Five Alpha

Bridging the Gap between Physical Wellbeing and the Environment

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Gavin Harmon

Gavin Harmon

Xavier Poblete

Xavier Poblete

Cierra Parker

Cierra Parker

Alexa Walter

Alexa Walter

Luke Chmiel

Luke Chmiel


Saint Joseph's University

Saint Joseph's University


David Steingard

David Steingard

Global Goals

3. Good Health and Well-Being 5. Gender Equality 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 10. Reduced Inequalities

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5Alpha, a local apparel brand in Philadelphia founded by Carina Chieffalo, is committed to building a community focused on inclusivity and well-being. With a worker-owned model, the brand emphasizes gender equality (SDG 5) and promotes good health (SDG 3) by prioritizing fitness and inclusivity. By expanding its reach and creating safe spaces, 5Alpha aims to involve more individuals in its eco-friendly initiatives and foster a sustainable and healthy community.


The innovation process that 5Alpha is dedicated to is their ability and willingness to make the company an integral piece of the community that expands on the need to be in the community to foster change within our environment for ourselves physically and for the wholeness of the world. 5Alpha's innovation process is centered around creating a community centered around folks who want to do and be better. The 5Alpha community is “a movement to do it better” by improving our health and making notions to make the world around us more plentiful. 5Alpha is inspired to change the world and work as a business in the most sustainable ways possible. 5Alpha cares about their employees, customers, and the planet. They want to exemplify this through their operation process and their desire to create change. They are building up a community to develop a sense of belonging and understanding while also talking about significant issues such as pollution and climate change through some policy changes. These policy changes, for example, could be the inheritance of “Invisible Bags” from Invisible Co., which shows the creativity and desire to care for the environment. These bags are a way in which they can replace the classic plastic bag your clothing is shipped in and replace it with a water-soluble, biodegradable, compostable suitcase that will not leave any dangerous toxins or harmful residue on the planet. Using these bags will allow for the plastic bags to be removed from their company and will help to limit the amount of waste the company will produce which is an innovative solution within the business model showing the community it is possible to be a agent of change. The desire to help the environment is not where they stop. They also care deeply about community and mental health. There are a lot of negativities in the world, and Carina and the 5Alpha team are dedicated to breaking through that and making their business more of a community rather than the classic buyer-and-seller relationship. Carina and her team show genuine care for everyone within the organization and for all that support. Carina and her team show genuine care for everyone within the organization and for all that support.

As a company, they pride themselves on the care they show for their customers and the community that they have built. 5Alpha recognizing their customers' mental well-being is a fundamental piece of the company's commitment to holistic health. As a fitness apparel company, they realize that it is not only physical health that is important, but mental health as well. So, they promote helping all of their customers and their community to help foster an environment of support and understanding. On the 5Alpha apparel webpage, they share, “More than a clothing company, our goal is to be a companion… a daily reminder of what hard work and passion can do for you in return.” (5Alpha). This quote embodies what they are about as a company; a customer is not just a customer. 5Alpha’s team cares deeply about every person who comes across the brand and wants to be there for them.

Bridging the Gap between Physical Wellbeing and the Environment

Carina Chieffalo, owner of 5Alpha


Carina is on a path of crafting a community that embodies the triple bottom line. She says, "We are more than a company, rather a community, making products that are the tools to advocate for change." 5Alpha, as the movement it is, already has a consumer base that wants to be better individuals in society; as the company considers becoming more eco-friendly, there will be even steadier progress in growing the consumer base. We recognize that substantially regards the earth, but 5Alpha wants to make sustainability relate to the personal effects it has on an individual. By transitioning to an eco-friendly packaging manufacturing and assembling process, here is where 5Alpha will fortify its marketplace. The products resemble the message of being a better human, and adding a notion of being a better human to the planet will assist 5Alpha in the impact integral to their growth as a movement!

The mission of 5Alpha will explore a holistic sense of the world in which they serve. Considering the people and planet in their work will maximize profit in the long term, resulting in driving positive social engagement and interaction to fulfill their goal of building that community. Carina is inspired to create a brand fueled by fitness with the idea of having a growing community centered around inclusivity. In our interview, Carina said that selling this apparel is more than just an income for her. "It’s about making an impact, not just selling a product." She is using this brand more as an outreach to the people by utilizing her company to distribute products that are tools to advocate for change in our society. The emphasis on domestic production is to supply safe working conditions for those making the 5Alpha apparel and keep the commercial benefits in the United States. Carina's background in leadership, ethics, and organizational sustainability ideals preached at the Haub School of Business at Saint Joseph's University influenced her brand's mission.

Overall impact

The mission of 5Alpha is to optimize its community and capacity for a larger audience of people who are physically aware and eco-aware in a shared space. We recognize that achieving these goals will take time, so we developed short-term and long-term goals to help target our centered audience. 5Alpha is dedicated to reeling the space of community to bridge the gap between our planet, the people, and the profit associated. A short-term way to see if the innovation works. would be 5Alpha coming up with a plan concerning.” Looking into these bags and developing a plan to implement them into the company will show a desire to do better for the environment. Since it is still a young company and these “Invisible Bags" cost more than regular packaging, it is not practical to believe that there will be an immediate switch to these bags. However, acknowledging their positive impact on the environment and coming up with an action plan to get to a point where they can institute them would show a short-term motivation to act sustainably. This would have a positive effect on the company's morale. The move to more sustainable packaging will show your company and community that you care deeply about the environment and show the desire to become more environmentally conscious while also looking out for the company's profits.

A long-term effect would be completing the complete implementation of “Invisible Bags.” This would show that the company will act on its promises and goals. It would show the company's growth due to implementing these bags and show that 5Alpha will follow through on its intentions of acting sustainably. These bags are much better for the environment than the classic plastic bag you find your clothes in when shipping them. So, by implementing these, you will be able to limit the plastic output of 5Alpha, which can cause riffs in the business world. By implementing these, it is possible to spread the word to other companies, and it may even motivate them to follow in the footsteps of 5Alpha.

Sustainable practices, such as the use of 'Invisible Bags', can yield significant benefits. In the short term, they demonstrate a company’s commitment to sustainability, boost morale, and set a positive example for society. In the long term, they can reduce a company’s environmental footprint and enhance its reputation as a leader in sustainability. At 5Alpha, we strive to be the bridge between people and the planet, promoting physical health for individuals and the health of the planet through our sustainable practices.

Business benefit

These innovations will bring in positive media, which will, in turn, positively affect their stakeholders. By generating a positive brand image by introducing innovations such as "Invisible bags," attention will be drawn to the company. Through that, there can be the passing on of the name from person to person, allowing more people to be exposed to the brand, which will allow for more impressions on the website and even result in an uptick in sales. By generating this attention, more prominent companies could see 5Alpha, which could lead to partnerships, sponsorships, and cobranded events, which will generate more profit and create more good in the 5Alpha community. 5Alpha, by expressing their care for their community and the environment through these innovations, will allow people all over to learn more about the company's values. This could motivate others and bring in business. This can allow for the spread of the word, a growing awareness of 5Alpha, and, most importantly, an increasing awareness of acting sustainably in the business world.

These innovations can also help the community of 5Alpha grow, which is crucial to them. They see their business as a way to bring a community together, and growing this community will allow the company to grow. The possibility of opening new roles in 5Alpha is another essential innovation as the desire for the product grows, and the need to increase supply and suppliers will also elevate the brand. This depends upon the desired formation of the community scene, and this community could also bring investors into the brand to increase the capacity of 5Alpha. There is room for so much change in this small business as it develops, and we are going to be the push that gets this company over the hump. By building more of a client base, the company will be allowed to grow financially, opening up more avenues to implement more innovations and products to act sustainably.

Social and environmental benefit

5Alpha has a firm vision of utilizing its apparel to drive messages of mental and physical health awareness, sustainability in operations, and building an inclusive community for all people.

5Alpha's focus on mental and physical health being built into its brand identity is a strong point in sales as it looks to create an inclusive community through its apparel. 5Alpha connects physical and mental health by designing durable, high-quality products that encourage longevity and reduce waste. Their versatile clothing for various activities promotes active lifestyles and supports physical well-being. Their community comprises all movement members, and offering sizes catering to diverse body types promotes inclusivity and encourages people to embrace fitness regardless of size. This community brings people together to live a positive life in all areas: physically, mentally, and environmentally. In Carina's eyes, she is more focused on impacting the people who involve themselves with 5Alpha rather than merely selling a product for profit. She envisions a brick-and-mortar facility, including a gym, networking areas, a computer lab, and many more areas for the community she has built to thrive and impact the surrounding communities. 5Alpha is focused on bringing communities together through its clothing and offers an inclusive environment with "exclusive" benefits.

5Alpha apparel is manufactured within the United States borders to ensure payable wages and proper working conditions are granted to employees who work at manufacturing plants. Carina and 5Alpha want to ensure safe working conditions along with sustainable materials used in producing and distributing their apparel. The company is looking to shift its distribution material to more biodegradable and compostable packaging instead of plastic wrapping and EcoEnclose mailers instead of traditional box packaging for shipping their products. Their efforts in responsible production and consumption and their mission to reduce inequalities for the people who produce their goods are some aspects that elevate 5Alpha to this peak in which the company resides.


Carina Chieffalo, Owner

Business information

Five Alpha

Five Alpha

Philadelphia, PA, US
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2020
Number of Employees: 2 to 10

5Alpha Apparel, founded in 2019 by Carina Chieffalo, is an athletic apparel company whose mission embodies the self-improvement and empowerment of all. The motto inspires the company, “Do better than the person before you.” She is committed to sustainability in aspects concerning the people served and the planet we inhabit; the clothing brand is environmentally conscious and socially responsible. 5Alpha strives to foster a community surrounding lifestyle fashion that enhances style while meticulously inputting purpose into every garment crafted.