock and unlock applications for the incarcerated to use.
  • The case is made with special security grade tools to open the screws to ensure physical safety. The cases themselves are custom-built, not only to protect the devices from damage, but they also to prevent the user from breaking the device or from harming themselves.
  • After these devices are manufactured they are tested for US military ruggedness. They are built with a Lexan screen, which is made from a poly-carb material that is tested to be unbreakable.

    This innovation not only meets prisoners' need for an education, but it also enhances their mental health. In the long run, the prisoners involved in the GED program end up feeling better about themselves, as their knowledge-base increases. This innovation also prepares them for reintegration into society, by making them better suited for employment. Getting a job will built up their confidence, and will allow them to provide for themselves and their families. The power of an education not only affects their immediate environment and society, but also the economy. Education can help break down the walls of inequality and prepares prisoners to be better residents in our society upon release. The benefits of the American Prison Data Systems tablet innovation are far reaching.

Changing Corrections for Good


The inspiration behind the creation of American Prison Data System is to make an impact on the lives of those incarcerated within America’s prisons, jails and parolees.

When Chris Grewe and Arti Finn, the founders, looked at the how many people have taken and passed the GED literary test in 2013, they realized that a large number of the GED population was actually behind bars. At this point in time, GED was also going all digital, so by coupling these two facts together, the inspiration emerged to bring what was happening in education on the outside, to the inside of the prisons system.

After a successful 4 years, Arti Finn was able to reflect upon the successes of the company, "It is a rewarding feeling to get personalized emails from inmates who have successfully taken their GED upon release and it was all because of our tablets..."

Overall impact

The technology is not only useful for quality educational learning, but it also impacts the mental health of the inmates.

Using technology in the 21st century is a life skill that we need to possess in order to be successful in the workplace. During the last thirty years, technology has changed so much, and this is affecting every aspect of society and our lives. It is helping us in advancing and changing for the better, but up until the inception of APDS, the prison population was still technologically in the past. This is why the mission of APDS is to give everyone a second chance through the use of technology. The APDS-tablet is one example of how they attempt to achieve that mission.

Every person who has access to an APDS tablet has an opportunity to receive personalized education, rehabilitation, job training and a reentry plan. This technology better prepares inmates for reentry into the outside world by giving them the tools, and resources that they will need out there.

Business benefit

APDS must be able to cover the costs associated with buying the Android tablets, specific case hardware, licensing fees, and upgrades. The tablets would not run smoothly without the professional help of a technician, and trained staff to oversee the use of the tablets. Therefore, ADPS maintains trainees, sales staff, and business development staff. In order for the business to gain sales and make a profit, the sales team must sell tablets to its customers, including, prison systems, public investors, prison and parole departments, and mental corrections.

Outstanding statistics given by interviewee, Arti Finn, which are frequently updated and given to possible investors, and prison facilities include:

• Up to an increase of 70% of ADPS tablet users are able to successfully complete a reentry plan in the state of Utah alone.

• In the state of Arkansas, 57% of users were able to receive a GED upon leaving a facility, and re-entering into the general population.

Social and environmental benefit

American Prison Data System’s main goal is to touch the lives of others by telling success stories of prisoners, with the help of the tablet provided. Arti Finn mentioned during the interview that not only is it important to them that the prisoners enjoy the use of the tablets so they can increase their value by gaining knowledge, which will allow them to leave their facility as a better-prepared person. This in turn, benefits society as a whole.

The main goal of the prison system in America is to ensure that retribution is imposed on the prisoners, that they are given a lesson in deterrence, and rehabilitation is provided in order to prepare them for their release back into society. The business innovation of the APDS tablets contributes to achieving multiple sustainable development goals, benefiting both prisoners and society as a whole.


Arti Finn, Chief Business Development Officer & Co-founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

American Prison Data Systems

American Prison Data Systems

New York City, NY, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2014
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

American Prison Data Systems (APDS) is a for-profit public benefit corporation that provides Android tablets with internet connection to inmates in jails and prisons in the United States. The objective behind APDS is to leverage the type of technology currently used in classrooms across the United States of America, and to bring that same mode of learning into our prisons, jails, and to our parolees. This product provides a tablet-based education solution for these prisoners and parolees, in order to create better outcomes for them, through individualized education, rehabilitation and reentry programming.