DMB Sports Agency

Building New Futures



Andrea Echevarria

Andrea Echevarria

Danya De Azevedo

Danya De Azevedo

Mateo Nicolini

Mateo Nicolini

Muhammad Mustiko

Muhammad Mustiko

Chris Brown

Chris Brown

Raviqi Barqi

Raviqi Barqi


Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra

University of Guelph

University of Guelph

IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Ruben Burga

Ruben Burga

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 5. Gender Equality

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The company founded by Mariano, Diego, Bruno recognized the need for a robust and organized communication system. The organization is innovative in nature as providing scholarships to student athletes across Peru is a unique approach to sports agency. Giving student athletes the opportunity for education that they may have not received in Peru is important.


The innovation aligns with several United Nation Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), notably Goal 4 Quality Education. DMB Sports Agency's mission is to provide education to Peruvian students when they might not otherwise be able to afford that opportunity. The scholarship program contributes to improving the quality of education for Peruvian students by providing them opportunities for higher education in the United States.This addresses the challenge in Peru where advancing university studies may be difficult due to lack of options. The company also has an alliance with the Peruvian Tennis Federation where they have a commitment to helping improve children's English to enhance their chances at receiving a scholarship in the future. One of the innovations they are in the process of implementing is the integration of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. This platform would provide parents with real-time updates and information about their children's activities, making a transparent and accessible channel for communication. This innovation emerged as a response to the initial use of WhatsApp becoming oversaturated. Furthermore, DMB Sports agency supports SDG Goal 5: Gender Equality by offering the same services to both male and female students. With initiatives to encourage more female participation through campaigns on social media, DMB sports works actively to promote gender equality in sport and scholarships. Additionally, another goal the organization works towards is Goal 3: Health and Well-being. The agency promotes athletic lifestyles, provides access to facilities, training programs, and mental health support.

Building New Futures


The leaders of DMB sports agency drew inspiration from personal experiences and a shared vision. In our interview, Mariano reflected on the foundation of the organization as he, along with co-founders Diego Muniz and Bruno Sanitz, shared a vision of competing at a high level in their respective sports while pursuing university degrees. Mariano’s journey began as a tennis player on scholarship at Huntington University in the NAIA Crossroad league for four years. Bruno Sanitz witnessed the lack of support for college athletes in Peru firsthand as he tried to balance his studies with his participation as a goalie with the Universitario de Deportes. His ultimate decision to seek a soccer scholarship in the United States reflected a commitment to addressing the lack of support for athletes. Diego Muñiz was a top ranked tennis player in Peru, and brings a further dimension to the agency's foundation. The personal stories collectively inspired the creation of DMB sports agency emphasizing a commitment to providing opportunities for student athletes to succeed. During our interview they expressed this commitment saying “Our mission is to make it easier for customers, and our purpose is to have a more organized job." This underscores the agency's dedication to facilitating a streamlined effective process for student athletes.

Overall impact

The introduction of the DMB sports agency and the innovative manner in which they provide scholarships to students in America has had a transformative impact on the lives of student athletes. In the short term, the scholarship program has provided immediate access to higher education opportunities for talented individuals who may have faced limited options in Peru. In the long term, the scholarship program is likely to have a lasting impact on Goal 4: Quality Education, as it opens avenues for student athletes to receive higher education than they may have in Peru and demonstrate their achievements in sports. 18 student athletes are committed to playing sports in the NCAA in 2024. This means well over $100,000 in tuition fees has been saved and these 18 athletes may be provided opportunities that they would not have received in Peru. The innovative Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform by DMB sports agency plans to provide these student athletes and their parents with real time information about their activities, updates, and events. Over time, this innovation has the potential to enhance the overall experience for student athletes and their families creating a long lasting positive impact on their academic and athletic journeys. Long term success might also be evidenced by increased retention rates of student athletes in the program as the improved communication and support contributes to their overall satisfaction.

Business benefit

The innovative nature of DMB sports Agency scholarship program not only aligns with its mission and purpose but also brings out tangible benefits for the organization. The business was established as a scholarship program for students to improve their education which elevates the agency’s reputation and brand image, as it is clearly an organization with a strong commitment to social responsibility and community development. This enhanced image attracts more student athletes leading to more revenue through program enrollments and partnerships. Helping find student athletes scholarships has likely increased the morale and well being of employees within the agency as they know their work is making a meaningful impact on the lives of aspiring student athletes therefore giving them a greater sense of purpose and job satisfaction. This positive work environment may result in higher retention rates within the company and employees from other companies may be drawn to DMB sports as they have a genuine commitment to social impact. Furthermore, DMB sports has formed alliances with organizations such as the Peruvian Tennis Federation. This taps into previously unutilised talent pools broadening the organization's scope and influence. The positive social impact of the scholarship program cannot be understated as it has not only contributed to the betterment of individuals lives but strategically positions DMB Sports agency for success.

Social and environmental benefit

The innovation brought by DMB Sports Agency benefits not only the business but also society and the environment in several ways.

Societal Impact:

The scholarship program provides access to quality education in the United States for talented student athletes from international countries. This initiative directly contributes to SDGs, which aims to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education for all. By enabling these students to pursue higher education, the agency is helping them achieve academic aspirations and develop valuable skills.

DMB Sports Agency offers the same opportunities and services to both male and female students, actively promoting gender equality in the sports industry and scholarships. This contributes to SDGs, which focuses on achieving gender equality and empowering women and girls.

The agency promotes an athletic lifestyle and provides access to sports facilities, training programs, and mental health support. Encouraging physical well-being and emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, which aligns with SDGs “Good health and Well-being”.

Environmental Impact:

While the primary focus of DMB Sports Agency is on education and sports scholarships, the commitment to sustainable operations and reducing waste can indirectly contribute to environmental goals. By integrating a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform, the aim is to enhance transparency and communication, reducing the need for excessive resource-intensive methods like using WhatsApp for communication.

DMB Sports Agency’s innovation benefits society by offering educational opportunities, promoting gender equality, and supporting the health and well-being of student athletes. While the direct environmental impact may be limited, the focus on operational efficiency and sustainability aligns with broader environmental goals by reducing resource consumption.


Mariano Echevarria Ossa, Co-founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

DMB Sports Agency

DMB Sports Agency

Lima, Lima, PE
Year Founded: 2019
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

DMB Sports Agency is an agency focused on being a guide and help for athletes looking to go to the United States, getting a quality education while continuing to compete at the highest level in the sport they are most passionate about. The original idea for creating the company came based on the stories of the founders. The shared vision of three friends who aimed to achieve a high competitive level in their respective sports while pursuing a university degree.