Sparklite Rentals

Bringing Visions to Light


Helen Schaefer

Helen Schaefer


Loyola Marymount University

Loyola Marymount University


Jeff Thies

Jeff Thies

Global Goals

8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 13. Climate Action

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Sparklite is a small independent media production company that rents out ready-to-go production vans filled with high quality equipment to help filmmakers bring their visions to life. Sparkle works to help solve SDG #13 Climate Action and SDG #8 Decent Work and Economic Growth through its sustainable energy practices, as well as its intentionality to achieve productive employment and decent work employees.


Sparklite has simplified the production game by offering a packaged production van full of high-quality lighting equipment. Instead of hiring a production assistant to spend a whole day renting a van and driving around LA to rent and pick up equipment from multiple places, Sparklite provides everything the production needs with one van pickup. Building equipment packages delivered through one single delivery is more efficient, saving production time and money while minimising environmental impact.

Founded in 2021 by Charles Schaefer, Sparklite became an exciting opportunity for Charles to leverage his industry experience and passion for cinematography into a thriving and profitable business. Through the company’s innovative equipment packages, it can take action to combat climate change through the decrease in greenhouse gasses from car emissions, as well as its ability to provide decent work and economic growth by giving fulfilling jobs without harming the environment.

By hiring employees, Sparklite also promotes inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all. The company has about 20 employees that Charles can employ; all gaffer technicians are local Los Angeles residents, allowing them a short commute to the job. The company fosters decent job direction, entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation. Sparklite also achieves full and productive employment, decent work for all women and men, and equal pay for work of equal value.


Motivated by his passion for filmmaking, Charles Schaefer grew up on set learning how to operate all kinds of production equipment well and quickly. He had a natural inkling for lighting and was encouraged to look into professional gaffing. Since then, he has done professional lighting for commercials, music videos, short films, and more. When asked what inspired him to create his lighting company, he said, “Lighting is the foundation of any cinematic image and can dramatically impact the storytelling. I fell in love with how I could influence the mood and emotion of a scene.”

Through his few years of experience as a cinematographer, producer, and director, he always found himself discouraged about the time and money spent to attain the proper lighting equipment to create his films. It is tough to spend several days picking up and storing equipment for a one-day shoot, as well as the high cost of it all and the amount of driving around LA that was unideal for the environment. He realised he could help many filmmakers of all levels by creating a lighting equipment rental service that is delivered through one single delivery, making business more accessible and eco-friendly. He did just that! Charles explained, “After years of working on film and video productions, I realised the cost of purchasing and maintaining high-quality lighting packages was challenging for production companies. I recognised an opportunity to provide a service with consistent demand and reoccurring revenue while also helping sustain the environment and providing opportunities for a broader range of people to bring their art to life.”

Beyond his expertise in lighting, Charles Schaefer's commitment to sustainability is a defining aspect of his character. Just one course shy of a minor in sustainability during his college years, he has always been passionate about and practiced sustainability in his daily life. This deep-seated value for environmental responsibility was a driving force behind the creation of Sparklite, a testament to his dedication to climate action.

Overall impact

The short-term effects of Sparklite’s services save customers time and money. It also positively impacts LA residents and the environment as Sparklite employs local grip technicians who live in the city, allowing them a short commute to work. Productions often have to hire a production assistant who rents a van and drives it all around the city, making various stops to pick up different equipment. This could take about a day, and then it would need to be safely stored overnight, and now the van and equipment rental is extended to multiple days, using lots of gas, and increases costs immensely. Sparklite allows customers to rent a fully packed van with all Sparklite-owned equipment driven once to the central location and used on set.

In the long term, Sparklite’s services continue to cut down on half of the driving that production would typically do to rent a van and pick up equipment rentals from various locations. Reducing unnecessary driving in the city is excellent for the environment, saving gas and decreasing car emissions. In the long term, Sparklite’s services also make it more accessible and affordable for artists who may not otherwise be able to spend that much on their production while still creating high-quality content.

Business benefit

Because Sparklite owns all of its equipment, it can offer more exclusive equipment to a broader range of people, making it much more accessible. Sparklite also wisely invested in assets during its foundation years. Founder Charles Schaefer bought the office that the company works out of, as well as the customised vans it services, so that he can assure himself and his employee's salaries. Charles added that by investing in high-quality and sustainable products, he can supply productions with top-notch equipment, increasing customer retention. The convenience and affordability of Sparklite’s services also improve retention, leading to an increase in employee well-being with more jobs it books.

Social and environmental benefit

Sparklite’s services benefit both society and the environment. The business model is intended to allow more people of all cinematic levels to bring their visions to life through filmmaking. Creating a more accessible and fantastic opportunity allows for more art with positive messages to be designed and put into society. Facilitating art and inspiration makes for a more forward and enjoyable society.

Regarding the environment, Sparklite does an excellent job using sustainable practices on set. By using renewable energy light bulbs, recycling equipment materials instead of throwing them out when used, and donating old equipment to local schools, the company does its part to sustain the environment as best it can. More importantly, by using the company services, customers are already cutting down half of the driving around the city that would be done using the traditional way of getting production equipment for a shoot. This decrease in gas emissions combats climate change and its impacts by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


Charles Schaefer, Founder

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Sparklite Rentals

Sparklite Rentals

Los Angeles, CA, US
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Sparklite rentals is an independent lighting and grip equipment supplier that aims to help people bring their cinematic visions to life. The small business's service offers customised production vans packed with high-quality equipment, saving time and money for productions of all sizes.