PT Hino Motor Sales Indonesia

Bridging the Gap Between Automotive Education and the Industrial World

8341 E89B


Andri Gunawan

Andri Gunawan


IPMI International Business School

IPMI International Business School


Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Amelia Naim Indrajaya

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure 17. Partnerships for the Goals

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PT Hino Motor Sales Indonesia (HMSI) has regularly supported some vocational schools in Jakarta, West Java, and Banten by providing automotive machinery models for these schools. These automotive machinery models have been converted into simulators to support teaching and learning in school workshops. The main objective of this activity is to reduce the gap between education theory and actual practice in the automotive industry. And Hino also gains benefits through Hino Technician Management Trainee (HTMT), which is conducted periodically to train these vocational school graduates who were elected to have the competence to perform maintenance and repair of Hino vehicles.


With this components simulator, the learning activities about automotive machinery are expected to be an interesting process so that students can actually understand the working system of the truck machinery.

"In practice, only a few vocational schools teach in-depth knowledge about trucks and diesel engines, while the automotive industry, which is engaged in the production, sales and after-sales service of truck and diesel engines requires a reliable workforce. So there is a gap between the skills of the graduate students majoring in automotive with the needs of the automotive industry," said Hiroo Kayanoki, CEO of HMSI.

He also added, "Education is an important starting base to create high-quality human resources who are ready to work in the industry. Hopefully this contribution from Hino Indonesia can be fully utilized with the aim of bringing closer the educational theory and actual practice in the industry."

The selected graduates of these vocational schools can then enter Hino Technician Management Trainee (HTMT), which is conducted periodically to increase their competence to perform maintenance and repair of Hino vehicles. So by doing this, Hino Indonesia can have large pools of talented and ready-to-use technicians to sustain and develop their business.

Bridging the Gap Between Automotive Education and the Industrial World


Indonesia is a large country with a population of 280 million people. However, the capital's large population is not able to support the economic development and prosperity of Indonesia, and so far Indonesia has not managed to become a developed country in Southeast Asia.

One of the main factors that led to the non-optimal economic development is its human resources. This can be seen through the Human Development Index (HDI) of Indonesia. Indonesia’s HDI value for 2015 is 0.689 — which puts the country in the medium level of human development category — positioning it at 113 out of 188 countries and territories.

One of the basic dimensions of Indonesia's HDI so far has been underdeveloped which is the access to knowledge or education. It is proven that before the fiscal year of 2016, the annual education budget had never reached 20% of Indonesia's total annual budget. And finally in fiscal year 2016, for the first time, Indonesia's annual education budget has met what was minimally required by Indonesia's education law.

So while the Indonesian government has just begin to take seriously the importance of increasing the HDI level and gaining more competitive advantage from its abundant source of human capital, Hino Indonesia, representing the private sector in Indonesia, has already realized the importance of high-quality education for their competitiveness. Since 2015, Hino Indonesia has participated in increasing the quality of education by supporting some vocational schools in Jakarta and Tangerang and providing them with automotive machinery models for these schools. By doing this, Hino Indonesia is aiming to close the gap between educational theory and actual practice in the industry, so there will be more pools of talented and highly-skilled human capital to support their business growth and sustainability.

Overall impact

PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia (HMSI) supports some vocational schools in Jakarta, West Java, and Banten by providing automotive machinery models that have been converted into simulators to support teaching and learning in schools' workshops and make the learning activities about automotive machinery more interesting and connected with the real working system of truck machinery.

These improved skills and competencies of school graduates can increase productivity of Indonesia's industries by decreasing learning time needed by the human capital to reach optimum performance. This improved productivity can increase Indonesia's competitiveness in the international business competition and boost Indonesia's Human Development Index.

Business benefit

More highly skilled school graduates combined with apprenticeships programs such as Hino Technician Management Trainee (HTMT) can create large pools of talented and skilled technicians with minimal learning time and high productivity. Through November 2016, 30% of the graduates of vocational schools that joined HTMT have already been absorbed and work full time for Hino Indonesia. With this advantage, Hino Indonesia can grow their business quicker and in a more sustainable manner.

This large pool of talented and skilled technicians can also produce many business innovations that make Hino machinery more efficient and environmentally friendly. These innovations are what truly make Hino business sustainable into the future.

Social and environmental benefit

This CSR Innovation by Hino Indonesia creates more highly skilled vocational school graduates that will be easily absorbed by the industry. It means less unemployment and decreases other negative impacts of unemployment, such as: poverty, crime, public disturbances and political instability.

The benefits experienced by Hino Indonesia by conducting this CSR Innovation can also attract other institutions to replicate this practice in their own industry, and it will multiply the positive impact to the quality of education and their graduates. In time, it will give a major boost to Indonesia's economic growth and competitiveness in the international business environment.


Dyah Maryati, Hino

Business information

PT Hino Motor Sales Indonesia

PT Hino Motor Sales Indonesia

Jakarta, ID
Business Website:
Year Founded: 2003
Number of Employees: 201 to 500
PT Hino Indonesia Manufacturing (before it was split up into PT Hino Motors Manufacturing Indonesia/HMMI and PT Hino Motors Sales Indonesia/HMSI in 2003) was founded in 1982 by Hino Motors Ltd., Japan, Sumitomo Corporation of Japan and Indomobil Group. Hino Indonesia continue to contribute to the development of Indonesia by producing and distributing high-quality commercial vehicles that are environmentally friendly.