Kape Mapya - Coffee Shop

Brewing Community Success

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Mark Anthony Afante

Mark Anthony Afante


De La Salle University Manila

De La Salle University Manila


Pia Manalastas

Pia Manalastas

Global Goals

4. Quality Education 8. Decent Work and Economic Growth 12. Responsible Consumption and Production

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Kape Mapya Coffee Shop stands out by exclusively sourcing coffee beans from the Cordillera Provinces, supporting local farmers, and promoting sustainable agriculture (SDG 8, 12). Additionally, its fair wage policy and employment of working students ensure economic well-being and educational support for the community (SDG 4, 8). This holistic approach demonstrates that sustainable business practices can coexist with profitability and community support.


The roots of Kape Mapya's innovative approach can be traced back to John Paul's early experiences with local coffee. Before establishing Kape Mapya, John Paul sold coffee beans from the Cordillera Provinces. He connected with a resident who provided him with these beans, and this relationship laid the foundation for his future business endeavours. When John Paul decided to open a coffee shop, it was a natural choice to continue using local coffee beans. "Even when I started a coffee shop business, it's a no-brainer for me to use local coffee beans, as I have been using them since I learned how to brew my coffee," he explains.

This initial experience with local coffee beans highlighted their potential and quality, reinforcing John Paul's commitment to promoting local agriculture. Embracing the "support local" advocacy, Kape Mapya prioritises employing people from the local community. This decision provides job opportunities and fosters community and support among employees and customers. By creating a business model that prioritises local sourcing and employment, John Paul has set a precedent for other businesses in the industry.

Kape Mapya's journey from humble beginnings to its current success is a testament to the power of innovation and community support. John Paul's dedication to using local coffee beans and employing residents has created an economically viable and socially responsible business. This approach has allowed Kape Mapya to stand out in the competitive coffee market and build a loyal customer base that values quality and sustainability.

Brewing Community Success

Baristas, both full-time and part-time, diligently prepare orders at the Antipolo branch of Kape Mapya, showcasing their dedication to quality and community.


The motivation for John Paul's innovation came from a deeply personal experience. An elderly resident brewed a freshly brewed coffee for him during a visit to Kalinga Province. This coffee, brewed with traditional methods and local beans, was a revelation. "I tasted a freshly brewed coffee by an elderly resident from the Kalinga Province. And it blew my mind how delicious that cup of coffee was. A barista didn't brew it, but by a local," John Paul recalls. This experience inspired him to share the exceptional quality of local coffee with others.

John Paul wanted people to understand that choosing local doesn't equate to choosing cheap. "I want people also to experience how delicious our local coffee is. Choosing local doesn't equate to choosing cheap. But choosing local means choosing more valuable produce and sustainable living," he emphasises. This vision became the driving force behind Kape Mapya's business model. By sourcing local beans and employing residents, John Paul aimed to create a business that offered high-quality coffee and supported sustainable living.

This inspiration and motivation are evident in every aspect of Kape Mapya's operations. From carefully selected coffee beans to the fair wages paid to employees, every decision reflects John Paul's commitment to quality, sustainability, and community support. This holistic approach has resonated with customers, who appreciate the exceptional coffee and their purchases' positive impact on the local community. John Paul's experience with local coffee has since become a cornerstone of Kape Mapya's success, inspiring others to appreciate and support local produce.

Overall impact

Kalinga Robusta beans have profoundly impacted Kape Mapya's business and the local coffee industry. Previously less popular in coffee shops than Arabica, Kalinga Robusta beans have found a new market through Kape Mapya. John Paul and his team adjusted their recipes to highlight the unique qualities of Kalinga Robusta, known for its robust flavour. This innovation has differentiated Kape Mapya from other coffee shops and created a steady demand for Kalinga Robusta beans.

The increased demand for these beans has had a significant positive impact on local farmers. The high demand for Kalinga Robusta beans means that farmers can sell their produce quickly and at fair prices. John Paul notes, "The local supplies of Kalinga Robusta beans are moving faster. Sometimes, we wait for the new harvest because of the high demand. And it's good news for the farmers that they are selling their produce quickly." This steady demand provides farmers with a reliable source of income, supporting their livelihoods and encouraging sustainable farming practices.

Customers have also responded positively to using Kalinga Robusta beans. Many are pleasantly surprised by the quality and flavour of the locally sourced coffee, often preferring it over imported varieties. Feedback indicates that the coffee's quality is so high that it keeps customers awake well into the night, demonstrating the robustness of Kalinga Robusta beans. This positive customer feedback reinforces the value of local sourcing and highlights the potential of Philippine coffee beans.

Business benefit

Kape Mapya has reaped significant benefits by sourcing Kalinga Robusta beans. This has highlighted the unique qualities of these local beans and attracted a more extensive customer base. This increased coffee demand has driven higher revenue, which has been critical in supporting the company's growth and expansion.

John Paul Catibog, the visionary behind Kape Mapya, states, "Using the locally sourced coffee beans got us on the map. While other coffee shops have their niche, we found ours with our Kalinga beans." This decision has not only improved Kape Mapya's reputation for offering high-quality, locally sourced coffee. Still, it has also allowed the business to generate enough revenue to support its operations effectively. This financial stability has enabled Kape Mapya to pay competitive wages and provide employee benefits such as meal allowances, fostering a motivated and loyal workforce. "Fair wages are essential to business because they ensure high retention rates. Our first employee has been with us since day one," John Paul adds.

The success with Kalinga Robusta beans has paved the way for Kape Mapya's expansion. The coffee shop has extended its reach beyond Taytay, opening a new branch in Antipolo, Rizal. John Paul reflects on this achievement: "By supporting local farmers, employees, and the local community, it's easier for people to support us. Locals are supporting locals." This expansion into a new market is a testament to the strong customer base and brand reputation built through the innovative use of local coffee beans. Kape Mapya continues to grow and thrive by maintaining its commitment to local sourcing, setting a standard for sustainability and quality in the coffee industry.

Social and environmental benefit

Kape Mapya's commitment to fair wages is evident in its employee compensation structure. The minimum daily wage in the Philippines varies by region and sector, but it generally ranges from around 350 to 500 pesos per day. Kape Mapya pays its full-time employees 350 pesos (USD 5.99) for an 8-hour workday plus an additional 175 pesos (USD 2.99) for 4 hours of overtime. Employees also receive a 100-peso (USD 1.71) meal allowance and an additional 100-peso (USD 1.71) incentive if the store meets its daily sales target. This brings a full-time employee's total potential daily earnings to 725 pesos (USD 12.41) for a 12-hour workday, provided the sales target is met.

For context, the minimum wage of 350 to 500 pesos daily translates to approximately $5.99 to USD 8.56. Despite potentially having fewer than ten employees and not legally required to pay the minimum wage, Kape Mapya exceeds these requirements to ensure its staff receives fair compensation. This practice fosters a positive work environment and increases employee retention and satisfaction.

Moreover, Kape Mapya's use of Kalinga Robusta beans supports sustainable agriculture and provides a high-quality, affordable product for the local community. By sourcing coffee beans locally, Kape Mapya reduces the environmental impact of transporting imported beans, thus contributing to a smaller carbon footprint. Additionally, the affordability of locally sourced coffee makes it accessible to a broader range of customers, allowing more people to enjoy premium coffee without the high costs typically associated with imported brands. This approach promotes sustainable living and strengthens the local economy by keeping resources within the community.


John Paul S. Catibog, Owner

Photo of interviewee

Business information

Kape Mapya - Coffee Shop

Kape Mapya - Coffee Shop

Taytay, Rizal, PH
Year Founded: 2022
Number of Employees: 11 to 50

Kape Mapya is a coffee shop that delivers its customers high-quality, locally sourced coffee. Located in Taytay, with a new branch in Antipolo, Rizal, the business prides itself on using beans from the Kalinga region, ensuring a rich and unique coffee experience. In addition to serving exceptional coffee, Kape Mapya is committed to social responsibility by providing fair wages and job opportunities to local community members, including working students. The shop's focus on sustainability and community support sets it apart in the competitive coffee industry.