Evolve Builders Group Inc.

Building change locally


Page Manning

Page Manning

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Kaia Martin

Marco Muriago

Marco Muriago

Miguel Simon Cipres

Miguel Simon Cipres

Joseph Osore

Joseph Osore


University of Guelph

University of Guelph

Universidad de Navarra

Universidad de Navarra

Kenyatta University

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Ruben Burga

Yang Hoong

Yang Hoong

Mary Ragui

Mary Ragui

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Romina Hosseingholizadeh

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Isabel Rodriguez Tejedo

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 11. Sustainable Cities and Communities 12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Evolve Builders Group Inc. is a cutting-edge business, pioneering climate-conscious construction in Ontario. With a focus on locally sourced materials, net zero construction, and using sustainable materials, this business is working to build a better world. The entire foundation of the operations prioritizes their mission over profit and works towards over 6 SDG goals - especially responsible production and consumption.


Evolve Builders Inc. is an innovative building company, creating a better world as they construct new houses. Some of their innovations include strawbale buildings, climate-conscious homes, and locally sourced materials. Evolve builders try to exclusively use materials from within 100 miles for construction, as well as focusing on materials that are low carbon or even net zero. Certain materials used for construction and renovation are actually carbon-negative, meaning that they remove carbon from the atmosphere. Examples of carbon-negative materials include thermally modified wood decking, hemp batt cavity insulation, and recycled paper. Another innovation that Evolve Builder implements are “passive houses.” This innovation engineers houses to be positioned to absorb sunlight and heat, with the hope of minimal to no fossil fuel heating required.

This sustainable approach to construction meets several sustainable development goals (SDGs). Evolve Builders Inc. also works to create “sustainable cities and communities,” meeting SDG goal number eleven. Additionally, the locally sourced and climate-neutral materials meet both SDG goals number twelve, responsible consumption and production, and number thirteen, climate action. Moreover, Polley’s willingness to teach others his skills to increase the industry size aligns with SDG number eight, decent work and economic growth. Finally, creating new and innovative ways to build new infrastructure meets the SDG goal number nine, industry, innovation and infrastructure.

Building change locally


When discussing the motivation behind pursuing Evolve Builders Group Inc., it was clear how passionate Ben Polley is about sustainable building. Polley explained that he grew up with a strong appreciation for nature due to being raised in the countryside. He revealed that, like many others, he often felt distressed by what humans do to nature. Unfortunately, in his youth his family also experienced a house fire, losing everything. This tragedy sparked his interest in architecture. This combination of factors led to Polley fulfilling an education in geography with a focus on urban planning. Once graduated, Polley attended a presentation where he first heard about straw bale building. The introduction to the concept excited Polley as this style of building was fire-resistant while also being highly insulative. Eventually, Polley was able to learn from another climate-conscious construction business in Ontario. This business wasn’t interested in company growth, just industry growth, so they were happy to provide Polley with the skills necessary to form his own business. From there, Polley founded Harvest Homes in 2000, which eventually became a business division of Evolve Builders Group Inc. Polley explained that industry growth rather than his personal business growth also aligns more so with who he is and he too has tried to pay it forward by teaching others. Furthermore, Polley went on to describe the sustainable building industry as a whole, “I am not enthusiastic about the fact that we don’t have much competition…because I want to wield the business as a means of effecting change. If there were more of us doing it, then it would be more effective” (Polley, 2023).

Overall impact

The impact of the multiple environmental innovations used by Evolve Builders Inc is widely felt. In the short term, Evolve Builders Inc. was able to provide services that customers were unable to find elsewhere in the market. Moreover, Evolve Builders Inc. has increased awareness about building sustainably; for example, by showcasing a net zero house at a convention in Toronto and generating media attention. Evolve Builders Inc. doubled in sales every year for their first seven years. This trend began to flatten once the business was not able to keep up with demand - indicating that there is room for more competitors in this industry.

Additionally, Evolve Builders Inc. participates in pre-commercial pilot testing of products with multinational companies. These multinational companies need a company like Evolve Builders Inc. that has the resources and expertise to test and trial their products. This testing is an example of the global impact within the industry that Evolve Builders is able to create.

In the long term, Evolve Builders Inc. provides crucial climate mitigation and adaptation policies at the local level. As climate change worsens, stricter legislation about policies may come into effect. Evolve builders have taken on changes to become more sustainable before these changes are mandatory, putting themselves ahead of the rest of the construction industry.

Additionally, the economic impact of Evolve Builders Inc. will be felt in the long term. First, their practices of supporting local economies allows for economic growth and development in the long term. Moreover, while their buildings may have higher upfront costs, consumers will save money in the long term by having to pay for decreased to no heating bills. This long-term thinking helps consumers to save money.

Business benefit

Evolve Builder Group Inc.’s introduction of strawbale buildings, utilizing local resources, and ensuring sustainability has opened a new niche market of climate-conscious construction. While this industry is active across Europe and countries elsewhere, Evolve Builders Inc. offers a distinct service that is not currently offered elsewhere in the market of southern Ontario. The opening of this new market has brought many advantages for the business to benefit from.

First, employee well-being is one of the most impactful benefits this innovation offers because people feel good when they are making a real-world impact to fight climate change. This shared passion among staff increases employee retention by creating a positive environment for employees to work in as they collectively incorporate the vision of sustainability into the company. In this specific niche, this shared vision takes priority over profit. As a result of this Evolve Builders Group Inc. takes employees' desires into consideration, shaping the business around everyone's ideas rather than prioritizing a hierarchy. In doing so, Ben Polley explained that he trains employees in a way that their ideas can be built upon, rather than having employees leave the business and become competition, as they typically do in other markets.

Second, the company has benefitted from the lack of competition in the industry regarding marketing. Polley stated that Evolve Builders Group Inc. does not need to use marketing, thereby avoiding the overhead cost of doing so, because when consumers research this specific niche their company is the only result which is relevant and has the resources and experience needed to fulfill the customer's specific desire.

Third, consumers are willing to pay higher costs to the businesses in this niche market because they are passionate about sustainability, they will pay the price required to make changes for the greater good. In addition to this, consumers are willing to pay higher costs because sustainable buildings often have high initial costs but reduced upkeep or utility costs in comparison to standard buildings.

Social and environmental benefit

Evolve Builders Inc. has benefited society as well as the environment in tangible ways. All practices of Evolve Builders Inc. benefit the environment. For example, building climate-conscious homes means that these homes use sunlight as natural heat, and do not need fossil fuels to warm the house. This innovation is incredible: reducing the need for fossil fuels in heating has a huge impact on a climate as cold as Ontario. Additionally, sourcing as many materials locally as possible reduces the carbon footprint of transporting materials across the world.

This business benefits society, as Polley highlighted the importance of supporting local economies. He explained that he invests in local training, labor, and materials to help support vibrant local economies. Polley also discussed the need for building a more positive culture in business, and his willingness to train people to become his competition. This shows that he truly believes in the mission of the project, and wants to improve the social aspect of business.

Strawbale building is a good example of how innovation can benefit the environment and society. Straw is much more environmentally friendly than other materials, and highly insulative so it reduces the cost and environmental impact of heating. Moreover, strawbale buildings are fire resistant, which helps improve and even save lives. This shows how Evolve Builders Inc. supports all aspects of sustainability: from environmental to social, to cultural.


Ben Polley, Manager and Founder

Business information

Evolve Builders Group Inc.

Evolve Builders Group Inc.

Guelph, Ontario, CA
Business Website: https://www.evolvebuilders.ca
Year Founded: 2000
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Evolve Builders Group Inc. is a Guelph-based company focusing on “climate-conscious construction.” This business specializes in eco-conscious construction, renovation, and contracting. Moreover, Evolve Builders Group Inc. focuses on innovating new climate-conscious building techniques and promoting environmentally friendly buildings on a large scale.