Louis Vuitton

Bracelets for Life


Clarissa Trunci

Clarissa Trunci

Emanuel Papadopoulos

Emanuel Papadopoulos


St. John's University

St. John's University


Charles Wankel

Charles Wankel

Global Goals

1. No Poverty 2. Zero Hunger 3. Good Health and Well-Being 4. Quality Education 6. Clean Water and Sanitation

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Silver Lockit is a Louis Vuitton bracelet that was designed by Virgil Abloh and created in partnership with UNICEF for countries in need.


This bracelet is a collaboration with UNICEF to support children all over the world. Thus far, this bracelet has raised over $18 million for UNICEF since 2016. It is called Silver Lockit (made of natural Aluminium) and is a symbol of protection that represents the promise that the brand made to help children in urgent need.

The brand was not only interested in helping children all over the world but also in increasing awareness worldwide. The bracelet is something that clients can use and show to other people, therefore increasing awareness and also getting other clients interested because they know that their money will go to charity.

Bracelets for Life


The inspiration for this innovation comes from how complex the world is today. The leader considers the world to be complex with a lack of communication between people. People are having a hard time comprehending that not everyone lives in the same reality. She used the elections as an example of how people have a hard time adjusting to things they don't like and struggle to comprehend that the world does not work the way they want it to.

It is very hard for us to always remember that there are people in need and that we have to do as much as we can to help them. The bracelet is a way of making people more aware and more connected to this reality.

Overall impact

Daniela answered the question about where the biggest change happens with the money that comes from the bracelets. She explained that the money goes to the country that needs it at that present moment. For example, if Ghana needs the money the most, the resources are allocated first to there, and then to the remaining countries.

Daniela also explained how much of the profit made with the bracelets goes to UNICEF, which is U$ 100 for each bracelet and U$200 for every necklace sent directly to the institution. About 25% of the price of the product goes to UNICEF. She also explained that the bracelets not only help raise money, but they are also there to make people more aware that there are countries that need help.

Business benefit

Louis Vuitton seems to be aware of the current state of the world and wants to enable its customers to help with issues and increase awareness about them. They try to do the best they can to help others and with that, they give an example to other brands on how to help with possible difficulties all over the world.

This also benefits the business because when clients know that the brand cares about children worldwide, they are more likely to purchase from Louis Vuitton, and are more likely to also incentivize other people to donate and create more awareness.

Social and environmental benefit

Daniela believes that the biggest achievement of this partnership is making clients and workers more aware of the world around them and the difficulties that are present. She explained that even during the COVID-19 pandemic their employees were all very conscious about what was going on and tried to donate and help as much as possible. She said that equality is one of the values the brand tries to apply as much as possible to their employees and everywhere in the world.

She explained that 50% of the material used for bags and boxes at Louis Vuitton is recycled. More importantly, however, they reduced the amount of transportation for these materials so the brand would affect the environment less. They did this by designing packaging material so it could be assembled on site, reducing the space it takes up during transport. By saving space on the planes, they are able to transport more boxes and bags on that plane, and therefore this reduces the number of planes used.


Daniela Gontijo, Director

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Business information

Louis Vuitton

Louis Vuitton

Year Founded: 1854
Number of Employees: 5001 to 10000

Louis Vuitton is a high-end luxury company that produces items from luggage, wallets, and purses to dresses, suits, and colognes. It was established in 1854, in Paris, France. Louis Vuitton’s mission statement is "to represent the most refined qualities of Western 'Art de Vivre' around the world.” By 2030, they are estimated to reduce their carbon footprint by 50%.