
Bridging the Gap Between Sustainability and Style

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Adam Richardson

Adam Richardson


University of Otago

University of Otago


Joe Cooper

Joe Cooper

Global Goals

12. Responsible Consumption and Production 13. Climate Action

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Goodlids' primary source of material is hemp, which is used as the shell for all the hats, and can be found within the tee shirts and apparel ranges. By incorporating hemp into the clothing industry and adopting sustainable cultivation and production practices, significant strides can be made towards achieving SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption and Production) and SDG 13 (Climate Action). Hemp's potential as a renewable resource and its ability to sequester carbon make it a valuable ally in addressing global sustainability and climate challenges.


Led by founder Dane Watson, Goodlids is a remarkable company committed to sustainability. Their primary material source for their products is hemp. Goodlids began with strictly hemp headwear but has since expanded to include tee-shirts, hemp outerwear, and accessories – all produced sustainably. This eco-conscious business model, initiated in 2019, aligns with the growing demand for sustainable practices driven by increased global environmental awareness. Dane recognized the significance of creating environmentally friendly products early on and has found success in this developing market.

The innovative use of hemp in their products is the foundation of Goodlids' strategy. Hemp not only offers attractive and sustainable designs but also provides significant environmental benefits. With hemp's impressive capacity to sequester carbon dioxide through photosynthesis, hemp removes 1.63 tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere for every tonne grown (Good Hemp. 2021). Unlike many other crops, hemp doesn't require pesticides, thus protecting waterways and the oceans. Furthermore, Its water-efficient nature reduces consumption compared to other materials, thanks to its self-irrigating properties. Lastly, the rapid growth of hemp positions it as a viable alternative to tree-based products, hemp can be harvested in 4-9 months depending on climate, compared to trees which can take upwards of 40 years before harvesting. Thus the implementation of hemp products can potentially mitigate deforestation, protect waterways and save the planet.

Through their thoughtful approach and hemp utilization, Goodlids demonstrates how a company can create appealing products while positively impacting the environment.

Bridging the Gap Between Sustainability and Style


Identifying a substantial gap in the market, Dane recognized a unique opportunity and pursued it with determination. This opportunity centred around creating headwear that catered to fashion-conscious consumers while upholding environmental values. To realize this vision, Dane turned to hemp as “the ideal material for Goodlids”. With its eco-friendly attributes and versatile properties, “hemp aligned perfectly with our mission to blend sustainability and style” said Dane. Dane acknowledged that “using hemp for clothing wasn't a new idea,” yet he explained that “Goodlids stands out as one of the first local companies to incorporate this material into headwear and garment production.” The innovation lies in “Goodlids' ability to manipulate the material creatively to introduce fresh and alternative product lines.”

Overall impact

Despite its relatively brief existence of four years, Goodlids has witnessed primarily short-term effects in the market. However, these effects are remarkable, showcasing the company's pioneering role in the growing hemp industry. Notably, one of the most significant changes has been the exponential growth of the hemp market. This growth is evidenced by increased acceptance and integration of hemp across industries, including textiles, shoes, food, paper, bioplastics, insulation, and biofuel.

“Globally, the benefits of hemp utilisation are becoming increasingly evident,” says Dane. Goodlids exemplifies this global impact. Through hemp headwear, the company not only elevated its brand but also contributed to wider awareness and acceptance of hemp as an eco-friendly and versatile material. This emphasis on awareness has, in turn, driven demand for hemp products.

Dane explained that the principles of commodity economics are demonstrated by the growth of the hemp industry. Goodlids' success illustrates this phenomenon: as consumer demand for hemp-based products grows, so does the corresponding supply. The surge in demand acknowledges global investment in the hemp economy, with Goodlids' observation on hemp pricing attesting to this upward trend.

Business benefit

GoodLids' introduced innovation into its business model has yielded immense benefits, resulting in a captivating success story that stands out in its saturated market. One of the primary advantages of this innovation is its strong and unique selling point, particularly valuable in an industry with low barriers to entry. The utilisation of hemp as a core material for headwear sets Goodlids apart, establishing a compelling product that resonates with consumers seeking “both style and sustainability.”

Moreover, Goodlids demonstrate this innovation's potential for future expansion and diversification. In the near future, Goodlids plan to leverage hemp into various apparel items. This will allow Goodlids to further showcase its versatility and push the limits of hemp's potential. Hemp fibre's inherent properties enable its widespread application, and Goodlids recognise untapped potential in this regard. Expanding beyond hats, the company now produces t-shirts and socks, blending hemp and organic cotton for garments that combine hemp's durability with cotton's comfort. This diversification broadens Goodlids' product range and enhances the appeal of hemp-based materials across all clothing types.

Social and environmental benefit

Goodlids’ primary initiative is to improve the environment and contribute to the planet's preservation by utilizing hemp as a more sustainable, faster-growing, and eco-friendly material. Moreover, Goodlids is building on top of these efforts by recently introducing the “Goodlids Sustainability Program,” an initiative aimed at “doing more for our planet and its inhabitants.” This program serves the purpose of spotlighting the sustainability initiatives already undertaken by Goodlids, while also addressing areas that still need improvement and outlining their plans to achieve these goals. This program is commendable, showcasing the transparency that Goodlids maintains with its stakeholders and illustrating its ongoing innovation and adaptability to create increasingly sustainable products. This innovation speaks volumes about Goodlids' care and devotion to the environment, and should be recognized for these efforts.

Beyond the environmental realm, GoodLids' innovation holds social and consumer-centric implications. The decision to deviate from traditional sales cycles – often involving heavy discounts at the end of every season, underlines the company's commitment to responsible business practices. By maintaining steady pricing, GoodLids encourages consumers to value product longevity and quality over temporary discounts. This approach promotes sustainable consumption patterns, emphasising thoughtful purchases aligned with the durability and style that the company produces.

GoodLids' dedication to timeless products enhances its positive societal impact. By creating headwear that avoids fleeting trends, the company promotes “conscious consumption and reduces the wasteful cycle of fast fashion”. This approach resonates with individuals seeking enduring style and quality, alleviating pressure on resources and waste management systems tied to short-lived fashion trends. Dane emphasised this point, stating that he takes pride in the fact that “GoodLids’ growth hasn't compromised the business's values, even in the face of temporary financial challenges”. Moreover, GoodLids' decision to remain closed on Black Friday underscores its commitment to sustainable consumption and societal well-being. This choice sends a powerful message, urging individuals to consider the implications of their shopping behaviour and prioritise values extending beyond materialistic desires.


Dane Watson, Founder

Business information



Auckland, Auckland, NZ
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2019
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

Goodlids is a company founded out of a passion for headwear and Mother Earth. The company's purpose is to provide sustainable headwear that is rugged enough to accompany individuals on any adventure. Goodlids is, “Headwear that is gentle on your head and kind to the planet.” Founded by Dane Watson in 2019, Goodlids initially opened as a store in Auckland City and has since successfully expanded to a thriving e-commerce platform.