Erro y Eugui

Business Innovation for a Global Good

Lezcairu 1


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Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Given that Erro y Eugui's organizational focus is on sustainable buildings that are as efficient as possible and reduce environmental impact as much as possible, it has become the first company in Spain to build a Pasivhaus-certified collective housing building. Subsequently, they managed to rehabilitate a building in the old town of Pamplona, certified Pasivhaus while maintaining the existing facade and applying innovative construction solutions that had not been implemented before. This business is trying to make passive houses, meaning that all buildings will have zero emissions (SDG 11. Sustainable cities and communities). Furthermore, they are focusing on industrialization in order to reduce all the pollution produced by the process of constructing a building. (SDG V9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure).


As for SDG number 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), within its strategic plan, Erro y Eugui focuses their efforts on reducing the energy demands of buildings, thus reducing the massive emission of polluting gasses, since it is very important to solve the current problem of excessive energy consumption in buildings. For example, in the rehabilitation of a building in the old town of Pamplona, where all buildings are high energy consumers due to low energy efficiency, Erro y Eugui had to apply innovative construction solutions since both the façade and the structure of the building could not be modified. After this action, the building obtained the Passivhaus seal, achieving significant economic savings for the client and pollution reductions for society as a whole. Adapting the building to the goals of the 2030 Agenda in energy consumption, this way it is not only related to this SDG but also to number 11, focused on the well-being of society. In addition to this, at present and with the same goal is being executed a building of 39 dwellings and a passive house and industrialized using wood as the main material.

These projects are also related to SDG 12. Responsible Consumption and Production since it achieves a significant reduction in consumption as well as commented previously. For example, in the project of 39 houses, using wood as the main material, the goals of reducing CO2 emissions and progressive decarbonisation that mark the European Green Pact or the 2030 Agenda are achieved.

The latter project is being used as training for workshop schools, visiting universities such as the University of Navarra and technology centers such as Zabala, thus associating itself with SDG 4 Quality Education.

Business Innovation for a Global Good


Erro y Eugui has always been a reference in the complete building process through the continuous improvement of processes in order to achieve complete customer satisfaction, which is why based on this mission it is always innovating to achieve it. Therefore, they are a benchmark in building under the passivhaus standard and are a leading company in the industrialization of construction. The first project that the company launched as an innovation in the sector was in 2018, with the first passivhaus collective building in Spain, as well as the largest wooden building in Navarrre under the passivhaus certification together with an industrialized construction, 39 homes have been executed in 12 months (a record time in the sector and with all the standards of low CO2 emission buildings). Iñigo Euguih, the director of the company, is considered to be very aware of the environment, which is why the company not only focuses on the realization of all types of buildings, but also tries to apply this innovative system as a lifestyle in society. Erro y Eugui is a benchmark company in the sector in terms of innovation, as a result of which it has managed to be the first company to build this type of building with almost zero consumption. This motivation to reduce consumption and apply it as a lifestyle serves as the main inspiration to be able to apply new innovative systems.

Overall impact

In its local community of Pamplona, Spain business Erro y Eugui sought to implement passive eco efficient housing. In their efforts to achieve primary SDGs 9 and 12, Erro y Eugui has looked to their present and future. In the immediate short term their impact has been felt with the construction of 39 energy efficient homes in the past 12 months. Each house is built with a single sustainable material, wood.

This innovation to the infrastructure (SDG 9) allows Erro y Eugui to construct and refurbish their community’s homes in a manner where impact is seen immediately. Erro y Eugui hopes to innovate and inspire in their industry to consider their own ecological impact. By using wood they are able to replace foundational infrastructure and facades with a green material to contribute directly to sustainable cities in their own community (SDG 12). Sustainable housing correlates to a more sustainable future and a healthy balance of their city’s ecosystems.

Secondary SDG impacts include quality education, responsible consumption and production, and good health and well-being. With education efforts taken through partnerships with the University of Navarre, Erro y Eugui engages with the future generations of the construction industry. Responsible production of housing utilizing a sustainable material. Additionally, an emphasis on virtues spawned from a love for their community.

Future innovations in the works look towards reducing overall CO2 emissions and reducing their carbon footprint, unfortunately specifics were under an non-disclosure agreement.

Business benefit

This innovation has benefited Erro y Eugui immensely. In innovating in their industry by using sustainable material and engaging with their community, the business has been able to reap the rewards.

This helps Erro y Eugui’s local image. Being a green company in construction can help drive investors to choose them for huge construction projects which is a win win for both Erro y Eugui and the people who choose to use their services. For example, Erro y Eugui had a project in which they built and installed solar panels for some of the many buildings in which they worked on. They are doing this as their goal is to have zero consumption in the long run for every future project. In addition to Erro y Eugui, with them using sustainable materials, they will significantly cut down on waste consumption allowing them to optimize their materials when working on major projects.

Engaging with the university, Erro y Eugui has embraced mutualistic learning from students and has been able to offer them opportunities in the industry. Erro y Eugui also achieved Spain’s first vertical passive house building, pushing their country towards sustainability. Tremendous growth has also been seen in their production as they were able to produce 39 homes 6-8 months earlier than their typical rate.

Social and environmental benefit

The business innovation within Erro y Eugui benefits society and the environment in many ways. By focusing on making buildings with sustainable materials and reducing CO2 emissions, Erro y Eugui will help combat climate change, a massive issue on the earth. In addition, people are more inclined to live in buildings which they know are more eco-friendly. Reducing the carbon footprint has been a great challenge for all businesses worldwide. With Erro y Eugui implementing more sustainable housing, it not only allows them to please their stakeholders, but they are also creating well-rounded communities in which they are cognisant of certain environmental factors in Spain. Erro y Eugui making more buildings and rehabilitating certain parts of Spain adds value to these communities by working on things such as clinics, universities, hospitals and sports clubs.

Moreover, Erro y Eugui watching their carbon footprint saves money for them in the long run and helps protect future generations, ensuring their green buildings allow for a safer and more eco-friendlier community. Erro y Eugui works at universities. With these innovations, they help create an eco-friendly environment for university students, allowing them to conduct their studies. In a roundabout way, it is suitable for companies like Erro y Eugui to focus o being more green and sustainable because everyone wants a better and green earth. Showing clients that Erro y Eugui is a sustainable company will also work in their favour as they would get more projects to complete, allowing more work for the companies and workers and allocating more money to various families. With this being said, Erro y Eugui being more green and sustainable will significantly benefit certain societies within Spain.


Eduardo Gil Iragui, Financial manager and head of quality and environment

Business information

Erro y Eugui

Erro y Eugui

Pamplona, Pamplona, ES
Business Website:
Year Founded: 1964
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Erro y Eugui, founded almost 60 years ago, is a company dedicated to the promotion of housing and the construction of all types of buildings. The construction activity is centered in three sectors: residential, industrial and dotacional—carrying out in the three new buildings, rehabilitations and maintenance of the buildings. The geographical scope of its activity is centered in Navarra, Aragón, La Rioja and Cataluña. One of the main objectives is to ensure the well-being of its clients, by making high quality, sustainable, healthy and efficient buildings.