Impact Digital

Carbon-Neutral Printing



Lucas Bissikalo

Lucas Bissikalo


Monash University

Monash University


Gitanjali Bedi

Gitanjali Bedi

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 15. Life on Land

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The main innovation is a focus on running a business that is carbon neutral and that does not have a negative environmental impact. Sustainability is at the forefront of thinking within the business and plays a significant role during any decision-making process.


Impact Digital has made a commitment to combating climate change, and as a result has attempted to reduce its carbon footprint in any way possible with respect to its business operations. This has been done through the design of their building (such as the 135 solar panels on the roof), the consumables used in the course of operating the business, and the use of carbon audit assessments to ensure that all aspects of the business are being performed in a way that minimizes the impact on the environment. Additionally, they use Greenfleet to offset any carbon that they do produce with the planting of trees. With respect to the printing side of things, the majority of Impact Digital’s stock used for printing is Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) approved and carbon neutral. Finally, they work together with the City of Moreland’s energy foundation, whose role is to get the city to become carbon neutral within the next 5–10 years.

Carbon-Neutral Printing


The company began 16 years ago in a different factory, but 10 years ago they moved into their current premises. At the time the building was brand new and, as Heath put it, they had a “blank canvas.” As a result, right before moving in the company held discussions on how they could become better and create a “point of difference in the market” and also how Impact Digital could become socially and ethically responsible towards the environment and society at large. Heath spoke of the fact that when the decision with regards to how the company would go about its operation was made, “it wasn’t just about money and customers, but also about being socially responsible.” The beginning of the journey was getting a carbon footprint assessment done by the Moreland Council to indicate to all that Impact Digital was committed to the cause of sustainability.

Overall impact

Through extensive investment of time, effort, and money, the impact that sustainability has on Impact Digital’s business is clear to see. Not surprisingly, through the use of solar panels, LED lights, and water tanks, the cost of running the business has decreased, and, more importantly, it has allowed for Impact Digital to essentially become a self-sufficient operation. Printing can have a harmful impact on the environment due to all the chemicals and other potentially harmful additives that are used in the process, and through the use of both sustainable and environmentally friendly papers and consumables, the impact on the earth is greatly reduced. On top of that, the focus on sustainability has helped to shift the perception of printing into a more positive light. As Heath put it, back in the day, “printing was considered to be a pretty dirty industry,” but with the way that the business has been run the opinions of people with respect to the industry as a whole have undoubtedly been raised.

Business benefit

There are certain sectors of the market that hold socially responsible businesses in a very high regard, and ultimately will only do business with those that are deemed to be so. When it comes to applying for certain tenders or obtaining the business of local councils or the government, “you don’t get a look in,” Heath said, unless the company has ISO accreditation with respect to environmental impact. Even when it comes to the business of “civilians,” many people will only do business with companies that they believe operate in a manner that is not detrimental to the planet. Heath spoke of how many companies struggle to survive 5 years in the printing industry, let alone 16, and that to be able to do so, a company must find a way to differentiate itself from the rest of the market. Finally, operating costs are greatly reduced due to the self-sufficient nature of the building and the manner in which the printing operation is run.

Social and environmental benefit

It is no surprise that due to the extensive time and resources that have been put into being sustainable, Heath and the other members of Impact Digital have been able to greatly minimize the impact the business has on the environment. Being a carbon-neutral company is something that all businesses should strive to achieve, as it essentially ensures that day-to-day operations are not resulting in a negative impact to the planet.

Society also benefits because the paper used in the printing process is sourced from suppliers that have been independently verified to be operating in a manner that is not detrimental to the planet. Additionally, with the use of an organization such as Greenfleet to plant trees to offset any carbon that is produced during the printing process, Impact Digital is ensuring that they are not operating detrimentally to society at large. Heath also spoke of the fact that “people feeling at ease in their mind with where they are purchasing their product” cannot be understated. Being able to provide customers, who are also members of society, with peace of mind is an important function that not many companies can honestly say they perform.


Heath Nankervis, Managing Director

Business information

Impact Digital

Impact Digital

Melbourne, Victoria, AU
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2003
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

!mpact Digital is a family-run company that provides environmentally sustainable digital printing for both commercial and government clients. They can print a wide variety of products, ranging from business and counter cards to brochures and other forms of marketing material.